You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

74 lines
2.8 KiB

#!/bin/awk -f
function max(a, b) { if (a < b) return b; return a; }
function bytes_str(b) { if (b < 1024) return b " bytes"; if (b < 1024 * 1024) return b/1024 " kB"; return b/1024/1024 " MB"; }
function time_str(b) { if (b < 120) return b " sec"; if (b < 3600) return b/60 " min"; if (b < 86400) return b/3600 " hours"; return b/86400 " days"}
commands["command-1001"] = "HANDSHAKE"
commands["command-1002"] = "TIMED_SYNC"
commands["command-1003"] = "PING"
commands["command-1004"] = "REQUEST_STAT_INFO"
commands["command-1005"] = "REQUEST_NETWORK_STATE"
commands["command-1006"] = "REQUEST_PEER_ID"
commands["command-1007"] = "REQUEST_SUPPORT_FLAGS"
commands["command-2001"] = "NOTIFY_NEW_BLOCK"
commands["command-2002"] = "NOTIFY_NEW_TRANSACTIONS"
commands["command-2003"] = "REQUEST_GET_OBJECTS"
commands["command-2004"] = "RESPONSE_GET_OBJECTS"
commands["command-2006"] = "NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN"
commands["command-2007"] = "RESPONSE_CHAIN_ENTRY"
commands["command-2008"] = "NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK"
commands["command-2009"] = "NOTIFY_REQUEST_FLUFFY_MISSING_TX"
/ net.p2p.traffic / {
date=gensub(/-/, " ", "g", $1)
time=gensub(/\..*/, "", "g", gensub(/:/, " ", "g", $2))
ip=gensub(/\[/, "", "g", $7)
outin=gensub(/]/, "", "g", $8)
timestamp=date " " time
if (!t0)
t0 = timestamp
if (!t0ip[ip])
t0ip[ip] = timestamp
t1 = timestamp
t1ip[ip] = timestamp
bytes_by_command[command] += bytes
bytes_by_ip[ip] += bytes
if (dir == "sent")
bytes_sent_by_ip[ip] += bytes
bytes_received_by_ip[ip] += bytes
bytes_by_outin[outin] += bytes
bytes_by_direction[dir] += bytes
bytes_by_initiator[initiator] += bytes
dt = t1 - t0
print "Running time:", time_str(dt)
for (command in bytes_by_command) {
category = command
if (commands[command])
category = commands[command];
print "Category", category ":", bytes_str(bytes_by_command[command])
for (direction in bytes_by_direction) print direction ":", bytes_str(bytes_by_direction[direction])
for (initiator in bytes_by_initiator) print "Initiating from", initiator ":", bytes_str(bytes_by_initiator[initiator])
for (outin in bytes_by_outin) print "With", outin, "peers:", bytes_str(bytes_by_outin[outin])
for (ip in bytes_by_ip) print "IP", ip ":", bytes_str(bytes_by_ip[ip])
print "Download rate:", bytes_str(bytes_by_direction["received"] / max(dt, 1)) "/s"
for (ip in bytes_received_by_ip)
print " ", ip ":", bytes_str(bytes_received_by_ip[ip] / max(t1ip[ip] - t0ip[ip], 1)) "/s over", time_str(t1ip[ip] - t0ip[ip])
print "Upload rate:", bytes_str(bytes_by_direction["sent"] / max(dt, 1)) "/s"
for (ip in bytes_sent_by_ip)
print " ", ip ":", bytes_str(bytes_sent_by_ip[ip] / max(t1ip[ip] - t0ip[ip], 1)) "/s over", time_str(t1ip[ip] - t0ip[ip])