/* * Copyright (c) 2017 m2049r * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.wownero.wownerujo.service; import android.app.Notification; import android.app.PendingIntent; import android.app.Service; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.os.Process; import com.wownero.wownerujo.R; import com.wownero.wownerujo.WalletActivity; import com.wownero.wownerujo.data.TxData; import com.wownero.wownerujo.model.PendingTransaction; import com.wownero.wownerujo.model.Wallet; import com.wownero.wownerujo.model.WalletListener; import com.wownero.wownerujo.model.WalletManager; import com.wownero.wownerujo.util.Helper; import timber.log.Timber; public class WalletService extends Service { public static boolean Running = false; final static int NOTIFICATION_ID = 2049; public static final String REQUEST_WALLET = "wallet"; public static final String REQUEST = "request"; public static final String REQUEST_CMD_LOAD = "load"; public static final String REQUEST_CMD_LOAD_PW = "walletPassword"; public static final String REQUEST_CMD_STORE = "store"; public static final String REQUEST_CMD_TX = "createTX"; public static final String REQUEST_CMD_TX_DATA = "data"; public static final String REQUEST_CMD_TX_TAG = "tag"; public static final String REQUEST_CMD_SWEEP = "sweepTX"; public static final String REQUEST_CMD_SEND = "send"; public static final String REQUEST_CMD_SEND_NOTES = "notes"; public static final String REQUEST_CMD_SETNOTE = "setnote"; public static final String REQUEST_CMD_SETNOTE_TX = "tx"; public static final String REQUEST_CMD_SETNOTE_NOTES = "notes"; public static final int START_SERVICE = 1; public static final int STOP_SERVICE = 2; private MyWalletListener listener = null; private class MyWalletListener implements WalletListener { boolean updated = true; void start() { Timber.d("MyWalletListener.start()"); Wallet wallet = getWallet(); if (wallet == null) throw new IllegalStateException("No wallet!"); wallet.setListener(this); wallet.startRefresh(); } void stop() { Timber.d("MyWalletListener.stop()"); Wallet wallet = getWallet(); if (wallet == null) throw new IllegalStateException("No wallet!"); wallet.pauseRefresh(); wallet.setListener(null); } // WalletListener callbacks public void moneySpent(String txId, long amount) { Timber.d("moneySpent() %d @ %s", amount, txId); } public void moneyReceived(String txId, long amount) { Timber.d("moneyReceived() %d @ %s", amount, txId); } public void unconfirmedMoneyReceived(String txId, long amount) { Timber.d("unconfirmedMoneyReceived() %d @ %s", amount, txId); } long lastBlockTime = 0; int lastTxCount = 0; public void newBlock(long height) { Wallet wallet = getWallet(); if (wallet == null) throw new IllegalStateException("No wallet!"); // don't flood with an update for every block ... if (lastBlockTime < System.currentTimeMillis() - 2000) { Timber.d("newBlock() @ %d with observer %s", height, observer); lastBlockTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (observer != null) { boolean fullRefresh = false; updateDaemonState(wallet, wallet.isSynchronized() ? height : 0); if (!wallet.isSynchronized()) { updated = true; // we want to see our transactions as they come in wallet.getHistory().refresh(); int txCount = wallet.getHistory().getCount(); if (txCount > lastTxCount) { // update the transaction list only if we have more than before lastTxCount = txCount; fullRefresh = true; } } if (observer != null) observer.onRefreshed(wallet, fullRefresh); } } } public void updated() { Timber.d("updated()"); Wallet wallet = getWallet(); if (wallet == null) throw new IllegalStateException("No wallet!"); updated = true; } public void refreshed() { Timber.d("refreshed()"); Wallet wallet = getWallet(); if (wallet == null) throw new IllegalStateException("No wallet!"); if (updated) { if (observer != null) { updateDaemonState(wallet, 0); wallet.getHistory().refreshWithNotes(wallet); if (observer != null) { updated = !observer.onRefreshed(wallet, true); } } } } } private long lastDaemonStatusUpdate = 0; private long daemonHeight = 0; private Wallet.ConnectionStatus