Rebase Wownero to Monero master #17

opened 6 years ago by wowario · 7 comments
wowario commented 6 years ago (Migrated from

I've started to rebase on top of Monero Merge pull request #4927, however there are a few issues to sort out.

  1. Transition to new bulletproofs - Wownero adopted an older version of bulletproofs before the audit. There are substantial changes upstream. To switch over to the new version, we could deactivate the old bulletproofs in hard fork v11 and after a couple days, fork to v12 to activate new bulletproofs with fee per byte and then fork the next day to v13 to forbid borromean range proofs. Italo BP patched applied, requires review and further testing.

2. Generation of genesis block - When bootstrapping from 0, the rebased version prompts the following error:

3. Attempting to get cumulative difficulty - When starting rebased version from 0 with a synced database, the following error is thrown:

4. Migrating blockchain - In addition, there is this error:

  1. Error::get_output_distribution - fix sanity check rct output distribution

6. Inaccurate network stats - node does not display correct net hash and difficulty with commands status and diff

7. Error::not_enough_money - error is thrown from new wallet with recently received txs. Error does not come up from wallet restored from seed.

I've started to [rebase]( on top of Monero Merge pull request #4927, however there are a few issues to sort out. 1. **Transition to new bulletproofs** - Wownero adopted an older version of bulletproofs before the audit. There are substantial changes upstream. ~~To switch over to the new version, we could deactivate the old bulletproofs in hard fork v11 and after a couple days, fork to v12 to activate new bulletproofs with fee per byte and then fork the next day to v13 to forbid borromean range proofs.~~ [Italo]( BP patched applied, requires review and further testing. ~~2. **Generation of genesis block** - When bootstrapping from 0, the rebased version prompts the following error:~~ ~~3. **Attempting to get cumulative difficulty** - When starting rebased version from 0 ~~with a synced database~~, the following error is thrown:~~ ~~4. **Migrating blockchain** - In addition, there is this error:~~ 5. **Error::get_output_distribution** - fix sanity check rct output distribution ~~6. **Inaccurate network stats** - node does not display correct net hash and difficulty with commands `status` and `diff`~~ ~~7. **Error::not_enough_money** - error is thrown from new wallet with recently received txs. Error does not come up from wallet restored from seed.~~
stoffu commented 6 years ago (Migrated from

For point 1, it'll probably be quite a bit of work requiring a lot of care since the rebased version needs to verify both the old and the new BP types, whereas the upstream simply eliminated the old type, as it was only used in the testnet which was completely rolled back. Specifically, as in the upstream PR, the old types RCTTypeFullBulletproof and RCTTypeSimpleBulletproof have been dropped and replaced by RCTTypeBulletproof, but Wownero will need to keep RCTTypeFullBulletproof and RCTTypeSimpleBulletproof in the code and adapt the verification rules in blockchain.cpp such that the old and the new types are correctly handled depending on the block height.

This is of course doable technically, and I don't know exactly how tricky/easy the task will be. Just my two cents.

For points 2 & 3, I've seen one person reporting a similar issue when I was working on rebasing Aeon (, but I couldn't figure out the cause because that person stopped replying.

For point 4, the issue seems easier to fix by looking down the call chain. If the rebase point is a while back, the issue might be due to a wrong fix I've sent to Monero, see
EDIT: Yes, this seems to be the case.

For point 1, it'll probably be quite a bit of work requiring a lot of care since the rebased version needs to verify both the old and the new BP types, whereas the upstream simply eliminated the old type, as it was only used in the testnet which was completely rolled back. Specifically, as in the upstream PR, the old types `RCTTypeFullBulletproof` and `RCTTypeSimpleBulletproof` have been dropped and replaced by `RCTTypeBulletproof`, but Wownero will need to keep `RCTTypeFullBulletproof` and `RCTTypeSimpleBulletproof` in the code and adapt the verification rules in blockchain.cpp such that the old and the new types are correctly handled depending on the block height. This is of course doable technically, and I don't know exactly how tricky/easy the task will be. Just my two cents. For points 2 & 3, I've seen one person reporting a similar issue when I was working on rebasing Aeon (, but I couldn't figure out the cause because that person stopped replying. For point 4, the issue seems easier to fix by looking down the call chain. If the rebase point is a while back, the issue might be due to a wrong fix I've sent to Monero, see EDIT: Yes, this seems to be the case.
wowario commented 5 years ago (Migrated from

Applied the patches from 6cebd00045 and 1bc8afec25 to rebase.

