// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause // Copyright (c) 2020-2021, The Monero Project. // Copyright (c) OpenVR Advanced Settings #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "overlaycontroller.h" #include // application namespace namespace wowletvr { OverlayController::OverlayController(bool desktopMode, QQmlEngine& qmlEngine) : QObject(), m_desktopMode(desktopMode) { // Arbitrarily chosen Max Length of Directory path, should be sufficient for // Any set-up const uint32_t maxLength = 16192; uint32_t requiredLength; char tempRuntimePath[maxLength]; bool pathIsGood = vr::VR_GetRuntimePath( tempRuntimePath, maxLength, &requiredLength ); // Throw Error If over 16k characters in path string if ( !pathIsGood ) { qCritical() << "Error Finding VR Runtime Path, Attempting Recovery: "; uint32_t maxLengthRe = requiredLength; qInfo() << "Open VR reporting Required path length of: " << maxLengthRe; } m_runtimePathUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile( tempRuntimePath ); qInfo() << "VR Runtime Path: " << m_runtimePathUrl.toLocalFile(); QSurfaceFormat format; // Qt's QOpenGLPaintDevice is not compatible with OpenGL versions >= 3.0 // NVIDIA does not care, but unfortunately AMD does // Are subtle changes to the semantics of OpenGL functions actually covered // by the compatibility profile, and this is an AMD bug? format.setVersion( 2, 1 ); // format.setProfile( QSurfaceFormat::CompatibilityProfile ); format.setDepthBufferSize( 16 ); format.setStencilBufferSize( 8 ); format.setSamples( 16 ); m_openGLContext.setFormat( format ); if ( !m_openGLContext.create() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "Could not create OpenGL context" ); } // create an offscreen surface to attach the context and FBO to m_offscreenSurface.setFormat( m_openGLContext.format() ); m_offscreenSurface.create(); m_openGLContext.makeCurrent( &m_offscreenSurface ); if (!vr::VROverlay() && !desktopMode){ QMessageBox::critical(nullptr, "Wowlet VR Overlay", "Is OpenVR running?"); throw std::runtime_error( std::string( "No Overlay interface" ) ); } // Set qml context qmlEngine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("applicationVersion", "1337"); qmlEngine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("vrRuntimePath", getVRRuntimePathUrl()); } OverlayController::~OverlayController() { Shutdown(); } void OverlayController::exitApp() { Shutdown(); QApplication::exit(); qInfo() << "All systems exited."; exit( EXIT_SUCCESS ); // Does not fallthrough } void OverlayController::Shutdown() { if (m_pRenderTimer) { disconnect( &m_renderControl, SIGNAL( renderRequested() ), this, SLOT( OnRenderRequest() ) ); disconnect( &m_renderControl, SIGNAL( sceneChanged() ), this, SLOT( OnRenderRequest() ) ); disconnect( m_pRenderTimer.get(), SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( renderOverlay() ) ); m_pRenderTimer->stop(); m_pRenderTimer.reset(); } m_pFbo.reset(); } void OverlayController::SetWidget(QQuickItem* quickItem, const std::string& name, const std::string& key, const std::string& iconPath) { if ( !m_desktopMode ) { vr::VROverlayError overlayError = vr::VROverlay()->CreateDashboardOverlay( key.c_str(), name.c_str(), &m_ulOverlayHandle, &m_ulOverlayThumbnailHandle ); if ( overlayError != vr::VROverlayError_None ) { if ( overlayError == vr::VROverlayError_KeyInUse ) { QMessageBox::critical( nullptr, "Wowlet