You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

172 lines
4.2 KiB

import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
import "."
RowLayout {
id: root
property double amount: 0.0;
property bool add: true;
property string enteredColor: "#365473"
property string exitedColor: "#2c435d"
property string pressedColor: "#406288"
signal amountUpdated(double amount);
spacing: 24
function reset() {
root.amount = 0.0;
MyNumPadButton {
id: minButton
mouseArea.enabled: false
fontSize: 18
Layout.preferredWidth: 128
Layout.preferredHeight: 112
color: root.add ? root.exitedColor : root.enteredColor
text: "-"
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
onEntered: {
if(!root.add) return;
parent.color = root.enteredColor
onExited: {
if(!root.add) return;
parent.color = root.exitedColor
onClicked: {
root.add = false;
plusButton.color = root.exitedColor
MyNumPadButton {
id: plusButton
mouseArea.enabled: false
fontSize: 18
Layout.preferredWidth: 128
Layout.preferredHeight: 112
color: root.add ? root.enteredColor : root.exitedColor
text: "+"
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
onEntered: {
if(root.add) return;
parent.color = root.enteredColor
onExited: {
if(root.add) return;
parent.color = root.exitedColor
onClicked: {
root.add = true;
minButton.color = root.exitedColor
Rectangle {
color: "#cccccc"
width: 1
Layout.fillHeight: true
MyNumPadButton {
fontSize: 18
Layout.preferredWidth: 180
Layout.preferredHeight: 112
text: "0.001"
onClicked: {
root.add ? root.amount += 0.001 : root.amount -= 0.001;
if(root.amount <= 0.0) root.amount = 0.0;
MyNumPadButton {
fontSize: 18
Layout.preferredWidth: 148
Layout.preferredHeight: 112
text: "0.01"
onClicked: {
root.add ? root.amount += 0.01 : root.amount -= 0.01;
if(root.amount <= 0.0) root.amount = 0.0;
MyNumPadButton {
fontSize: 18
Layout.preferredWidth: 128
Layout.preferredHeight: 112
text: "0.1"
onClicked: {
root.add ? root.amount += 0.1 : root.amount -= 0.1;
if(root.amount <= 0.0) root.amount = 0.0;
MyNumPadButton {
fontSize: 18
Layout.preferredWidth: 128
Layout.preferredHeight: 112
text: "1"
onClicked: {
root.add ? root.amount += 1.0 : root.amount -= 1.0;
if(root.amount <= 0.0) root.amount = 0.0;
MyNumPadButton {
fontSize: 18
Layout.preferredWidth: 168
Layout.preferredHeight: 112
text: "10"
onClicked: {
root.add ? root.amount += 10.0 : root.amount -= 10.0;
if(root.amount <= 0.0) root.amount = 0.0;
MyNumPadButton {
fontSize: 18
Layout.preferredWidth: 128
Layout.preferredHeight: 112
text: "100"
onClicked: {
root.add ? root.amount += 100.0 : root.amount -= 100.0;
if(root.amount <= 0.0) root.amount = 0.0;
MyNumPadButton {
fontSize: 18
Layout.preferredWidth: 168
Layout.preferredHeight: 112
text: "1000"
onClicked: {
root.add ? root.amount += 1000.0 : root.amount -= 1000.0;
if(root.amount <= 0.0) root.amount = 0.0;