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MyMonero Core JS


  1. Legal
  2. What's in This Repo?
  3. Library Roadmap
  4. Library API Documentation
  5. Building MyMoneroCoreCpp from Scratch


  1. QA
  2. Pull Requests


See LICENSE.txt for license.

All source code copyright © 2014-2018 by MyMonero. All rights reserved.

What's in This Repo?

This repository holds the Javascript source code for the Monero/CryptoNote cryptography and protocols, plus lightwallet functions which power the official MyMonero apps.

There is also a chain of build scripts which is capable of building a JS module by transpiling a subset of Monero source code via emscripten, which relies upon static boost libs, for which there is also a script for building from source.


  • monero_utils contains Monero- and MyMonero-specific implementations, wrappers, and declarations.

  • cryptonote_utils contains the MyMonero JS implementations for the underlying cryptography behind Monero.

    • cryptonote_utils/MyMoneroCoreCpp.(js,wasm) are produced by transpiling Monero core C++ code to JS via Emscripten (See Building MyMoneroCoreCpp). A Module instance is managed by cryptonote_utils/cryptonote_utils.js.
  • This readme is located at, and the license is located at LICENSE.txt.

Library Roadmap

  • Investigate replacing entire implementation with bindings to lightwallet API in official Monero core wallet C++

Library API Documentation

Coming soon

Building MyMoneroCoreCpp from Scratch

There's no need to build cryptonote_utils/MyMoneroCoreCpp as a build is provided, but if you were for example interested in adding a C++ function, you could use the information in this section to transpile it to JS.

Repository Setup

  • Execute bin/update_submodules

Install Emscripten SDK

Ensure you've properly installed Emscripten and exposed the Emscripten executables in your PATH, e.g.:

source ./

Boost for Emscripten

Depends upon: Emscripten SDK

Download a copy of the contents of the Boost source into ./contrib/boost-sdk/.

  • Execute bin/

Emscripten Module

Depends upon: Repository Setup, Emscripten SDK, Boost for Emscripten

  • Execute bin/

Or if you want to copy the build products to their distribution locations,

  • Execute bin/



Please submit any bugs as Issues unless they have already been reported.

Suggestions and feedback are very welcome!

Pull Requests

We'll merge nearly anything constructive. Contributors welcome and credited in releases.

We often collaborate over IRC in #mymonero on Freenode.

All development happens off the develop branch like the Gitflow Workflow.

Regular contributors

  • 💿 endogenic (Paul Shapiro) Maintainer

  • 🍄 luigi Major core crypto and Monero routine implementation contributor; Advisor

  • 🏄‍♂️ paullinator (Paul Puey) API design

  • 🔒 cryptochangement Subaddress send & decode support; Initial tests

  • 💩 henrynguyen5 Code quality, modernization, tests; HW wallet support (in progress)