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import os
import logging
from datetime import datetime
import asyncio
from quart import Quart, url_for, jsonify, render_template, session
from quart_session import Session
from quart_keycloak import Keycloak, KeycloakAuthToken, KeycloakLogoutRequest
from quart_session import Session
from uvicorn.middleware.proxy_headers import ProxyHeadersMiddleware
import settings
app: Quart = None
peewee = None
cache = None
if settings.X_FORWARDED:
app.asgi_app = ProxyHeadersMiddleware(app.asgi_app, trusted_hosts=["", ""])
keycloak = Keycloak(app, **settings.OPENID_CFG)
async def _setup_database(app: Quart):
import peewee
import yellow.models
models = peewee.Model.__subclasses__()
for m in models:
async def _setup_openid(app: Quart):
from yellow.auth import handle_user_login
async def _setup_cache(app: Quart):
global cache
app.config['SESSION_TYPE'] = 'redis'
app.config['SESSION_URI'] = settings.REDIS_URI
async def _setup_error_handlers(app: Quart):
async def page_error(e):
return await render_template('error.html', code=500, msg="Error occurred"), 500
async def page_forbidden(e):
return await render_template('error.html', code=403, msg="Forbidden"), 403
async def page_not_found(e):
return await render_template('error.html', code=404, msg="Page not found"), 404
def create_app():
global app
app = Quart(__name__)
app.secret_key = settings.APP_SECRET
def template_variables():
from yellow.models import User
current_user = session.get('user')
if current_user:
current_user = User(**current_user)
now =
return dict(user=current_user, url_login=keycloak.endpoint_name_login, year=now.year)
async def startup():
await _setup_cache(app)
await _setup_openid(app)
await _setup_database(app)
await _setup_error_handlers(app)
from yellow.routes import bp_routes
from yellow.api import bp_api
return app