TEMPLATE = app QT += qml quick widgets WALLET_ROOT=$$PWD/bitmonero CONFIG += c++11 INCLUDEPATH += $$WALLET_ROOT/include \ $$PWD/src/libwalletqt HEADERS += \ filter.h \ clipboardAdapter.h \ oscursor.h \ src/libwalletqt/WalletManager.h \ src/libwalletqt/Wallet.h \ src/libwalletqt/PendingTransaction.h \ src/libwalletqt/TransactionHistory.h \ src/libwalletqt/TransactionInfo.h \ oshelper.h SOURCES += main.cpp \ filter.cpp \ clipboardAdapter.cpp \ oscursor.cpp \ src/libwalletqt/WalletManager.cpp \ src/libwalletqt/Wallet.cpp \ src/libwalletqt/PendingTransaction.cpp \ src/libwalletqt/TransactionHistory.cpp \ src/libwalletqt/TransactionInfo.cpp \ oshelper.cpp lupdate_only { SOURCES = *.qml \ components/*.qml \ pages/*.qml \ wizard/*.qml } LIBS += -L$$WALLET_ROOT/lib \ -lwallet_merged \ -lboost_serialization \ -lboost_thread \ -lboost_system \ -lboost_date_time \ -lboost_filesystem \ -lboost_regex # translations files; TRANSLATIONS = monero-core_en.ts \ # English (could be untranslated) monero-core_de.ts # Deutsch # extra make targets for lupdate and lrelease invocation # use "make lupdate" to update *.ts files and "make lrelease" to generate *.qm files lupdate.commands = lupdate $$_PRO_FILE_ lupdate.depends = $$SOURCES $$HEADERS lrelease.commands = lrelease $$_PRO_FILE_ lrelease.depends = lupdate translate.commands = $(COPY) *.qm ${DESTDIR} translate.depends = lrelease QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += lupdate lrelease CONFIG(release, debug|release) { DESTDIR=release } CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { DESTDIR=debug } RESOURCES += qml.qrc # Additional import path used to resolve QML modules in Qt Creator's code model QML_IMPORT_PATH = # Default rules for deployment. include(deployment.pri) OTHER_FILES += \ .gitignore \ monero-core_de.ts \ monero-core_en.ts DISTFILES += \ notes.txt