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package com.wownero.wownerujo.util;
import com.wownero.wownerujo.model.WalletManager;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class CrazyPassEncoder {
static final String BASE = "23456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ";
static final int PW_CHARS = 52;
// this takes a 32 byte buffer and converts it to 52 alphnumeric characters
// separated by blanks every 4 characters = 13 groups of 4
// always (padding by Xs if need be
static public String encode(byte[] data) {
if (data.length != 32) throw new IllegalArgumentException("data[] is not 32 bytes long");
BigInteger rest = new BigInteger(1, data);
BigInteger remainder;
final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
final BigInteger base = BigInteger.valueOf(BASE.length());
int i = 0;
do {
if ((i > 0) && (i % 4 == 0)) result.append(' ');
remainder = rest.remainder(base);
rest = rest.divide(base);
} while (!BigInteger.ZERO.equals(rest));
// pad it
while (i < PW_CHARS) {
if ((i > 0) && (i % 4 == 0)) result.append(' ');
return result.toString();
static public String reformat(String password) {
// maybe this is a CrAzYpass without blanks? or lowercase letters
String noBlanks = password.toUpperCase().replaceAll(" ", "");
if (noBlanks.length() == PW_CHARS) { // looks like a CrAzYpass
// insert blanks every 4 characters
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < PW_CHARS; i++) {
if ((i > 0) && (i % 4 == 0)) sb.append(' ');
char c = noBlanks.charAt(i);
if (BASE.indexOf(c) < 0) return null; // invalid character found
return sb.toString();
} else {
return null; // not a CrAzYpass