// Copyright (c) 2014-2018, The Monero Project // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are // permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of // conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list // of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other // materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be // used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific // prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF // THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Parts of this file are originally copyright (c) 2012-2013 The Cryptonote developers #include "include_base_utils.h" using namespace epee; #include "checkpoints.h" #include "common/dns_utils.h" #include "include_base_utils.h" #include "string_tools.h" #include "storages/portable_storage_template_helper.h" // epee json include #include "serialization/keyvalue_serialization.h" #undef MONERO_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY #define MONERO_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY "checkpoints" namespace cryptonote { /** * @brief struct for loading a checkpoint from json */ struct t_hashline { uint64_t height; //!< the height of the checkpoint std::string hash; //!< the hash for the checkpoint BEGIN_KV_SERIALIZE_MAP() KV_SERIALIZE(height) KV_SERIALIZE(hash) END_KV_SERIALIZE_MAP() }; /** * @brief struct for loading many checkpoints from json */ struct t_hash_json { std::vector hashlines; //!< the checkpoint lines from the file BEGIN_KV_SERIALIZE_MAP() KV_SERIALIZE(hashlines) END_KV_SERIALIZE_MAP() }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- checkpoints::checkpoints() { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool checkpoints::add_checkpoint(uint64_t height, const std::string& hash_str) { crypto::hash h = crypto::null_hash; bool r = epee::string_tools::parse_tpod_from_hex_string(hash_str, h); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(r, false, "Failed to parse checkpoint hash string into binary representation!"); // return false if adding at a height we already have AND the hash is different if (m_points.count(height)) { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(h == m_points[height], false, "Checkpoint at given height already exists, and hash for new checkpoint was different!"); } m_points[height] = h; return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool checkpoints::is_in_checkpoint_zone(uint64_t height) const { return !m_points.empty() && (height <= (--m_points.end())->first); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool checkpoints::check_block(uint64_t height, const crypto::hash& h, bool& is_a_checkpoint) const { auto it = m_points.find(height); is_a_checkpoint = it != m_points.end(); if(!is_a_checkpoint) return true; if(it->second == h) { MINFO("CHECKPOINT PASSED FOR HEIGHT " << height << " " << h); return true; }else { MWARNING("CHECKPOINT FAILED FOR HEIGHT " << height << ". EXPECTED HASH: " << it->second << ", FETCHED HASH: " << h); return false; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool checkpoints::check_block(uint64_t height, const crypto::hash& h) const { bool ignored; return check_block(height, h, ignored); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //FIXME: is this the desired behavior? bool checkpoints::is_alternative_block_allowed(uint64_t blockchain_height, uint64_t block_height) const { if (0 == block_height) return false; auto it = m_points.upper_bound(blockchain_height); // Is blockchain_height before the first checkpoint? if (it == m_points.begin()) return true; --it; uint64_t checkpoint_height = it->first; return checkpoint_height < block_height; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint64_t checkpoints::get_max_height() const { std::map< uint64_t, crypto::hash >::const_iterator highest = std::max_element( m_points.begin(), m_points.end(), ( boost::bind(&std::map< uint64_t, crypto::hash >::value_type::first, _1) < boost::bind(&std::map< uint64_t, crypto::hash >::value_type::first, _2 ) ) ); return highest->first; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- const std::map& checkpoints::get_points() const { return m_points; } bool checkpoints::check_for_conflicts(const checkpoints& other) const { for (auto& pt : other.get_points()) { if (m_points.count(pt.first)) { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(pt.second == m_points.at(pt.first), false, "Checkpoint at given height already exists, and hash for new checkpoint was different!"); } } return true; } bool checkpoints::init_default_checkpoints(network_type nettype) { if (nettype == TESTNET) { return true; } if (nettype == STAGENET) { return true; } ADD_CHECKPOINT(1, "97f4ce4d7879b3bea54dcec738cd2ebb7952b4e9bb9743262310cd5fec749340"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(10, "305472c87ff86d8afb3ec42634828462b0ed3d929fc05fa1ae668c3bee04837a"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(100, "a92b9deae26e19322041cbc2f850fa905748ae1e5bf69b35ca90b247c5cbfc04"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(1000, "62921e13030b29264439cafaf8320cf8aa039ee6ba7ba29c72f11b50a079269a"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(2000, "b3e1d73e3d0243239481aa76cb075cf2428556f5dc4f2e30428ea2ba36693e97"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(3000, "83a6e1ab394e80b8442b7b70b0e4c3a9fa0143e0ca51a33e829537ef5dd1bf13"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(4000, "7c70722d8cb8106b4bec67e1790614cc6e98db7afd0843b96cdff6960a0e0073"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(5000, "331ee74008e174e5fd1956f64c52793961b321a1366f7c6f7d324e8265df34f6"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(6969, "aa7b66e8c461065139b55c29538a39c33ceda93e587f84d490ed573d80511c87"); //Hard