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package com.m2049r.xmrwallet.model;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class WalletManager {
final static String TAG = "WalletManager";
static {
// no need to keep a reference to the REAL WalletManager (we get it every tvTime we need it)
private static WalletManager Instance = null;
public static WalletManager getInstance() { // TODO not threadsafe
if (WalletManager.Instance == null) {
WalletManager.Instance = new WalletManager();
return WalletManager.Instance;
public Wallet createWallet(String path, String password, String language, boolean isTestNet) {
long walletHandle = createWalletJ(path, password, language, isTestNet);
return new Wallet(walletHandle);
public Wallet openWallet(String path, String password, boolean isTestNet) {
long walletHandle = openWalletJ(path, password, isTestNet);
return new Wallet(walletHandle);
public Wallet recoveryWallet(String path, String mnemonic, boolean isTestNet) {
return recoveryWallet(path, mnemonic, isTestNet, 0);
public Wallet recoveryWallet(String path, String mnemonic, boolean isTestNet, long restoreHeight) {
long walletHandle = recoveryWalletJ(path, mnemonic, isTestNet, restoreHeight);
return new Wallet(walletHandle);
private native long createWalletJ(String path, String password, String language, boolean isTestNet);
private native long openWalletJ(String path, String password, boolean isTestNet);
private native long recoveryWalletJ(String path, String mnemonic, boolean isTestNet, long restoreHeight);
private native long createWalletFromKeysJ(String path, String language,
boolean isTestNet,
long restoreHeight,
String addressString,
String viewKeyString,
String spendKeyString);
public native boolean walletExists(String path);
public native boolean verifyWalletPassword(String keys_file_name, String password, boolean watch_only);
//public native List<String> findWallets(String path); // this does not work - some error in boost
public class WalletInfo {
public File path;
public String name;
public String address;
public List<WalletInfo> findWallets(File path) {
List<WalletInfo> wallets = new ArrayList<>();
Log.d(TAG, "Scanning: " + path.getAbsolutePath());
File[] found = path.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File dir, String filename) {
return filename.endsWith(".keys");
for (int i = 0; i < found.length; i++) {
WalletInfo info = new WalletInfo();
info.path = path;
String filename = found[i].getName(); = filename.substring(0, filename.length() - 5); // 5 is length of ".keys"+1
File addressFile = new File(path, + ".address.txt");
Log.d(TAG, addressFile.getAbsolutePath());
info.address = "??????";
BufferedReader addressReader = null;
try {
addressReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(addressFile));
info.address = addressReader.readLine();
} catch (IOException ex) {
Log.d(TAG, ex.getLocalizedMessage());
} finally {
if (addressReader != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
// that's just too bad
return wallets;
public native String getErrorString();
//TODO virtual bool checkPayment(const std::string &address, const std::string &txid, const std::string &txkey, const std::string &daemon_address, uint64_t &received, uint64_t &height, std::string &error) const = 0;
String daemonAddress = null;
public void setDaemonAddress(String address) {
this.daemonAddress = address;
public String getDaemonAddress() {
return this.daemonAddress;
private native void setDaemonAddressJ(String address);
public native int getConnectedDaemonVersion();
public native long getBlockchainHeight();
public native long getBlockchainTargetHeight();
public native long getNetworkDifficulty();
public native double getMiningHashRate();
public native long getBlockTarget();
public native boolean isMining();
public native boolean startMining(String address, boolean background_mining, boolean ignore_battery);
public native boolean stopMining();
public native String resolveOpenAlias(String address, boolean dnssec_valid);
//TODO static std::tuple<bool, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string> checkUpdates(const std::string &software, const std::string &subdir);