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pragma Singleton
import QtQuick 2.7
// These color codes are overriden by assets/themes.json, we are just
// making sure the property names exist.
QtObject {
id: root
property string fontColor: "white"
property string fontColorDimmed: "#cccccc"
property string fontColorBright: "white"
property string backgroundGradientStartColor: "#194f64"
property string backgroundGradientStopColor: "#192e43"
property string backgroundColor: "#1b2939"
property string dividerColor: "#50ffffff"
property string btnEnteredColor: "#aa3b689b"
property string btnExitedColor: "#aa375c87"
property string btnPressedColor: "#aa467dbb"
property string btnTextColor: "white"
property string btnTextHoverColor: "white"
property string btnMainMenuBackground: "#aa3b689b"
property string historyBackgroundColor: "#2c435d"
property string historyBackgroundColorBright: "#406288"
property string historyFontColorPlusAmount: "#00d304"
property string historyFontColorMinAmount: "red"