You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

43 lines
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import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
TextField {
property int keyBoardUID: 0
property string savedText: ""
property bool passwordField: false
id: myTextField
echoMode: passwordField ? TextInput.Password : TextInput.Normal
color: "#cccccc"
text: ""
font.pointSize: 20
background: Button {
hoverEnabled: true
background: Rectangle {
color: parent.hovered ? "#2c435d" : "#1b2939"
border.color: "#cccccc"
border.width: 2
onClicked: {
onActiveFocusChanged: {
if (activeFocus) {
if (!OverlayController.desktopMode) {
OverlayController.showKeyboard(text, keyBoardUID)
} else {
savedText = text
onEditingFinished: {
if (OverlayController.desktopMode && savedText !== text) {
function onInputEvent(input) {
text = input