Compare commits


No commits in common. '1e38c3c508f8117e1aa0dd6f988d9b2694667a48' and '1b8475003c065b0387f21323dad8a03b131ae7d1' have entirely different histories.

@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
define $(package)_set_vars
$(package)_config_env=AR="$($(package)_ar)" ARFLAGS=$($(package)_arflags) RANLIB="$($(package)_ranlib)" CC="$($(package)_cc)"
$(package)_config_env_android=ANDROID_NDK_ROOT="$(host_prefix)/native" PATH="$(host_prefix)/native/bin" CC=clang AR=ar RANLIB=ranlib
$(package)_config_opts=--prefix=$(host_prefix) --openssldir=$(host_prefix)/etc/openssl --libdir=$(host_prefix)/lib
$(package)_config_env_android=ANDROID_NDK_HOME="$(host_prefix)/native" PATH="$(host_prefix)/native/bin" CC=clang AR=ar RANLIB=ranlib
$(package)_config_opts=--prefix=$(host_prefix) --openssldir=$(host_prefix)/etc/openssl
@ -21,8 +22,8 @@ $(package)_config_opts+=no-rfc3779
@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ $(package)_config_opts_x86_64_freebsd=BSD-x86_64
define $(package)_preprocess_cmds
sed -i.old 's|crypto ssl apps util tools fuzz providers doc|crypto ssl util tools providers|'
sed -i.old 's|"engines", "apps", "test", "util", "tools", "fuzz"|"engines", "tools"|' Configure
define $(package)_config_cmds

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ define $(package)_set_vars
$(package)_config_opts=--disable-shared --enable-static --without-pyunbound --prefix=$(host_prefix) --with-libexpat=$(host_prefix) --with-ssl=$(host_prefix) --with-libevent=no --without-pythonmodule --disable-flto --with-pthreads --with-libunbound-only
$(package)_config_opts_w64=--enable-static-exe --sysconfdir=/etc --prefix=$(host_prefix) --target=$(host_prefix)
$(package)_build_opts_mingw32=LDFLAGS="$($(package)_ldflags) -lpthread"

@ -245,18 +245,8 @@ namespace net_utils
// This magic var determines the maximum length for when copying the body message in
// memory is faster/more preferable than the round-trip time for one packet
constexpr size_t BODY_NO_COPY_CUTOFF = 128 * 1024; // ~262 KB or ~175 packets
// Maximum expected total headers bytes
constexpr size_t HEADER_RESERVE_SIZE = 2048;
const bool do_copy_body = body.size() <= BODY_NO_COPY_CUTOFF;
const size_t req_buff_cap = HEADER_RESERVE_SIZE + (do_copy_body ? body.size() : 0);
std::string req_buff{};
req_buff.append(, method.size()).append(" ").append(, uri.size()).append(" HTTP/1.1\r\n");
add_field(req_buff, "Host", m_host_buff);
add_field(req_buff, "Content-Length", std::to_string(body.size()));
@ -265,7 +255,9 @@ namespace net_utils
for(const auto& field : additional_params)
add_field(req_buff, field);
for (unsigned sends = 0; sends < 2; ++sends)
const std::size_t initial_size = req_buff.size();
const auto auth = m_auth.get_auth_field(method, uri);
if (auth)
add_field(req_buff, *auth);
@ -273,21 +265,11 @@ namespace net_utils
req_buff += "\r\n";
if (do_copy_body) // small body
// Copy headers + body together and potentially send one fewer packet
req_buff.append(, body.size());
const bool res = m_net_client.send(req_buff, timeout);
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(res, false, "HTTP_CLIENT: Failed to SEND");
else // large body
// Send headers and body seperately to avoid copying heavy body message
bool res = m_net_client.send(req_buff, timeout);
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(res, false, "HTTP_CLIENT: Failed to SEND");
bool res = m_net_client.send(req_buff, timeout);
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(res, false, "HTTP_CLIENT: Failed to SEND");
res = m_net_client.send(body, timeout);
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(res, false, "HTTP_CLIENT: Failed to SEND");
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(res, false, "HTTP_CLIENT: Failed to SEND");
m_state = reciev_machine_state_header;
@ -300,11 +282,19 @@ namespace net_utils
return true;
if (m_auth.handle_401(m_response_info) == http_client_auth::kParseFailure)
switch (m_auth.handle_401(m_response_info))
case http_client_auth::kSuccess:
case http_client_auth::kBadPassword:
sends = 2;
case http_client_auth::kParseFailure:
LOG_ERROR("Bad server response for authentication");
return false;
req_buff.resize(initial_size); // rollback for new auth generation
LOG_ERROR("Client has incorrect username/password for server requiring authentication");
return false;

@ -11352,7 +11352,7 @@ std::vector<wallet2::pending_tx> wallet2::create_transactions_2(std::vector<cryp
LOG_PRINT_L2("We made a tx, adjusting fee and saving it, we need " << print_money(needed_fee) << " and we have " << print_money(test_ptx.fee));
do {
while (needed_fee > test_ptx.fee) {
if (use_rct)
transfer_selected_rct(tx.dsts, tx.selected_transfers, fake_outs_count, outs, valid_public_keys_cache, unlock_time, needed_fee, extra,
test_tx, test_ptx, rct_config, use_view_tags);
@ -11363,7 +11363,7 @@ std::vector<wallet2::pending_tx> wallet2::create_transactions_2(std::vector<cryp
needed_fee = calculate_fee(use_per_byte_fee, test_ptx.tx, txBlob.size(), base_fee, fee_quantization_mask);
LOG_PRINT_L2("Made an attempt at a final " << get_weight_string(test_ptx.tx, txBlob.size()) << " tx, with " << print_money(test_ptx.fee) <<
" fee and " << print_money(test_ptx.change_dts.amount) << " change");
} while (needed_fee > test_ptx.fee);
LOG_PRINT_L2("Made a final " << get_weight_string(test_ptx.tx, txBlob.size()) << " tx, with " << print_money(test_ptx.fee) <<
" fee and " << print_money(test_ptx.change_dts.amount) << " change");
@ -11759,7 +11759,7 @@ std::vector<wallet2::pending_tx> wallet2::create_transactions_from(const crypton
THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(needed_fee > available_for_fee, error::wallet_internal_error, "Transaction cannot pay for itself");
do {
LOG_PRINT_L2("We made a tx, adjusting fee and saving it, we need " << print_money(needed_fee) << " and we have " << print_money(test_ptx.fee));
LOG_PRINT_L2("We made a tx, adjusting fee and saving it");
// distribute total transferred amount between outputs
uint64_t amount_transferred = available_for_fee - needed_fee;
uint64_t dt_amount = amount_transferred / outputs;
