Monero offline wallet generator

This page generates a new Monero address. It is self contained and does all the necessary calculations locally, so is suitable for generating a new wallet on a machine that is not connected to the network, and may even never be. This way, you can create a Monero wallet without risking the keys.

This file is GPG signed, see GPG instructions. You can check for up to date versions of this page here.

The public address is the address you give third parties to send monero to you. It is the only information here that's meant to be public.

The view key and spend key are the raw private keys for the new wallet. They are here for your information, but can be recovered using the mnemonic seed. Keep them secure.

The mnemonic seed is a string that will allow you to recreate the same wallet private keys using Monero's simplewallet. If you can only keep a single value, this is the one you want as all others can be recreated from it. Keep it secure.

This is your new Monero wallet:

Public address generating...
Spend key generating...
View key generating...
Mnemonic seed generating...

(very slow for more than a few characters, no check for valid prefixes)

(restoring non English language seeds needs a recent simplewallet)

Made by moneromooo, based on code from MyMonero. Copyright notices in the source.
If you found this useful, a donation would be appreciated:

Thanks, and welcome to Monero!

How to verify GPG signatures

All released versions of this page will be GPG signed by moneromooo, to avoid trojaned versions being passed around. It is in your interest to check the signature.

This page is maintained as a git repository. All commits are signed. In addition, released versions of the page are signed separately. In order to check either, you first need to import moneromooo's GPG key from the Monero source tree:

gpg --import moneromooo.asc

Checking a standalone signature

You need to get the signature file corresponding to the version of the page you're using. Original signature files are in the git repository as well. Save it as monero-wallet-generator.html.asc, then:

gpg --verify monero-wallet-generator.html.asc

You should see a message similar to:

gpg: Good signature from "moneromooo-monero <>"

Check the signature is from the key you imported previously! If not, you may be checking that file was properly signed by an attacker instead of moneromooo. Beware that anyone can place any email address in a new GPG key, so the right email being shown is no guarantee.

If you want to verify an old version of the file, you will have to retrieve the matching signature file from git.

Checking a git commit's signature

If you're using git to get the latest and greatest, it's even simpler:

git show --show-signature

You should see a message similar to:

gpg: Good signature from "moneromooo-monero <>"

Check the signature is from the key you imported previously! If not, you may be checking that file was properly signed by an attacker instead of moneromooo. Beware that anyone can place any email address in a new GPG key, so the right email being shown is no guarantee.