updated monero_wallet_utils::decoded_seed with support to sanitize mnemonic string input with redundant and illegal whitespace chars, and updated tests; fixed bug in same function which prevented to_lower() call from being effective

Paul Shapiro 6 years ago
parent 91048e388d
commit e9d411deec

@ -163,23 +163,36 @@ bool monero_wallet_utils::are_equal_mnemonics(const string &words_a, const strin
const uint32_t stable_32B_seed_mnemonic_word_count = 25;
const uint32_t legacy_16B_seed_mnemonic_word_count = 13;
bool _areBothSpaceChars(char lhs, char rhs) {
return lhs == rhs && lhs == ' ';
bool monero_wallet_utils::decoded_seed(
const epee::wipeable_string &mnemonic_string__ref,
const epee::wipeable_string &arg__mnemonic_string__ref,
MnemonicDecodedSeed_RetVals &retVals
) {
retVals = {};
// sanitize inputs
if (mnemonic_string__ref.empty()) {
if (arg__mnemonic_string__ref.empty()) {
retVals.did_error = true;
retVals.err_string = "Please enter a valid seed";
return false;
string mnemonic_string = string(mnemonic_string__ref.data(), mnemonic_string__ref.size()); // just going to take a copy rather than require people to pass mutable string in.
string mnemonic_string = string(arg__mnemonic_string__ref.data(), arg__mnemonic_string__ref.size()); // just going to take a copy rather than require people to pass mutable string in.
// input sanitization
boost::algorithm::to_lower(mnemonic_string); // critical
// TODO: strip wrapping whitespace? anything else?
// converting undesireable whitespace chars to spaces, then removing redundant spaces (this ensures "word\nword"->"word word"
std::replace(mnemonic_string.begin(), mnemonic_string.end(), '\r', ' ');
std::replace(mnemonic_string.begin(), mnemonic_string.end(), '\n', ' ');
std::replace(mnemonic_string.begin(), mnemonic_string.end(), '\t', ' ');
std::string::iterator new_end = std::unique(mnemonic_string.begin(), mnemonic_string.end(), _areBothSpaceChars);
mnemonic_string.erase(new_end, mnemonic_string.end());
// FIXME: any other input sanitization to do here?
const epee::wipeable_string &mnemonic_string__ref = mnemonic_string; // re-obtain wipeable_string ref
std::stringstream stream(mnemonic_string); // to count words…
unsigned long word_count = std::distance(std::istream_iterator<std::string>(stream), std::istream_iterator<std::string>());
// unsigned long word_count = boost::range::distance(boost::algorithm::make_split_iterator(mnemonic_string, boost::algorithm::is_space())); // TODO: get this workin

@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(bridged__are_equal_mnemonics)
boost::property_tree::ptree root;
root.put("a", "foxe selfish hum nexus juven dodeg pepp ember biscuti elap jazz vibrate biscui");
root.put("b", "fox sel hum nex juv dod pep emb bis ela jaz vib bis");
root.put("b", "fox sel hum nex juv\r \ndod pep emb bis ela jaz vib bis");
auto ret_string = serial_bridge::are_equal_mnemonics(args_string_from_root(root));
stringstream ret_stream;
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(bridged__seed_and_keys_from_mnemonic)
using namespace serial_bridge;
boost::property_tree::ptree root;
root.put("mnemonic_string", "foxe selfish hum nexus juven dodeg pepp ember biscuti elap jazz vibrate biscui");
root.put("mnemonic_string", "foxe selfish\n\r \t hum nexus juven dodeg pepp \r\n\r\n ember biscuti elap jazz vibrate biscui");
root.put("nettype_string", string_from_nettype(MAINNET));
auto ret_string = serial_bridge::seed_and_keys_from_mnemonic(args_string_from_root(root));
@ -756,6 +756,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(bridged__seed_and_keys_from_mnemonic)
BOOST_REQUIRE(address_string != none);
BOOST_REQUIRE((*address_string).size() > 0);
cout << "bridged__seed_and_keys_from_mnemonic: address: " << *address_string << endl;
BOOST_REQUIRE((*address_string) == "43zxvpcj5Xv9SEkNXbMCG7LPQStHMpFCQCmkmR4u5nzjWwq5Xkv5VmGgYEsHXg4ja2FGRD5wMWbBVMijDTqmmVqm93wHGkg");
optional<string> pub_viewKey_string = ret_tree.get_optional<string>(ret_json_key__pub_viewKey_string());
BOOST_REQUIRE(pub_viewKey_string != none);
BOOST_REQUIRE((*pub_viewKey_string).size() > 0);
