set bp+ fork height

wowario 3 years ago
parent 307f553ee7
commit 93b6af8a66

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ Dates are provided in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
| 160,777 | 2019-11-20 | Gaping Goatse | v0.7.0.0 | v0.7.1.0 | Only allow >= 2 outputs, change to the block median used to calculate penalty, rct sigs in coinbase forbidden, 4 unlock time as protocol rule
| - | 2020-06-28 | Hallucinogenic Hypnotoad | v0.8.0.0 | v0.8.0.2 | Dandelion++ support
| 253,999 | 2020-10-09 | Illiterate Illuminati | v0.9.0.0 | v0.9.3.3 | Dynamic coinbase unlock (up to 1 mo.), Deterministic unlock times, Enforce maximum coinbase amount, show_qr_code wallet command, CLSAG
| 331,170 | 2021-07-04 | Junkie Jeff | v0.10.0.0 | v0.10.0.0 | Miner Block Header Signing, Vote by Block, Change coinbase unlock time to 1 day, Reset difficulty and switch back to Monero's difficulty algorithm
| 331,170 | 2021-07-04 | Junkie Jeff | v0.10.0.0 | v0.10.0.0 | Bulletproofs+, Miner Block Header Signing, Vote by Block, Change coinbase unlock time to 1 day, Reset difficulty and switch back to Monero's difficulty algorithm
X's indicate that these details have not been determined as of commit date.

@ -3212,7 +3212,7 @@ bool Blockchain::check_tx_outputs(const transaction& tx, tx_verification_context
// from v15, allow bulletproofs plus
// from v18, allow bulletproofs plus
if (tx.version >= 2) {
const bool bulletproof_plus = rct::is_rct_bulletproof_plus(tx.rct_signatures.type);
@ -3225,7 +3225,7 @@ bool Blockchain::check_tx_outputs(const transaction& tx, tx_verification_context
// from v16, forbid bulletproofs
// from v19, forbid bulletproofs
if (tx.version >= 2) {
const bool bulletproof = rct::is_rct_bulletproof(tx.rct_signatures.type);

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ const hardfork_t mainnet_hard_forks[] = {
{ 16, 253999, 0, 1600576508 },
{ 17, 254287, 0, 1600576524 },
{ 18, 331170, 0, 1623245591 },
{ 19, 331458, 0, 1624793373 },
const size_t num_mainnet_hard_forks = sizeof(mainnet_hard_forks) / sizeof(mainnet_hard_forks[0]);