When bootstrapping a node from scratch, there is still a MDB_NOTFOUND: No matching key/data error in generating genesis block in addition these errors:

2018-12-05 15:09:31.671	[P2P0]	WARNING	blockchain.db.lmdb	src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:73	Attempt to get cumulative difficulty from height 18446744073709551615 failed -- difficulty not in db

2018-12-05 15:10:37.320	[P2P4]	WARNING	blockchain.db.lmdb	src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:73	Attempt to get timestamp from height 18446744073709551556 failed -- timestamp not in db

When starting node from a populated database, blockchain migration from DB version 1 to 3 is completed successfully and node syncs to network. However, usable is negative error periodically comes up.

Sending old and new BP transactions to network hasn't been tested yet.

Applied the patches from and to rebase. When bootstrapping a node from scratch, there is still a `MDB_NOTFOUND: No matching key/data` error in generating genesis block in addition these errors: ``` 2018-12-05 15:09:31.671 [P2P0] WARNING blockchain.db.lmdb src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:73 Attempt to get cumulative difficulty from height 18446744073709551615 failed -- difficulty not in db 2018-12-05 15:10:37.320 [P2P4] WARNING blockchain.db.lmdb src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:73 Attempt to get timestamp from height 18446744073709551556 failed -- timestamp not in db ``` When starting node from a populated database, blockchain migration from DB version 1 to 3 is completed successfully and node syncs to network. However, `usable is negative` error periodically comes up. Sending old and new BP transactions to network hasn't been tested yet.
wowario commented 5 years ago (Migrated from

Attempted to make a transfer, but got following error message:

