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15 lines
636 B

pragma Singleton
import QtQuick 2.5
QtObject {
property QtObject fontMedium: FontLoader { id: _fontMedium; source: "qrc:/fonts/SFUIDisplay-Medium.otf"; }
property QtObject fontBold: FontLoader { id: _fontBold; source: "qrc:/fonts/SFUIDisplay-Bold.otf"; }
property QtObject fontLight: FontLoader { id: _fontLight; source: "qrc:/fonts/SFUIDisplay-Light.otf"; }
property QtObject fontRegular: FontLoader { id: _fontRegular; source: "qrc:/fonts/SFUIDisplay-Regular.otf"; }
property string inputBoxBackground: "black"
property string inputBoxBackgroundError: "#FFDDDD"
property string inputBoxColor: "white"