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// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
// Copyright (c) 2020-2021, The Monero Project.
// Copyright (c) OpenVR Advanced Settings
#include <string>
#include <openvr.h>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include "openvr_init.h"
namespace openvr_init
bool initializeProperly(const OpenVrInitializationType initType) {
auto initializationType = vr::EVRApplicationType::VRApplication_Other;
if (initType == OpenVrInitializationType::Overlay) {
initializationType = vr::EVRApplicationType::VRApplication_Overlay;
} else if (initType == OpenVrInitializationType::Utility) {
initializationType = vr::EVRApplicationType::VRApplication_Utility;
auto initError = vr::VRInitError_None;
vr::VR_Init(&initError, initializationType);
if (initError != vr::VRInitError_None) {
if (initError == vr::VRInitError_Init_HmdNotFound || initError == vr::VRInitError_Init_HmdNotFoundPresenceFailed) {
QMessageBox::critical(nullptr, "Wowlet VR", "Could not find HMD!");
qCritical() << "Failed to initialize OpenVR: " << std::string(vr::VR_GetVRInitErrorAsEnglishDescription(initError)).c_str();
return false;
qInfo() << "OpenVR initialized successfully.";
return true;
bool initializeOpenVR(const OpenVrInitializationType initType)
bool res = initializeProperly(initType);
return false;
// Check whether OpenVR is too outdated
if (!vr::VR_IsInterfaceVersionValid(vr::IVRSystem_Version)) {
return reportVersionError(vr::IVRSystem_Version);
} else if (!vr::VR_IsInterfaceVersionValid(vr::IVRSettings_Version)) {
return reportVersionError(vr::IVRSettings_Version);
} else if (!vr::VR_IsInterfaceVersionValid(vr::IVROverlay_Version)) {
return reportVersionError(vr::IVROverlay_Version);
} else if (!vr::VR_IsInterfaceVersionValid(vr::IVRApplications_Version)) {
return reportVersionError(vr::IVRApplications_Version);
} else if (!vr::VR_IsInterfaceVersionValid(vr::IVRChaperone_Version)) {
return reportVersionError(vr::IVRChaperone_Version);
} else if (!vr::VR_IsInterfaceVersionValid(vr::IVRChaperoneSetup_Version)) {
return reportVersionError(vr::IVRChaperoneSetup_Version);
} else if (!vr::VR_IsInterfaceVersionValid(vr::IVRCompositor_Version)) {
return reportVersionError(vr::IVRCompositor_Version);
} else if (!vr::VR_IsInterfaceVersionValid(vr::IVRNotifications_Version)) {
return reportVersionError(vr::IVRNotifications_Version);
} else if (!vr::VR_IsInterfaceVersionValid(vr::IVRInput_Version)) {
return reportVersionError(vr::IVRInput_Version);
return true;
bool reportVersionError(const char* const interfaceAndVersion) {
// The function call and error message was the same for all version checks.
// Specific error messages are unlikely to be necessary since both the type
// and version are in the string and will be output.
auto msg = "OpenVR version is too outdated. Please update OpenVR: " + QString(interfaceAndVersion);
QMessageBox::critical(nullptr, "Wowlet VR", msg);
return false;
} // namespace openvr_init