2018-12-05 19:44:57.505	    7fceace8abc0	DEBUG	wallet.wallet2	src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:7535	selected transfers: 9
2018-12-05 19:44:57.505	    7fceace8abc0	DEBUG	wallet.wallet2	src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:7543	transfer: adding 10.00000000000, for a total of 10.01979070000
2018-12-05 19:44:57.505	    7fceace8abc0	DEBUG	wallet.wallet2	src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:7609	wanted 10.01979070000, found 84.60079596000, fee 0.01979070000
2018-12-05 19:44:57.505	    7fceace8abc0	DEBUG	wallet.wallet2	src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:6744	fake_outputs_count: 21
2018-12-05 19:44:57.591	    7fceace8abc0	DEBUG	wallet.wallet2	src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:2862	Daemon is recent enough, requesting rct distribution
2018-12-05 19:44:57.678	    7fceace8abc0	ERROR	wallet.wallet2	src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:6780	rct_offsets.back() <= max_rct_index. THROW EXCEPTION: error::get_output_distribution
2018-12-05 19:44:57.678	    7fceace8abc0	WARNING	net.http	src/wallet/wallet_errors.h:823	/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:6780:N5tools5error23get_output_distributionE: failed to get output distribution, request = Daemon reports suspicious number of rct outputs
2018-12-05 19:44:57.678	    7fceace8abc0	INFO	stacktrace	src/common/stack_trace.cpp:133	Exception: tools::error::get_output_distribution
2018-12-05 19:44:57.678	    7fceace8abc0	INFO	stacktrace	src/common/stack_trace.cpp:134	Unwound call stack:
2018-12-05 19:44:57.688	    7fceace8abc0	INFO	stacktrace	src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172	    [1]  0x11c) [0x5556b3602eb9]:__cxa_throw+0x11c) [0x5556b3602eb9]
2018-12-05 19:44:57.688	    7fceace8abc0	INFO	stacktrace	src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172	    [2]  0x192) [0x5556b37ea062]:_ZN5tools5error15throw_wallet_exINS0_23get_output_distributionEJA48_cEEEvONSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEDpRKT0_+0x192) [0x5556b37ea062]
2018-12-05 19:44:57.688	    7fceace8abc0	INFO	stacktrace	src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172	    [3]  0xac5) [0x5556b37807b5]:_ZN5tools7wallet28get_outsERSt6vectorIS1_ISt5tupleIJmN6crypto10public_keyEN3rct3keyEEESaIS7_EESaIS9_EERKS1_ImSaImEEm+0xac5) [0x5556b37807b5]
2018-12-05 19:44:57.688	    7fceace8abc0	INFO	stacktrace	src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172	    [4]  0x263f) [0x5556b378a97f]:_ZN5tools7wallet221transfer_selected_rctESt6vectorIN10cryptonote20tx_destination_entryESaIS3_EERKS1_ImSaImEEmRS1_IS1_ISt5tupleIJmN6crypto10public_keyEN3rct3keyEEESaISF_EESaISH_EEmmRKS1_IhSaIhEERNS2_11transactionERNS0_10pending_txENSD_14RangeProofTypeE+0x263f) [0x5556b378a97f]
2018-12-05 19:44:57.688	    7fceace8abc0	INFO	stacktrace	src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172	    [5]  0x3b33) [0x5556b3791ab3]:_ZN5tools7wallet221create_transactions_2ESt6vectorIN10cryptonote20tx_destination_entryESaIS3_EEmmjRKS1_IhSaIhEEjSt3setIjSt4lessIjESaIjEE+0x3b33) [0x5556b3791ab3]
2018-12-05 19:44:57.688	    7fceace8abc0	INFO	stacktrace	src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172	    [6]  0x21fe) [0x5556b3672e6e]:_ZN10cryptonote13simple_wallet13transfer_mainEiRKSt6vectorINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEESaIS7_EE+0x21fe) [0x5556b3672e6e]
2018-12-05 19:44:57.688	    7fceace8abc0	INFO	stacktrace	src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172	    [7]  0x29e) [0x5556b36b7b7e]:_ZN4epee15command_handler19process_command_strERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+0x29e) [0x5556b36b7b7e]
2018-12-05 19:44:57.688	    7fceace8abc0	INFO	stacktrace	src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172	    [8]  0x4cc) [0x5556b36a2e2c]:_ZN4epee21async_console_handler3runIZNS0_3runIN5boost3_bi6bind_tIbNS3_4_mfi3mf1IbNS_15command_handlerERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEEENS4_5list2INS4_5valueIPNS_23console_handlers_binderEEENS3_3argILi1EEEEEEEEEbT_St8functionIFSE_vEESG_SS_IFvvEEEUlSG_E_EEbSU_SG_RKSR_SW_+0x4cc) [0x5556b36a2e2c]
2018-12-05 19:44:57.688	    7fceace8abc0	INFO	stacktrace	src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172	    [9]  0x449) [0x5556b365ccf9]:_ZN10cryptonote13simple_wallet3runEv+0x449) [0x5556b365ccf9]
2018-12-05 19:44:57.688	    7fceace8abc0	INFO	stacktrace	src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172	    [10] ./wownero-wallet-cli(main+0x678) [0x5556b3622008] 
2018-12-05 19:44:57.688	    7fceace8abc0	INFO	stacktrace	src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172	    [11]  0xf3) [0x7fceaf5f6223]:__libc_start_main+0xf3) [0x7fceaf5f6223]
2018-12-05 19:44:57.688	    7fceace8abc0	INFO	stacktrace	src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172	    [12]  0x2e) [0x5556b362e06e]:_start+0x2e) [0x5556b362e06e]
2018-12-05 19:44:57.688	    7fceace8abc0	INFO	stacktrace	src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172	
2018-12-05 19:44:57.689	    7fceace8abc0	ERROR	wallet.simplewallet	src/simplewallet/simplewallet.cpp:401	RPC error: src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:6780:N5tools5error23get_output_distributionE: failed to get output distribution, request = Daemon reports suspicious number of rct outputs
2018-12-05 19:44:57.689	    7fceace8abc0	ERROR	msgwriter	src/common/scoped_message_writer.h:102	Error: RPC error: failed to get output distribution

Issue related to 7f0dd094e7
I've temporarily commented out this commit and was able to send and receive txs.

