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#include <QObject>
#include <QUrl>
#include <wallet/wallet2_api.h>
class Wallet;
namespace Bitmonero {
class WalletManager;
class WalletManager : public QObject
enum LogLevel {
LogLevel_Silent = Bitmonero::WalletManagerFactory::LogLevel_Silent,
LogLevel_0 = Bitmonero::WalletManagerFactory::LogLevel_0,
LogLevel_1 = Bitmonero::WalletManagerFactory::LogLevel_1,
LogLevel_2 = Bitmonero::WalletManagerFactory::LogLevel_2,
LogLevel_3 = Bitmonero::WalletManagerFactory::LogLevel_3,
LogLevel_4 = Bitmonero::WalletManagerFactory::LogLevel_4,
LogLevel_Min = Bitmonero::WalletManagerFactory::LogLevel_Min,
LogLevel_Max = Bitmonero::WalletManagerFactory::LogLevel_Max,
static WalletManager * instance();
// wizard: createWallet path;
Q_INVOKABLE Wallet * createWallet(const QString &path, const QString &password,
const QString &language, bool testnet = false);
* \brief openWallet - opens wallet by given path
* \param path - wallet filename
* \param password - wallet password. Empty string in wallet isn't password protected
* \param testnet - determines if we running testnet
* \return wallet object pointer
Q_INVOKABLE Wallet * openWallet(const QString &path, const QString &password, bool testnet = false);
* \brief openWalletAsync - asynchronous version of "openWallet". Returns immediately. "walletOpened" signal
* emitted when wallet opened;
Q_INVOKABLE void openWalletAsync(const QString &path, const QString &password, bool testnet = false);
// wizard: recoveryWallet path; hint: internally it recorvers wallet and set password = ""
Q_INVOKABLE Wallet * recoveryWallet(const QString &path, const QString &memo,
bool testnet = false, quint64 restoreHeight = 0);
* \brief closeWallet - closes wallet and frees memory
* \param wallet
* \return wallet address
Q_INVOKABLE QString closeWallet(Wallet * wallet);
* \brief closeWalletAsync - asynchronous version of "closeWallet"
* \param wallet - wallet pointer;
Q_INVOKABLE void closeWalletAsync(Wallet * wallet);
//! checks is given filename is a wallet;
Q_INVOKABLE bool walletExists(const QString &path) const;
//! returns list with wallet's filenames, if found by given path
Q_INVOKABLE QStringList findWallets(const QString &path);
//! returns error description in human language
Q_INVOKABLE QString errorString() const;
// wizard: both "create" and "recovery" paths.
// TODO: probably move it to "Wallet" interface
Q_INVOKABLE bool moveWallet(const QString &src, const QString &dst);
//! returns libwallet language name for given locale
Q_INVOKABLE QString walletLanguage(const QString &locale);
//! since we can't call static method from QML, move it to this class
Q_INVOKABLE QString displayAmount(quint64 amount) const;
Q_INVOKABLE quint64 amountFromString(const QString &amount) const;
Q_INVOKABLE quint64 amountFromDouble(double amount) const;
Q_INVOKABLE quint64 maximumAllowedAmount() const;
// QML JS engine doesn't support unsigned integers
Q_INVOKABLE QString maximumAllowedAmountAsSting() const;
Q_INVOKABLE bool paymentIdValid(const QString &payment_id) const;
Q_INVOKABLE bool addressValid(const QString &address, bool testnet) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QString paymentIdFromAddress(const QString &address, bool testnet) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QString checkPayment(const QString &address, const QString &txid, const QString &txkey, const QString &daemon_address) const;
// QML missing such functionality, implementing these helpers here
Q_INVOKABLE QString urlToLocalPath(const QUrl &url) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QUrl localPathToUrl(const QString &path) const;
void setLogLevel(int logLevel);
void walletOpened(Wallet * wallet);
void walletClosed(const QString &walletAddress);
public slots:
explicit WalletManager(QObject *parent = 0);
static WalletManager * m_instance;
Bitmonero::WalletManager * m_pimpl;