Add aarch32 AES support

This is for an ARMv8 CPU running a 32bit OS, which identifies its arch
as armv7l. Compile flags must be set before the crypto feature is
exposed by the compiler:
 "-march=armv8-a+crypto -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=crypto-neon-fp-armv8"

Perf gain is actually minimal, probably too much overhead in moving
values between memory and vector registers.
Howard Chu 5 years ago
parent 4296c35d79
commit 64d51fb3b6

@ -529,6 +529,35 @@ typedef union {
rx_vec_i128 i;
} rx_vec_f128;
#if defined(__arm__) && defined(__ARM_FEATURE_CRYPTO)
#include <arm_neon.h>
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_i128 rx_aesenc_vec_i128(rx_vec_i128 a, rx_vec_i128 key) {
const uint8x16_t zero = { 0 };
rx_vec_i128 ret;
uint8x16_t aa, kk;
aa = vld1q_u8(a.u8);
kk = vld1q_u8(key.u8);
aa = vaesmcq_u8(vaeseq_u8(aa, zero)) ^ kk;
vst1q_u8(ret.u8, aa);
return ret;
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_i128 rx_aesdec_vec_i128(rx_vec_i128 a, rx_vec_i128 key) {
const uint8x16_t zero = { 0 };
rx_vec_i128 ret;
uint8x16_t aa, kk;
aa = vld1q_u8(a.u8);
kk = vld1q_u8(key.u8);
aa = vaesimcq_u8(vaesdq_u8(aa, zero)) ^ kk;
vst1q_u8(ret.u8, aa);
return ret;
#define HAVE_AES 1
#define rx_aligned_alloc(a, b) malloc(a)
#define rx_aligned_free(a) free(a)
#define rx_prefetch_nta(x)
