updating readme

lza_menace 1 year ago
parent 3c1e1fcc59
commit a09e7a70d9

@ -1,27 +1,16 @@
# neroswap
This is a GUI client that allows you to facilitate p2p swap requests between XMR and WOW.
It optionally allows you to lurk in IRC, chat with anons, run/manage nodes (wip), and stream [WOW!Radio](https://radio.wownero.com).
It includes an embedded Tor process for easy tunneling over Tor.
This is a prototype application for the time being. Expect bugs/quirks.
# How it (will) (maybe) Work(s)
IRC is the medium of p2p swapping. Similar to #otc trades, except with a little more user friendly controls.
It is *not* an atomic swap and caution will need to be taken when initiating swaps with strangers.
When you wish to initiate a swap (i.e. you have WOW and want XMR or vice-versa):
* Run the client
* Click "Request Swap"
* A notice is sent to an IRC channel where other clients will "see" the request
* Other clients will be able to easily "Fund Swap"
* Wait for a participant
The GUI will connect to a given IRC server and channel
# node gui
GUI service that makes it easy for anyone to run a node of their own with no tech skills required.
## Todo
* check if node already running
* stop/start node process
* setup work dir
* config file for saving prefs
* store logs
* view logs in client
* expose tor hidden service
* persist hidden service
* allow additional configurations
* simple or advanced modes (show all config opts)

@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ impl eframe::App for App {
if self.show_node_logs {
egui::ScrollArea::vertical().stick_to_bottom(true).show(ui, |ui| {
// ui.label(self.irc.read_irc_log(self.irc_active_channel.clone()));
self.node_log = self.node.read_log();
ui.horizontal(|ui| {
ui.text_edit_singleline(&mut self.node_log);
// ui.text_edit_singleline(&mut self.node_log);
// if ui.button("Clear IRC Log").clicked() {
// let _ = std::fs::File::create(crate::IRC_LOG);

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ impl Node {