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#![cfg_attr(not(debug_assertions), windows_subsystem = "windows")]
// hide console window on Windows in release
pub use crate::player::Player;
pub use crate::app::App;
mod app;
mod player;
mod tor;
mod stats;
mod irc;
// "http://wowradiod6mhb4ignjqy5ghf5l42yh2yeumgeq3yi7gn7yqy3efhe5ad.onion"
// "http://wowradiof5wx62w4avdk5fwbvcoea2z4ul2q3awffn5vmfaa3vhlgiid.onion"
// "http://radio.poysibicsj73uhw7sjrv3fyopoyulrns4nlr5amyqdtafkqzlocd4qad.onion"
// "http://anonyradixhkgh5myfrkarggfnmdzzhhcgoy2v66uf7sml27to5n2tid.onion"
// "http://u2frppcgwqmoca7h3hu5l72upkwhcf2n6umrkqsnvnpahjynkre6sqyd.onion:8300/radio"
// ""
pub const TOR_DATA: &str = &"/tmp/tor-rust";
pub const TOR_LOG: &str = &"/tmp/tor-rust/tor.log";
pub const RADIO_STREAM: &str = &"radio.ogg";
fn cleanup() {
let r: std::io::Result<()> = std::fs::remove_file(&RADIO_STREAM);
match r {
_ => ()
fn main() {
let (_stream, stream_handle) = rodio::OutputStream::try_default().unwrap();
let sink: rodio::Sink = rodio::Sink::try_new(&stream_handle).unwrap();
let player: player::Player = player::Player::new(sink, stream_handle);
let mut app: app::App = app::App::default();
app.player = player;
let options: eframe::NativeOptions = eframe::NativeOptions::default();
"lza gui",
Box::new(|_cc| Box::new(app)),
let _ = cleanup();