VR Overlay", "Another instance is already running." ); } throw std::runtime_error( std::string( "Failed to create Overlay: " + std::string( vr::VROverlay()->GetOverlayErrorNameFromEnum( overlayError ) ) ) ); } vr::VROverlay()->SetOverlayWidthInMeters( m_ulOverlayHandle, 2.5f ); vr::VROverlay()->SetOverlayInputMethod( m_ulOverlayHandle, vr::VROverlayInputMethod_Mouse ); vr::VROverlay()->SetOverlayFlag( m_ulOverlayHandle, vr::VROverlayFlags_SendVRSmoothScrollEvents, true ); // Overlay icon if (!iconPath.empty()) vr::VROverlay()->SetOverlayFromFile( m_ulOverlayThumbnailHandle, iconPath.c_str() ); // Too many render calls in too short time overwhelm Qt and an // assertion gets thrown. Therefore we use an timer to delay render // calls m_pRenderTimer.reset(new QTimer()); m_pRenderTimer->setSingleShot( false ); m_pRenderTimer->setInterval( 5 ); connect( m_pRenderTimer.get(), SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( renderOverlay() ) ); QOpenGLFramebufferObjectFormat fboFormat; fboFormat.setAttachment( QOpenGLFramebufferObject::CombinedDepthStencil ); fboFormat.setTextureTarget( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); m_pFbo.reset( new QOpenGLFramebufferObject( static_cast( quickItem->width() ), static_cast( quickItem->height() ), fboFormat ) ); m_window.setRenderTarget( m_pFbo.get() ); quickItem->setParentItem( m_window.contentItem() ); m_window.setGeometry( 0, 0, static_cast( quickItem->width() ), static_cast( quickItem->height() ) ); m_renderControl.initialize( &m_openGLContext ); vr::HmdVector2_t vecWindowSize = { static_cast( quickItem->width() ), static_cast( quickItem->height() ) }; vr::VROverlay()->SetOverlayMouseScale( m_ulOverlayHandle, &vecWindowSize ); connect( &m_renderControl, SIGNAL( renderRequested() ), this, SLOT( OnRenderRequest() ) ); connect( &m_renderControl, SIGNAL( sceneChanged() ), this, SLOT( OnRenderRequest() ) ); m_pRenderTimer->start(); } } void OverlayController::OnRenderRequest() { if ( m_pRenderTimer && !m_pRenderTimer->isActive() ) { m_pRenderTimer->start(); } } void OverlayController::renderOverlay() { if ( !m_desktopMode ) { // skip rendering if the overlay isn't visible if ( !vr::VROverlay() || ( !vr::VROverlay()->IsOverlayVisible( m_ulOverlayHandle ) && !vr::VROverlay()->IsOverlayVisible( m_ulOverlayThumbnailHandle ) ) ) return; m_renderControl.polishItems(); m_renderControl.sync(); m_renderControl.render(); GLuint unTexture = m_pFbo->texture(); if ( unTexture != 0 ) { #if defined _WIN64 || defined _LP64 // To avoid any compiler warning because of cast to a larger // pointer type (warning C4312 on VC) vr::Texture_t texture = { reinterpret_cast( static_cast( unTexture ) ), vr::TextureType_OpenGL, vr::ColorSpace_Auto }; #else vr::Texture_t texture = { reinterpret_cast( unTexture ), vr::TextureType_OpenGL, vr::ColorSpace_Auto }; #endif vr::VROverlay()->SetOverlayTexture( m_ulOverlayHandle, &texture ); } m_openGLContext.functions()->glFlush(); // We need to flush otherwise // the texture may be empty.