p2p: use /16 filtering on IPv4-within-IPv6 addresses

IPv6 addresses include a range that can map IPv4 addresses,
which allowed those mapped addresses to bypass filtering.

This filter should be replaced by AS filtering at some point.
moneromooo-monero 4 years ago
parent c1229a4432
commit 1a627e1f89
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 686F07454D6CEFC3

@ -1436,6 +1436,20 @@ namespace nodetool
const uint32_t actual_ip = na.as<const epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address>().ip();
classB.insert(actual_ip & 0x0000ffff);
#if BOOST_VERSION > 106600
else if (cntxt.m_remote_address.get_type_id() == epee::net_utils::ipv6_network_address::get_type_id())
const epee::net_utils::network_address na = cntxt.m_remote_address;
const boost::asio::ip::address_v6 &actual_ip = na.as<const epee::net_utils::ipv6_network_address>().ip();
if (actual_ip.is_v4_mapped())
boost::asio::ip::address_v4 v4ip = make_address_v4(boost::asio::ip::v4_mapped, actual_ip);
uint32_t actual_ipv4;
memcpy(&actual_ipv4, v4ip.to_bytes().data(), sizeof(actual_ipv4));
classB.insert(actual_ipv4 & ntohl(0xffff0000));
return true;
@ -1471,6 +1485,20 @@ namespace nodetool
uint32_t actual_ip = na.as<const epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address>().ip();
skip = classB.find(actual_ip & 0x0000ffff) != classB.end();
#if BOOST_VERSION > 106600
else if (skip_duplicate_class_B && pe.adr.get_type_id() == epee::net_utils::ipv6_network_address::get_type_id())
const epee::net_utils::network_address na = pe.adr;
const boost::asio::ip::address_v6 &actual_ip = na.as<const epee::net_utils::ipv6_network_address>().ip();
if (actual_ip.is_v4_mapped())
boost::asio::ip::address_v4 v4ip = make_address_v4(boost::asio::ip::v4_mapped, actual_ip);
uint32_t actual_ipv4;
memcpy(&actual_ipv4, v4ip.to_bytes().data(), sizeof(actual_ipv4));
skip = classB.find(actual_ipv4 & ntohl(0xffff0000)) != classB.end();
// consider each host once, to avoid giving undue inflence to hosts running several nodes
if (!skip)
@ -1493,11 +1521,11 @@ namespace nodetool
if (skipped == 0 || !filtered.empty())
if (skipped)
MINFO("Skipping " << skipped << " possible peers as they share a class B with existing peers");
MDEBUG("Skipping " << skipped << " possible peers as they share a class B with existing peers");
if (filtered.empty())
MDEBUG("No available peer in " << (use_white_list ? "white" : "gray") << " list filtered by " << next_needed_pruning_stripe);
MINFO("No available peer in " << (use_white_list ? "white" : "gray") << " list filtered by " << next_needed_pruning_stripe);
return false;
if (use_white_list)
