You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

78 lines
2.3 KiB

function get_diff_target(diff_targets, height) {
for (var i = diff_targets.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (diff_targets[i].height <= height)
return diff_targets[i].value;
return 0;
function get_chart(chartData, diff_targets) {
for (var i = 0; i < chartData.length; ++i) {
chartData[i].date = new Date(1000 * chartData[i][0]);
chartData[i].height = i + 1;
chartData[i].difficulty = chartData[i][2];
chartData[i].hashrate = formatHashrate(chartData[i].difficulty / get_diff_target(diff_targets, chartData[i].height), 2);
var chart = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv", {
"type": "serial",
"theme": "light",
"marginRight": 80,
"autoMarginOffset": 20,
"marginTop": 7,
"dataProvider": chartData,
"valueAxes": [{
"axisAlpha": 0,
"logarithmic": true
"mouseWheelZoomEnabled": true,
"graphs": [{
"id": "g1",
"lineColor": "#67B7DC",
"balloonText": "Height: <b>[[height]]</b>\nDiff: <b>[[value]]</b>\n[[hashrate]]",
"bullet": "round",
"bulletBorderAlpha": 1,
"bulletColor": "#FFFFFF",
"hideBulletsCount": 50,
"title": "difficulty",
"valueField": "difficulty",
"useLineColorForBulletBorder": true,
"cornerRadius": 10,
"chartScrollbar": {
"autoGridCount": true,
"graph": "g1",
"scrollbarHeight": 40
"chartCursor": {
"pan": false
"categoryField": "date",
"categoryAxis": {
"parseDates": true,
"minPeriod": "ss",
"axisColor": "#DADADA",
"dashLength": 1,
"minorGridEnabled": true
"export": {
"enabled": true,
"position": "bottom-right"
// this method is called when chart is first inited as we listen for "rendered" event
function zoomChart() {
// different zoom methods can be used - zoomToIndexes, zoomToDates, zoomToCategoryValues
chart.zoomToIndexes(0, chartData.length - 1);
chart.addListener("rendered", zoomChart);
return chart;