fork to v8 ADD_CHECKPOINT(7000, "2711bd33b107f744ad8bf98c1acefa18658780079496bd2f3a36f2e20b261f8e"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(7500, "5975967c4624f13f058acafe7adf9355e03e8e802eeadc84ccb22ea588bc0762"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(7900, "d9bc18cb35feb6b26bc5a19bbdbf7c852d9cc02883acb5bbce2e87d8b2c86069"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(10000, "bc5bfbf1b26c8f976d1d792ece4c6a7e93064bec62b72f1d5beae74c3f273b3b"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(20000, "52cc7edcb49eb02f28a653b824089a726f4050eb210263ee6f4180d388a1e5cc"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(30000, "d22fde5dd240ade16d3250eb0aa5d1c16dc7cb51c20484e05eb274911032b3fa"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(40000, "aee0d642322542ba069cb1c58ab2acd3560f108d4682c3dc3cb15a54d442d91f"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(50000, "5286ac2a0f39b3aefcba363cd71f2760bd1e0d763cbc81026ebdc3f80a86541f"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(53666, "3f43f56f66ef0c43cf2fd14d0d28fa2aae0ef8f40716773511345750770f1255"); //Hard fork to v9 ADD_CHECKPOINT(54500, "8ed3078b389c2b44add007803d741b58d3fbed2e1ba4139bda702152d8773c9b"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(55000, "4b662ceccefc3247edb4d654dd610b8fb496e85b88a5de43cc2bdd28171b15ff"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(57000, "08a79f09f12bb5d230b63963356a760d51618e526cfc636047a6f3798217c177"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(59000, "180b51ee2c5fbcd4362eb7a29df9422481310dd77d10bccdf8930724c31e007e"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(59900, "18cc0653ef39cb304c68045dba5eb6b885f936281cd939dea04d0e6c9cd4ae2e"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(60000, "0f02aa57a63f79f63dafed9063abe228a37cb19f00430dc3168b8a8f4ae8016c"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(61000, "509aca8c54eb5fe44623768757b6e890ae39d512478c75f614cbff3d91809350"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(62000, "7fe91ad256c08dbd961e04738968be22fb481093fbfa7959bde7796ccceba0e2"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(62150, "1a7c75f8ebeda0e20eb5877181eafd7db0fc887e3fed43e0b27ab2e7bccafd10"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(62269, "4969555d60742afb93925fd96d83ac28f45e6e3c0e583c9fb3c92d9b2100d38f"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(62405, "4d0ae890cf9f875f231c7069508ad28dc429d14814b52db114dfab7519a27584"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(62419, "bd8bf5ac4c4fb07ab4d0d492bd1699def5c095ab6943ad3b63a89d1d8b1ce748"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(62425, "41a922dba6f3906871b2ccaf31ec9c91033470c503959093dae796deda8940ea"); ADD_CHECKPOINT(62479, "a2e8ff4205ba2980eb70921b0b21b5fc656ee273664ea94b860c68ca069b60dd"); return true; } bool checkpoints::load_checkpoints_from_json(const std::string &json_hashfile_fullpath) { boost::system::error_code errcode; if (! (boost::filesystem::exists(json_hashfile_fullpath, errcode))) { LOG_PRINT_L1("Blockchain checkpoints file not found"); return true; } LOG_PRINT_L1("Adding checkpoints from blockchain hashfile"); uint64_t prev_max_height = get_max_height(); LOG_PRINT_L1("Hard-coded max checkpoint height is " << prev_max_height); t_hash_json hashes; if (!epee::serialization::load_t_from_json_file(hashes, json_hashfile_fullpath)) { MERROR("Error loading checkpoints from " << json_hashfile_fullpath); return false; } for (std::vector::const_iterator it = hashes.hashlines.begin(); it != hashes.hashlines.end(); ) { uint64_t height; height = it->height; if (height <= prev_max_height) { LOG_PRINT_L1("ignoring checkpoint height " << height); } else { std::string blockhash = it->hash; LOG_PRINT_L1("Adding checkpoint height " << height << ", hash=" << blockhash); ADD_CHECKPOINT(height, blockhash); } ++it; } return true; } bool checkpoints::load_checkpoints_from_dns(network_type nettype) { std::vector records; // All four MoneroPulse domains have DNSSEC on and valid static const std::vector dns_urls = { }; static const std::vector testnet_dns_urls = { }; static const std::vector stagenet_dns_urls = { }; if (!tools::dns_utils::load_txt_records_from_dns(records, nettype == TESTNET ? testnet_dns_urls : nettype == STAGENET ? stagenet_dns_urls : dns_urls)) return true; // why true ? for (const auto& record : records) { auto pos = record.find(":"); if (pos != std::string::npos) { uint64_t height; crypto::hash hash; // parse the first part as uint64_t, // if this fails move on to the next record std::stringstream ss(record.substr(0, pos)); if (!(ss >> height)) { continue; } // parse the second part as crypto::hash, // if this fails move on to the next record std::string hashStr = record.substr(pos + 1); if (!epee::string_tools::parse_tpod_from_hex_string(hashStr, hash)) { continue; } ADD_CHECKPOINT(height, hashStr); } } return true; } bool checkpoints::load_new_checkpoints(const std::string &json_hashfile_fullpath, network_type nettype, bool dns) { bool result; result = load_checkpoints_from_json(json_hashfile_fullpath); if (dns) { result &= load_checkpoints_from_dns(nettype); } return result; } }