Attempted to make a transfer, but got following error message: ``` 2018-12-05 19:44:57.505 7fceace8abc0 DEBUG wallet.wallet2 src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:7535 selected transfers: 9 2018-12-05 19:44:57.505 7fceace8abc0 DEBUG wallet.wallet2 src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:7543 transfer: adding 10.00000000000, for a total of 10.01979070000 2018-12-05 19:44:57.505 7fceace8abc0 DEBUG wallet.wallet2 src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:7609 wanted 10.01979070000, found 84.60079596000, fee 0.01979070000 2018-12-05 19:44:57.505 7fceace8abc0 DEBUG wallet.wallet2 src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:6744 fake_outputs_count: 21 2018-12-05 19:44:57.591 7fceace8abc0 DEBUG wallet.wallet2 src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:2862 Daemon is recent enough, requesting rct distribution 2018-12-05 19:44:57.678 7fceace8abc0 ERROR wallet.wallet2 src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:6780 rct_offsets.back() <= max_rct_index. THROW EXCEPTION: error::get_output_distribution 2018-12-05 19:44:57.678 7fceace8abc0 WARNING net.http src/wallet/wallet_errors.h:823 /src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:6780:N5tools5error23get_output_distributionE: failed to get output distribution, request = Daemon reports suspicious number of rct outputs 2018-12-05 19:44:57.678 7fceace8abc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:133 Exception: tools::error::get_output_distribution 2018-12-05 19:44:57.678 7fceace8abc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:134 Unwound call stack: 2018-12-05 19:44:57.688 7fceace8abc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 [1] 0x11c) [0x5556b3602eb9]:__cxa_throw+0x11c) [0x5556b3602eb9] 2018-12-05 19:44:57.688 7fceace8abc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 [2] 0x192) [0x5556b37ea062]:_ZN5tools5error15throw_wallet_exINS0_23get_output_distributionEJA48_cEEEvONSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEDpRKT0_+0x192) [0x5556b37ea062] 2018-12-05 19:44:57.688 7fceace8abc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 [3] 0xac5) [0x5556b37807b5]:_ZN5tools7wallet28get_outsERSt6vectorIS1_ISt5tupleIJmN6crypto10public_keyEN3rct3keyEEESaIS7_EESaIS9_EERKS1_ImSaImEEm+0xac5) [0x5556b37807b5] 2018-12-05 19:44:57.688 7fceace8abc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 [4] 0x263f) [0x5556b378a97f]:_ZN5tools7wallet221transfer_selected_rctESt6vectorIN10cryptonote20tx_destination_entryESaIS3_EERKS1_ImSaImEEmRS1_IS1_ISt5tupleIJmN6crypto10public_keyEN3rct3keyEEESaISF_EESaISH_EEmmRKS1_IhSaIhEERNS2_11transactionERNS0_10pending_txENSD_14RangeProofTypeE+0x263f) [0x5556b378a97f] 2018-12-05 19:44:57.688 7fceace8abc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 [5] 0x3b33) [0x5556b3791ab3]:_ZN5tools7wallet221create_transactions_2ESt6vectorIN10cryptonote20tx_destination_entryESaIS3_EEmmjRKS1_IhSaIhEEjSt3setIjSt4lessIjESaIjEE+0x3b33) [0x5556b3791ab3] 2018-12-05 19:44:57.688 7fceace8abc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 [6] 0x21fe) [0x5556b3672e6e]:_ZN10cryptonote13simple_wallet13transfer_mainEiRKSt6vectorINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEESaIS7_EE+0x21fe) [0x5556b3672e6e] 2018-12-05 19:44:57.688 7fceace8abc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 [7] 0x29e) [0x5556b36b7b7e]:_ZN4epee15command_handler19process_command_strERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+0x29e) [0x5556b36b7b7e] 2018-12-05 19:44:57.688 7fceace8abc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 [8] 0x4cc) [0x5556b36a2e2c]:_ZN4epee21async_console_handler3runIZNS0_3runIN5boost3_bi6bind_tIbNS3_4_mfi3mf1IbNS_15command_handlerERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEEENS4_5list2INS4_5valueIPNS_23console_handlers_binderEEENS3_3argILi1EEEEEEEEEbT_St8functionIFSE_vEESG_SS_IFvvEEEUlSG_E_EEbSU_SG_RKSR_SW_+0x4cc) [0x5556b36a2e2c] 2018-12-05 19:44:57.688 7fceace8abc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 [9] 0x449) [0x5556b365ccf9]:_ZN10cryptonote13simple_wallet3runEv+0x449) [0x5556b365ccf9] 2018-12-05 19:44:57.688 7fceace8abc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 [10] ./wownero-wallet-cli(main+0x678) [0x5556b3622008] 2018-12-05 19:44:57.688 7fceace8abc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 [11] 0xf3) [0x7fceaf5f6223]:__libc_start_main+0xf3) [0x7fceaf5f6223] 2018-12-05 19:44:57.688 7fceace8abc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 [12] 0x2e) [0x5556b362e06e]:_start+0x2e) [0x5556b362e06e] 2018-12-05 19:44:57.688 7fceace8abc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 2018-12-05 19:44:57.689 7fceace8abc0 ERROR wallet.simplewallet src/simplewallet/simplewallet.cpp:401 RPC error: src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:6780:N5tools5error23get_output_distributionE: failed to get output distribution, request = Daemon reports suspicious number of rct outputs 2018-12-05 19:44:57.689 7fceace8abc0 ERROR msgwriter src/common/scoped_message_writer.h:102 Error: RPC error: failed to get output distribution ``` **Edit** Issue related to I've temporarily commented out this commit and was able to send and receive txs.
fuwa0529 commented 5 years ago (Migrated from