connectionStatus = Wallet.ConnectionStatus.ConnectionStatus_Disconnected; private static final long STATUS_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 120000; // 120s (blocktime) private void updateDaemonState(Wallet wallet, long height) { long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (height > 0) { // if we get a height, we are connected daemonHeight = height; connectionStatus = Wallet.ConnectionStatus.ConnectionStatus_Connected; lastDaemonStatusUpdate = t; } else { if (t - lastDaemonStatusUpdate > STATUS_UPDATE_INTERVAL) { lastDaemonStatusUpdate = t; // these calls really connect to the daemon - wasting time daemonHeight = wallet.getDaemonBlockChainHeight(); if (daemonHeight > 0) { // if we get a valid height, then obviously we are connected connectionStatus = Wallet.ConnectionStatus.ConnectionStatus_Connected; } else { connectionStatus = Wallet.ConnectionStatus.ConnectionStatus_Disconnected; } } } } public long getDaemonHeight() { return this.daemonHeight; } public Wallet.ConnectionStatus getConnectionStatus() { return this.connectionStatus; } ///////////////////////////////////////////// // communication back to client (activity) // ///////////////////////////////////////////// // NB: This allows for only one observer, i.e. only a single activity bound here private Observer observer = null; public void setObserver(Observer anObserver) { observer = anObserver; Timber.d("setObserver %s", observer); } public interface Observer { boolean onRefreshed(Wallet wallet, boolean full); void onProgress(String text); void onProgress(int n); void onWalletStored(boolean success); void onTransactionCreated(String tag, PendingTransaction pendingTransaction); void onTransactionSent(String txid); void onSendTransactionFailed(String error); void onSetNotes(boolean success); void onWalletStarted(boolean success); } String progressText = null; int progressValue = -1; private void showProgress(String text) { progressText = text; if (observer != null) { observer.onProgress(text); } } private void showProgress(int n) { progressValue = n; if (observer != null) { observer.onProgress(n); } } public String getProgressText() { return progressText; } public int getProgressValue() { return progressValue; } // public Wallet getWallet() { return WalletManager.getInstance().getWallet(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////// private WalletService.ServiceHandler mServiceHandler; private boolean errorState = false; // Handler that receives messages from the thread private final class ServiceHandler extends Handler { ServiceHandler(Looper looper) { super(looper); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { Timber.d("Handling %s", msg.arg2); if (errorState) { Timber.i("In error state."); // also, we have already stopped ourselves return; } switch (msg.arg2) { case START_SERVICE: { Bundle extras = msg.getData(); String cmd = extras.getString(REQUEST, null); if (cmd.equals(REQUEST_CMD_LOAD)) { String walletId = extras.getString(REQUEST_WALLET, null); String walletPw = extras.getString(REQUEST_CMD_LOAD_PW, null); Timber.d("LOAD wallet %s", walletId); if (walletId != null) { showProgress(getString(R.string.status_wallet_loading)); showProgress(10); boolean success = start(walletId, walletPw); if (observer != null) observer.onWalletStarted(success); if (!success) { errorState = true; stop(); } } } else if (cmd.equals(REQUEST_CMD_STORE)) { Wallet myWallet = getWallet(); Timber.d("STORE wallet: %s", myWallet.getName()); boolean rc = myWallet.store(); Timber.d("wallet stored: %s with rc=%b", myWallet.getName(), rc); if (!rc) { Timber.w("Wallet store failed: %s", myWallet.getErrorString()); } if (observer != null) observer.onWalletStored(rc); } else if (cmd.equals(REQUEST_CMD_TX)) { Wallet myWallet = getWallet(); Timber.d("CREATE TX for wallet: %s", myWallet.getName()); myWallet.disposePendingTransaction(); // remove any old pending tx TxData txData = extras.getParcelable(REQUEST_CMD_TX_DATA); String txTag = extras.getString(REQUEST_CMD_TX_TAG); PendingTransaction pendingTransaction = myWallet.createTransaction(txData); PendingTransaction.Status status = pendingTransaction.getStatus(); Timber.d("transaction status %s", status); if (status != PendingTransaction.Status.Status_Ok) { Timber.w("Create Transaction failed: %s", pendingTransaction.getErrorString()); } if (observer != null) { observer.onTransactionCreated(txTag, pendingTransaction); } else { myWallet.disposePendingTransaction(); } } else if (cmd.equals(REQUEST_CMD_SWEEP)) { Wallet myWallet = getWallet(); Timber.d("SWEEP TX for wallet: %s", myWallet.getName()); myWallet.disposePendingTransaction(); // remove any old pending tx String txTag = extras.getString(REQUEST_CMD_TX_TAG); PendingTransaction pendingTransaction = myWallet.createSweepUnmixableTransaction(); PendingTransaction.Status status = pendingTransaction.getStatus(); Timber.d("transaction status %s", status); if (status != PendingTransaction.Status.Status_Ok) { Timber.w("Create Transaction failed: %s", pendingTransaction.getErrorString()); } if (observer != null) { observer.onTransactionCreated(txTag, pendingTransaction); } else { myWallet.disposePendingTransaction(); } } else if (cmd.equals(REQUEST_CMD_SEND)) { Wallet myWallet = getWallet(); Timber.d("SEND TX for wallet: %s", myWallet.getName()); PendingTransaction pendingTransaction = myWallet.getPendingTransaction(); if ((pendingTransaction == null) || (pendingTransaction.getStatus() != PendingTransaction.Status.Status_Ok)) { Timber.e("PendingTransaction is %s", pendingTransaction.getStatus()); final String error = pendingTransaction.getErrorString(); myWallet.disposePendingTransaction(); // it's broken anyway if (observer != null) observer.onSendTransactionFailed(error); return; } final String txid = pendingTransaction.getFirstTxId(); boolean success = pendingTransaction.commit("", true); myWallet.disposePendingTransaction(); if (observer != null) observer.onTransactionSent(txid); if (success) { String notes = extras.getString(REQUEST_CMD_SEND_NOTES); if ((notes != null) && (!notes.isEmpty())) { myWallet.setUserNote(txid, notes); } boolean rc = myWallet.store(); Timber.d("wallet stored: %s with rc=%b", myWallet.getName(), rc); if (!rc) { Timber.w("Wallet store failed: %s", myWallet.getErrorString()); } if (observer != null) observer.onWalletStored(rc); listener.updated = true; } } else if (cmd.equals(REQUEST_CMD_SETNOTE)) { Wallet myWallet = getWallet(); Timber.d("SET NOTE for wallet: %s", myWallet.getName()); String txId = extras.getString(REQUEST_CMD_SETNOTE_TX); String notes = extras.getString(REQUEST_CMD_SETNOTE_NOTES); if ((txId != null) && (notes != null)) { boolean success = myWallet.setUserNote(txId, notes); if (!success) { Timber.e(myWallet.getErrorString()); } if (observer != null) observer.onSetNotes(success); if (success) { boolean rc = myWallet.store(); Timber.d("wallet stored: %s with rc=%b", myWallet.getName(), rc); if (!rc) { Timber.w("Wallet store failed: %s", myWallet.getErrorString()); } if (observer != null) observer.onWalletStored(rc); } } } } break; case STOP_SERVICE: stop(); break; default: Timber.e("UNKNOWN %s", msg.arg2); } } } @Override public void onCreate() { // We are using a HandlerThread and a Looper to avoid loading and closing // concurrency MoneroHandlerThread thread = new MoneroHandlerThread("WalletService", Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND); thread.start(); // Get the HandlerThread's Looper and use it for our Handler final Looper serviceLooper = thread.getLooper(); mServiceHandler = new WalletService.ServiceHandler(serviceLooper); Timber.d("Service created"); } @Override public void onDestroy() { Timber.d("onDestroy()"); if (this.listener != null) { Timber.w("onDestroy() with active listener"); // no need to stop() here because the wallet closing should have been triggered // through onUnbind() already } } public class WalletServiceBinder extends Binder { public WalletService getService() { return WalletService.this; } } private final IBinder mBinder = new WalletServiceBinder(); @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { Running = true; // when the activity