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# MyMonero Core JS
### Info
1. Legal
2. What's in This Repo?
3. Library API Documentation
4. Building MyMoneroCoreCpp from Scratch
### Contributing
1. QA
2. Pull Requests
# Info
## Legal
See `LICENSE.txt` for license.
All source code copyright © 2014-2018 by MyMonero. All rights reserved.
## What's in This Repo?
This repository holds the Javascript source code for the Monero/CryptoNote cryptography and protocols, plus lightwallet functions which power the official [MyMonero]( apps.
There is also a chain of build scripts which is capable of building a JS module by transpiling a subset of Monero source code via emscripten, which relies upon static boost libs, for which there is also a script for building from source.
### Contents
* `monero_utils` contains Monero- and MyMonero-specific implementations, wrappers, and declarations.
* `cryptonote_utils` contains the MyMonero JS implementations for the underlying cryptography behind Monero.
* `cryptonote_utils/MyMoneroCoreCpp.(js,wasm)` are produced by transpiling Monero core C++ code to JS via Emscripten (See *Building MyMoneroCoreCpp*). A Module instance is managed by `cryptonote_utils/cryptonote_utils.js`.
* This readme is located at ``, and the license is located at `LICENSE.txt`.
## Library API Documentation
*Coming soon*
## Building MyMoneroCoreCpp from Scratch
There's no need to build cryptonote_utils/MyMoneroCoreCpp as a build is provided, but if you were for example interested in adding a C++ function, you could use the information in this section to transpile it to JS.
### Repository Setup
* Execute `bin/update_submodules`
### Install Emscripten SDK
Ensure you've [properly installed Emscripten]( and exposed the Emscripten executables in your PATH, e.g.:
source ./
### Boost for Emscripten
*Depends upon:* Emscripten SDK
Download a copy of the contents of the Boost source into `./contrib/boost-sdk/`.
* Execute `bin/`
### Emscripten Module
*Depends upon:* Repository Setup, Emscripten SDK, Boost for Emscripten
* Execute `bin/`
Or if you want to copy the build products to their distribution locations,
* Execute `bin/`
# Contributing
## QA
Please submit any bugs as Issues unless they have already been reported.
Suggestions and feedback are very welcome!
## Pull Requests
We'll merge nearly anything constructive. Contributors welcome and credited in releases.
We often collaborate over IRC in #mymonero on Freenode.
**All development happens off the `develop` branch like the Gitflow Workflow.**
## Regular contributors
* 💿 `endogenic` ([Paul Shapiro]( Maintainer
* 🍄 `luigi` Major contiributor of original JS core crypto and Monero-specific routines; Advisor
* 🏄‍♂️ `paullinator` ([Paul Puey]( API design
* 🔒 `cryptochangement` Subaddress send & decode support; Initial tests