Edit: fixed

I tried the rebase branch on wowario's fork. DB was successfully migrated, hashrate and diff were wrong, transfer failed with a different error:

2018-12-07 04:51:51.699     7f515d5fbbc0        ERROR   wallet.wallet2  src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:8504     needed_money + min_fee > balance_subtotal. THROW EXCEPTION: error::not_enough_money                        
2018-12-07 04:51:51.699     7f515d5fbbc0        WARNING net.http        src/wallet/wallet_errors.h:823  /build/wownero-f1fb848/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:8504:N5tools5error16not_enough_moneyE: not enough money, available = 7.90781346000, tx_amount = 0.50000000000
2018-12-07 04:51:51.699     7f515d5fbbc0        INFO    stacktrace      src/common/stack_trace.cpp:133  Exception: tools::error::not_enough_money                                                                  
2018-12-07 04:51:51.699     7f515d5fbbc0        INFO    stacktrace      src/common/stack_trace.cpp:134  Unwound call stack:                                                                                        
2018-12-07 04:51:51.701     7f515d5fbbc0        INFO    stacktrace      src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [1]  0x10d) [0x5619fcc2fefd]:__cxa_throw+0x10d) [0x5619fcc2fefd]                                       
2018-12-07 04:51:51.701     7f515d5fbbc0        INFO    stacktrace      src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [2]  0x1e4) [0x5619fcb1cd64]:_ZN5tools5error15throw_wallet_exINS0_16not_enough_moneyEJmmiEEEvONSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEDpRKT0_+0x1e4) [0x5619fcb1cd64]
2018-12-07 04:51:51.701     7f515d5fbbc0        INFO    stacktrace      src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [3]  0x149f) [0x5619fcacbeef]:_ZN5tools7wallet221create_transactions_2ESt6vectorIN10cryptonote20tx_destination_entryESaIS3_EEmmjRKS1_IhSaIhEEjSt3setIjSt4lessIjESaIjEE+0x149f) [0x5619fcacbeef]
2018-12-07 04:51:51.701     7f515d5fbbc0        INFO    stacktrace      src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [4]  0x1841) [0x5619fc9b0301]:_ZN10cryptonote13simple_wallet13transfer_mainEiRKSt6vectorINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEESaIS7_EE+0x1841) [0x5619fc9b0301]
2018-12-07 04:51:51.701     7f515d5fbbc0        INFO    stacktrace      src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [5]  0x302) [0x5619fca04192]:_ZN4epee15command_handler19process_command_strERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+0x302) [0x5619fca04192]
2018-12-07 04:51:51.701     7f515d5fbbc0        INFO    stacktrace      src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [6]  0x4b8) [0x5619fc9d9e48]:_ZN4epee21async_console_handler3runIZNS0_3runIN5boost3_bi6bind_tIbNS3_4_mfi3mf1IbNS_15command_handlerERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEEENS4_5list2INS4_5valueIPNS_23console_handlers_binderEEENS3_3argILi1EEEEEEEEEbT_St8functionIFSE_vEESG_SS_IFvvEEEUlSG_E_EEbSU_SG_RKSR_SW_+0x4b8) [0x5619fc9d9e48]
2018-12-07 04:51:51.701     7f515d5fbbc0        INFO    stacktrace      src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [7]  0x490) [0x5619fc998790]:_ZN10cryptonote13simple_wallet3runEv+0x490) [0x5619fc998790]              
2018-12-07 04:51:51.701     7f515d5fbbc0        INFO    stacktrace      src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [8] wownero-wallet-cli(main+0xa06) [0x5619fc959b56]                                                    
2018-12-07 04:51:51.701     7f515d5fbbc0        INFO    stacktrace      src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [9]  0xee) [0x7f5159d85b8e]:__libc_start_main+0xee) [0x7f5159d85b8e]                                   
2018-12-07 04:51:51.701     7f515d5fbbc0        INFO    stacktrace      src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [10]  0x2a) [0x5619fc9687ea]:_start+0x2a) [0x5619fc9687ea]                                             
2018-12-07 04:51:51.701     7f515d5fbbc0        INFO    stacktrace      src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172