starts the service, it expects to start it for a new wallet // the service is possibly still occupied with saving the last opened wallet // so we queue the open request // this should not matter since the old activity is not getting updates // and the new one is not listening yet (although it will be bound) Timber.d("onStartCommand()"); // For each start request, send a message to start a job and deliver the // start ID so we know which request we're stopping when we finish the job Message msg = mServiceHandler.obtainMessage(); msg.arg2 = START_SERVICE; if (intent != null) { msg.setData(intent.getExtras()); mServiceHandler.sendMessage(msg); return START_STICKY; } else { // process restart - don't do anything - let system kill it again stop(); return START_NOT_STICKY; } } @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { // Very first client binds Timber.d("onBind()"); return mBinder; } @Override public boolean onUnbind(Intent intent) { Timber.d("onUnbind()"); // All clients have unbound with unbindService() Message msg = mServiceHandler.obtainMessage(); msg.arg2 = STOP_SERVICE; mServiceHandler.sendMessage(msg); Timber.d("onUnbind() message sent"); return true; // true is important so that onUnbind is also called next time } private boolean start(String walletName, String walletPassword) { Timber.d("start()"); startNotfication(); showProgress(getString(R.string.status_wallet_loading)); showProgress(10); if (listener == null) { Timber.d("start() loadWallet"); Wallet aWallet = loadWallet(walletName, walletPassword); if ((aWallet == null) || (aWallet.getConnectionStatus() != Wallet.ConnectionStatus.ConnectionStatus_Connected)) { if (aWallet != null) aWallet.close(); return false; } listener = new MyWalletListener(); listener.start(); showProgress(100); } showProgress(getString(R.string.status_wallet_connecting)); showProgress(101); // if we try to refresh the history here we get occasional segfaults! // doesnt matter since we update as soon as we get a new block anyway Timber.d("start() done"); return true; } public void stop() { Timber.d("stop()"); setObserver(null); // in case it was not reset already if (listener != null) { listener.stop(); Wallet myWallet = getWallet(); Timber.d("stop() closing"); myWallet.close(); Timber.d("stop() closed"); listener = null; } stopForeground(true); stopSelf(); Running = false; } private Wallet loadWallet(String walletName, String walletPassword) { Wallet wallet = openWallet(walletName, walletPassword); if (wallet != null) { Timber.d("Using daemon %s", WalletManager.getInstance().getDaemonAddress()); showProgress(55); wallet.init(0); showProgress(90); } return wallet; } private Wallet openWallet(String walletName, String walletPassword) { String path = Helper.getWalletFile(getApplicationContext(), walletName).getAbsolutePath(); showProgress(20); Wallet wallet = null; WalletManager walletMgr = WalletManager.getInstance(); Timber.d("WalletManager network=%s", walletMgr.getNetworkType().name()); showProgress(30); if (walletMgr.walletExists(path)) { Timber.d("open wallet %s", path); wallet = walletMgr.openWallet(path, walletPassword); showProgress(60); Timber.d("wallet opened"); Wallet.Status status = wallet.getStatus(); Timber.d("wallet status is %s", status); if (status != Wallet.Status.Status_Ok) { Timber.d("wallet status is %s", status); WalletManager.getInstance().close(wallet); // TODO close() failed? wallet = null; // TODO what do we do with the progress?? // TODO tell the activity this failed // this crashes in MyWalletListener(Wallet aWallet) as wallet == null } } return wallet; } private void startNotfication() { Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(this, WalletActivity.class); PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, notificationIntent, 0); Notification notification = new Notification.Builder(this) .setContentTitle(getString(R.string.service_description)) .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_wownero_logo_transparent) .setContentIntent(pendingIntent) .build(); startForeground(NOTIFICATION_ID, notification); } }