# Wownero Light Wallet :computer: :two_hearts: :ok_hand: An experimental crypto wallet for Wownero. Possibly the worst ever made. 100% WOW. - Electron/Vue.js - Remote node only - Linux/Windows/OSX - Integration with [WFS](https://funding.wownero.com) - USD/WOW conversion ## Compile :two_men_holding_hands: Requirements: - Node v8 :-1: - Wownero on tag `v0.3.1.1` :fire: - A patch to the above git tag :sunglasses: #### Electron :sob: Clone this repo and install npm packages: ``` bash # install dependencies npm install # serve with hot reload at localhost:9080 npm run dev # build electron application for production npm run build ``` If `npm run dev` works, you can install a custom version of `wownero-wallet-cli` :alien: #### wownero-wallet-cli :star2: ``` git clone https://github.com/wownero/wownero.git cd wownero git checkout tags/v0.3.1.1 git apply light_patch.diff make -j4 ``` Use `light_patch.diff` that's included in this repository. :two_women_holding_hands: If it compiled successfully; you can move the binary into the resources folder: ``` cp build/release/bin/wownero-wallet-cli wowlight/resources/linux/bin/wowlight ``` Build the light wallet: ``` npm run build ``` Resulting build will go into `build/` ### Technical This GUI is a wrapper for a custom `wownero-wallet-cli`. `stdout` is parsed with Regex. What can go wrong :scream: ? The code base is one big spaghetti. 100% WOW. ### License © 2018 WTFPL – Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License