2018-12-07 04:51:51.701     7f515d5fbbc0        WARNING wallet.simplewallet     src/simplewallet/simplewallet.cpp:420   not enough money to transfer, available only 7.90781346000, sent amount 0.50000000000      
2018-12-07 04:51:51.701     7f515d5fbbc0        ERROR   msgwriter       src/common/scoped_message_writer.h:102  Error: Not enough money in unlocked balance 
Edit: fixed I tried the rebase branch on wowario's fork. DB was successfully migrated, hashrate and diff were wrong, transfer failed with a different error: ``` 2018-12-07 04:51:51.699 7f515d5fbbc0 ERROR wallet.wallet2 src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:8504 needed_money + min_fee > balance_subtotal. THROW EXCEPTION: error::not_enough_money 2018-12-07 04:51:51.699 7f515d5fbbc0 WARNING net.http src/wallet/wallet_errors.h:823 /build/wownero-f1fb848/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:8504:N5tools5error16not_enough_moneyE: not enough money, available = 7.90781346000, tx_amount = 0.50000000000 2018-12-07 04:51:51.699 7f515d5fbbc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:133 Exception: tools::error::not_enough_money 2018-12-07 04:51:51.699 7f515d5fbbc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:134 Unwound call stack: 2018-12-07 04:51:51.701 7f515d5fbbc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 [1] 0x10d) [0x5619fcc2fefd]:__cxa_throw+0x10d) [0x5619fcc2fefd] 2018-12-07 04:51:51.701 7f515d5fbbc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 [2] 0x1e4) [0x5619fcb1cd64]:_ZN5tools5error15throw_wallet_exINS0_16not_enough_moneyEJmmiEEEvONSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEDpRKT0_+0x1e4) [0x5619fcb1cd64] 2018-12-07 04:51:51.701 7f515d5fbbc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 [3] 0x149f) [0x5619fcacbeef]:_ZN5tools7wallet221create_transactions_2ESt6vectorIN10cryptonote20tx_destination_entryESaIS3_EEmmjRKS1_IhSaIhEEjSt3setIjSt4lessIjESaIjEE+0x149f) [0x5619fcacbeef] 2018-12-07 04:51:51.701 7f515d5fbbc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 [4] 0x1841) [0x5619fc9b0301]:_ZN10cryptonote13simple_wallet13transfer_mainEiRKSt6vectorINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEESaIS7_EE+0x1841) [0x5619fc9b0301] 2018-12-07 04:51:51.701 7f515d5fbbc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 [5] 0x302) [0x5619fca04192]:_ZN4epee15command_handler19process_command_strERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+0x302) [0x5619fca04192] 2018-12-07 04:51:51.701 7f515d5fbbc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 [6] 0x4b8) [0x5619fc9d9e48]:_ZN4epee21async_console_handler3runIZNS0_3runIN5boost3_bi6bind_tIbNS3_4_mfi3mf1IbNS_15command_handlerERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEEENS4_5list2INS4_5valueIPNS_23console_handlers_binderEEENS3_3argILi1EEEEEEEEEbT_St8functionIFSE_vEESG_SS_IFvvEEEUlSG_E_EEbSU_SG_RKSR_SW_+0x4b8) [0x5619fc9d9e48] 2018-12-07 04:51:51.701 7f515d5fbbc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 [7] 0x490) [0x5619fc998790]:_ZN10cryptonote13simple_wallet3runEv+0x490) [0x5619fc998790] 2018-12-07 04:51:51.701 7f515d5fbbc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 [8] wownero-wallet-cli(main+0xa06) [0x5619fc959b56] 2018-12-07 04:51:51.701 7f515d5fbbc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 [9] 0xee) [0x7f5159d85b8e]:__libc_start_main+0xee) [0x7f5159d85b8e] 2018-12-07 04:51:51.701 7f515d5fbbc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 [10] 0x2a) [0x5619fc9687ea]:_start+0x2a) [0x5619fc9687ea] 2018-12-07 04:51:51.701 7f515d5fbbc0 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172 2018-12-07 04:51:51.701 7f515d5fbbc0 WARNING wallet.simplewallet src/simplewallet/simplewallet.cpp:420 not enough money to transfer, available only 7.90781346000, sent amount 0.50000000000 2018-12-07 04:51:51.701 7f515d5fbbc0 ERROR msgwriter src/common/scoped_message_writer.h:102 Error: Not enough money in unlocked balance ```
fuwa0529 commented 5 years ago (Migrated from

