138 Commits (master)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Guten Ye f896490c21 Added decodeRctSimple
5 years ago
Paul Shapiro fb9b24d804 Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:mymonero/mymonero-core-cpp into develop
5 years ago
Paul Shapiro a143ee2037 monero_send_routine: replacing pass-by-ref since that was not the real issue
5 years ago
Paul Shapiro a60835b2bd Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:mymonero/mymonero-core-cpp into develop
5 years ago
Paul Shapiro e11449378f async_send_funds args: copies instead of refs to prevent going out of scope exceptions
5 years ago
Paul Shapiro d0d7584fca
Merge pull request #12 from ExodusMovement/guten/estimate_rct_tx_size
5 years ago
Paul Shapiro 707416165b ndorf: Pass ptree by const ref
5 years ago
Paul Shapiro 649290a18a test_all: fixed test log name
5 years ago
Paul Shapiro c51f8bff94 removed emscr async bridge from CMakeLists
5 years ago
Paul Shapiro 399d3fadf1 Implemented async monero send routine
5 years ago
Guten Ye 1fd7d422bd Added estimate_rct_tx_size
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 41fbc55521 added bridge__mainnet_pubKeyDerivations test case to verify output ownership in generated txs; monero_transfer_utils / serial_bridge_index: exposed tx_pub_key retVal .. one possible addtl retVal would be the output pub keys.. but is there a use in non-test envs for that data?
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro e9d411deec updated monero_wallet_utils::decoded_seed with support to sanitize mnemonic string input with redundant and illegal whitespace chars, and updated tests; fixed bug in same function which prevented to_lower() call from being effective
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 91048e388d info about boost deps
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 0f6a76edbc README: rephrase
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 13b943d580 integrating openmonero's fix for mymonero-app-js#240 for spending rct coinbase outs
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 6f11fff141 monero_transfer_utils: minor comment clarifications, formatting, and checking (basically impossible) err retval from _rct_hex_to_decrypted_mask; test_all: added stagenet coinbase outputs send test
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro aea00b3108 monero_transfers_utils removed unused line that caused extra copy
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro cf11304a9d README: minor updates
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 199482f040 updated README for new send procedure calls, etc
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 5b284026b2 README: notes about embedding C++; initial notes about updates to Send calls
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro f95ab37278 README: minor updates to bridge API docs for fees
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro c71b31ce53 validate components for login: disallowing subaddrs
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro ee3eede5d2 send step2 clarified arg sending_amount as final_total_wo_fee
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 9ed97d0902 commented some new logs - it would be nice to enable these later
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 8c81237303 send: tweaked step2 name
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 7874458317 serial_bridge: added missing err_msg when errCode on new send fns
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 617659c707 fixed bug when sending to subaddrs - cryptonote_tx_utils takes a list of tx_destination_entrys which it assumes have got their is_subaddr flags set correctly - and the flag that the to-address is a subaddress didn't get ported from cn_utils construct/create tx because we didn't need to do it in core-js to add subaddr support there – given that in core-js we modified the pub key for subaddr sending by directly detecting whether the dst addr is a subaddr – a difference from cryptonote_tx_utils. funds that were sent using the faulty subaddr support are not lost and are recoverable because only the tx pub key of the txs was incorrectly written - if the correct tx pub key is generated and use for that tx then funds can be scanned and sent from the correct receiving wallet - mymonero-app-js#237
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro a9daf4cef9 ported of send_coins.js / SendFunds() to C++, incl initial block weight support (previous commit already updated fee); set a few 'rct' lookups from get() to get_optional() in serial bridge (likely bugfix for pre rct outs - probably was the cause of some exceptions); returning tx and txBlob_byteLength from convenience__create_transaction for send fns; removed now unnecessary calculate_fee, estimate_rct_tx_size, create_transaction from bridge (encapsulated in send routine).. switched estimated_tx_network_fee over to fee_per_b (API change - the app-side bridge will take fee_per_kb with optl fee_per_b, preferring the latter and converting the former to b by /= 1024
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro bb9e55d4fe initial fee updates for block weight based tx construction; moved some functions around (+monero_fee_utils)
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 4ae115f842 submod coms
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro d8d3c0f1a6 monero_wallet_utils: switched from memcpy to .data() access
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 1362364c12 submod: new commits
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 69d69634fc updated to
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 637ba203eb note about develop branch / git flow
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro d8aa609fc1 updated test_all with ringsize 11 test data for create_transaction, and removed partially redundant create_transaction test so only one dataset has to be maintained (and since coverage is basically the same)
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro a1b0aab6f6 test_all: updating 1/3 failing tests, BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(bridged__estimate_rct_tx_size)
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 3d81b96812 updating fixed_ringsize from 7 to 11
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro db905570d0 removed new_fake_address_for_rct_tx as it's already in create_transaction
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 55f2ac867b monero_address_utils: BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION -> THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 856d8826bb fixed address_and_keys_from_seed arg name
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 1054d0c780 removed accidentally committed debug log
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 5d2e6db0f3 uint -> unsigned int for emscripten
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 916b154e31 added address_and_keys_from_seed (renamed from create_address in old mymonero-core-js), generate_key_derivation, derive_public_key, derive_subaddress_public_key, and decodeRct
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro a6e414dda2 README: mentioning sec spend key and seed are optional in validate_components_for_login
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro aca5f31361 serial_bridge_index: validate components for login: sec spend key and seed: added missing get_optionals to expose view-only login
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro e8620e3c6f serial_bridge_index: changed .get for rct to get_optional
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 4f62643d71 README with JSON bridge docs
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 95f140f373 some cleanups per feedback
6 years ago
Paul Shapiro 31c63e2f40 exposed create_transaction unlock_time via bridge
6 years ago