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<img src="" align="left" width="336" height="124">
## Zero dependency, small footprint, cross-platform I2P Java Router with GUI, simple tunnel/socks controller and SAM interface
This project will run under Linux, and build native launchers for Linux, MacOS and Windows.
The launchers will include the I2P router, a SAM listener, simple tunnel and socks tunnel functionality and a minimal JVM.
## GUI Screenshots
<img src="" align="center" width="472" height="451">
<img src="" align="center" width="892" height="498">
## Footprint
The zero-dependency distribution sizes are as follows:
OS | Uncompressed size (MB) | xz Compressed size (MB)
------------ | ------------- | -------------
Linux | 42.6 | 23.4
MacOS | 40.2 | 21.1
Windows | 33.1 | 20.8
## Building the launchers
From a freshly installed Ubuntu system, first ensure git is installed:
`sudo apt install git`
Then, retrieve this project from git:
`git clone`
Note that the current version of this script uses jdk-11.0.2. If this version of Java becomes no longer available for
download, then update the references to jdk-11.0.2 in to the later version. To locate a recent
JDK download URL, see
Also note that JDKs for Linux, MacOS and Windows will be downloaded, which will total several hundred megabytes.
Run the `bin/` script, which will in turn call the following scripts:
1. `bin/` to retrieve the I2P Java sources, OpenJDK and the Ant build tool
2. `bin/` to build the I2P project retrieved from the I2P repository
3. `` to convert the I2P JARs to modules, compile the Java source code in this project, and then use
the jlink tool to build zero-dependency platform-specific launchers.
## Running the launchers
To run the Linux router, type:
or `dist/linux/router/bin/`
To run the MacOS router, type:
or `dist/mac/router/bin/`
For Windows, run:
or `dist/windows/router/bin/launch-gui.bat`
Note that for the Windows GUI to run, you may need to install the latest <a href="">Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable</a>
If it launches successfully, you'll see the message:
I2P router launched. SAM listening on port 7656.
Press Ctrl-C to gracefully shut down the router (or send the SIGINT signal to the process).
## Check that the I2P router is running and that it is listening for SAM connections
`fuser 7656/tcp`
## Tunnel control
Note that it may take a short while for new tunnels to be set up.
Call the `dist/linux/router/bin/` script as follows to create and destroy tunnels:
#### Listen for i2p connections and forward them to the specified host and port. Returns a newly created destination public key.
` server.create <host> <port>`
#### Close the tunnel listening for connections on the specified destination public key. Returns "OK".
` server.destroy <i2p destination public key>`
#### Create a tunnel that listens for connections on localhost and forwards connections over I2P to the specified destination public key. Returns a newly created localhost port number.
` client.create <i2p destination public key>`
#### Close the tunnel listening for connections on the specified port. Returns "OK".
` client.destroy <port>`
#### Create a socks tunnel, listening on the specified port
` socks.create <port>`
#### Destroy the socks tunnel listening on the specified port
` socks.destroy <port>`
#### Start a SAM listener on port 7656. Returns "OK"
` sam.create`
## Watch the I2P log for messages
`tail -f dist/linux/router/i2p.config/wrapper.log`