I did a trace on the wallet, it seems the fee is wrong:

src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:685    estimated bulletproof rct tx size for 1 inputs with ring size 22 and 2 outputs: 2574 (1504 saved) 
src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:8496   trace: fee_multiplier: 1                                                                                             
src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:8497   trace: base_fee: 659327000 
src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:8504   trace: needed_money:     100000000000
src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:8505   trace: min_fee:          1697110272000
src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:8506   trace: extimated_fee:    3296570000
src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:8506   trace: balance_subtotal: 790781346000

I compared with v0.4 and estimated_fee seems to be correct, so the min_fee is probably wrong for the old fee.

I did a trace on the wallet, it seems the fee is wrong: ``` src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:685 estimated bulletproof rct tx size for 1 inputs with ring size 22 and 2 outputs: 2574 (1504 saved) src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:8496 trace: fee_multiplier: 1 src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:8497 trace: base_fee: 659327000 src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:8504 trace: needed_money: 100000000000 src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:8505 trace: min_fee: 1697110272000 src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:8506 trace: extimated_fee: 3296570000 src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:8506 trace: balance_subtotal: 790781346000 ``` I compared with v0.4 and `estimated_fee` seems to be correct, so the min_fee is probably wrong for the old fee.
fuwa0529 commented 5 years ago (Migrated from

Edit: this should be fixed once 5 is fixed.

After disabling the fee check there's a new error:

src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:7054     Ignoring output 305957, too recent
src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:7058     !own_found. THROW EXCEPTION: error::wallet_internal_error
src/common/scoped_message_writer.h:102  Error: internal error: Known ring does not include the spent output: 305957

some more trace:

wallet.wallet2  src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:6994     20840 unlocked rct outputs                                                                                 
wallet.wallet2  src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:7019     Fake output makeup: 90 requested: 0 recent, 0 pre-fork, 0 post-fork, 90 full-chain                         
global  src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:7026     trace: rct_offsets.size: 4846                                                                                      
global  src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:7027     trace: num_outs: 20840
Edit: this should be fixed once 5 is fixed. After disabling the fee check there's a new error: ``` src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:7054 Ignoring output 305957, too recent src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:7058 !own_found. THROW EXCEPTION: error::wallet_internal_error ... src/common/scoped_message_writer.h:102 Error: internal error: Known ring does not include the spent output: 305957 ``` some more trace: ``` wallet.wallet2 src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:6994 20840 unlocked rct outputs wallet.wallet2 src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:7019 Fake output makeup: 90 requested: 0 recent, 0 pre-fork, 0 post-fork, 90 full-chain global src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:7026 trace: rct_offsets.size: 4846 global src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:7027 trace: num_outs: 20840 ```
wowario commented 5 years ago (Migrated from

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