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8 years ago
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "json.h"
#include "http_request.h"
#include "ci_map.h"
namespace crow
template <typename Adaptor, typename Handler, typename ... Middlewares>
class Connection;
struct response
template <typename Adaptor, typename Handler, typename ... Middlewares>
friend class crow::Connection;
int code{200};
8 years ago
std::string body;
json::wvalue json_value;
// `headers' stores HTTP headers.
ci_map headers;
void set_header(std::string key, std::string value)
headers.emplace(std::move(key), std::move(value));
void add_header(std::string key, std::string value)
headers.emplace(std::move(key), std::move(value));
const std::string& get_header_value(const std::string& key)
return crow::get_header_value(headers, key);
response() {}
explicit response(int code) : code(code) {}
response(std::string body) : body(std::move(body)) {}
response(json::wvalue&& json_value) : json_value(std::move(json_value))
8 years ago
8 years ago
response(int code, std::string body) : code(code), body(std::move(body)) {}
response(const json::wvalue& json_value) : body(json::dump(json_value))
8 years ago
response(int code, const json::wvalue& json_value) : code(code), body(json::dump(json_value))
response(response&& r)
*this = std::move(r);
response& operator = (const response& r) = delete;
response& operator = (response&& r) noexcept
body = std::move(r.body);
json_value = std::move(r.json_value);
code = r.code;
headers = std::move(r.headers);
completed_ = r.completed_;
return *this;
bool is_completed() const noexcept
return completed_;
void clear()
code = 200;
completed_ = false;
void write(const std::string& body_part)
body += body_part;
void end()
if (!completed_)
completed_ = true;
8 years ago
if (complete_request_handler_)
void end(const std::string& body_part)
body += body_part;
bool is_alive()
return is_alive_helper_ && is_alive_helper_();
bool completed_{};
std::function<void()> complete_request_handler_;
std::function<bool()> is_alive_helper_;
8 years ago
//In case of a JSON object, set the Content-Type header
void json_mode()
set_header("Content-Type", "application/json");