*/ if(m_customTickRateCounter % k_nonVsyncTickRate == 0) { mainEventLoop(); m_customTickRateCounter = 0; } else { m_customTickRateCounter += 1; } } } bool OverlayController::pollNextEvent( vr::VROverlayHandle_t ulOverlayHandle, vr::VREvent_t* pEvent ) { if ( isDesktopMode() ) { return vr::VRSystem()->PollNextEvent( pEvent, sizeof( vr::VREvent_t ) ); } else { return vr::VROverlay()->PollNextOverlayEvent( ulOverlayHandle, pEvent, sizeof( vr::VREvent_t ) ); } } QPoint OverlayController::getMousePositionForEvent( vr::VREvent_Mouse_t mouse ) { float y = mouse.y; #ifdef __linux__ float h = static_cast( m_window.height() ); y = h - y; #endif return QPoint( static_cast( mouse.x ), static_cast( y ) ); } void OverlayController::mainEventLoop() { if ( !vr::VRSystem() ) return; vr::VREvent_t vrEvent; while ( pollNextEvent( m_ulOverlayHandle, &vrEvent ) ) { switch ( vrEvent.eventType ) { case vr::VREvent_MouseMove: { QPoint ptNewMouse = getMousePositionForEvent( vrEvent.data.mouse ); if ( ptNewMouse != m_ptLastMouse ) { QMouseEvent mouseEvent( QEvent::MouseMove, ptNewMouse, m_window.mapToGlobal( ptNewMouse ), Qt::NoButton, m_lastMouseButtons, nullptr ); m_ptLastMouse = ptNewMouse; QCoreApplication::sendEvent( &m_window, &mouseEvent ); OnRenderRequest(); } } break; case vr::VREvent_MouseButtonDown: { QPoint ptNewMouse = getMousePositionForEvent( vrEvent.data.mouse ); Qt::MouseButton button = vrEvent.data.mouse.button == vr::VRMouseButton_Right ? Qt::RightButton : Qt::LeftButton; m_lastMouseButtons |= button; QMouseEvent mouseEvent( QEvent::MouseButtonPress, ptNewMouse, m_window.mapToGlobal( ptNewMouse ), button, m_lastMouseButtons, nullptr ); QCoreApplication::sendEvent( &m_window, &mouseEvent ); } break; case vr::VREvent_MouseButtonUp: { QPoint ptNewMouse = getMousePositionForEvent( vrEvent.data.mouse ); Qt::MouseButton button = vrEvent.data.mouse.button == vr::VRMouseButton_Right ? Qt::RightButton : Qt::LeftButton; m_lastMouseButtons &= ~button; QMouseEvent mouseEvent( QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, ptNewMouse, m_window.mapToGlobal( ptNewMouse ), button, m_lastMouseButtons, nullptr ); QCoreApplication::sendEvent( &m_window, &mouseEvent ); } break; case vr::VREvent_ScrollSmooth: { // Wheel speed is defined as 1/8 of a degree QWheelEvent wheelEvent( m_ptLastMouse, m_window.mapToGlobal( m_ptLastMouse ), QPoint(), QPoint( static_cast( vrEvent.data.scroll.xdelta * ( 360.0f * 8.0f ) ), static_cast( vrEvent.data.scroll.ydelta * ( 360.0f * 8.0f ) ) ), 0, Qt::Vertical, m_lastMouseButtons, nullptr ); QCoreApplication::sendEvent( &m_window, &wheelEvent ); } break; case vr::VREvent_OverlayShown: { m_window.update(); } break; case vr::VREvent_Quit: { qInfo() << "Received quit request."; vr::VRSystem()->AcknowledgeQuit_Exiting(); // Let us buy some // time just in case exitApp(); // Won't fallthrough, but also exitApp() wont, but QT won't // acknowledge exit( EXIT_SUCCESS ); } case vr::VREvent_DashboardActivated: { qDebug() << "Dashboard activated"; emit dashboardActivated(); m_dashboardVisible = true; } break; case vr::VREvent_DashboardDeactivated: { qDebug() << "Dashboard deactivated"; emit dashboardDeactivated(); m_dashboardVisible = false; } break; case vr::VREvent_KeyboardDone: { qDebug() << "VREvent_KeyboardDone"; char keyboardBuffer[1024]; vr::VROverlay()->GetKeyboardText( keyboardBuffer, 1024 ); qDebug() << "emit keyBoardInputSignal()"; emit keyBoardInputSignal( QString( keyboardBuffer ), static_cast( vrEvent.data.keyboard.uUserValue ) ); } break; } } if ( m_ulOverlayThumbnailHandle != vr::k_ulOverlayHandleInvalid ) { while ( vr::VROverlay()->PollNextOverlayEvent( m_ulOverlayThumbnailHandle, &vrEvent, sizeof( vrEvent ) ) ) { switch ( vrEvent.eventType ) { case vr::VREvent_OverlayShown: { m_window.update(); } break; } } } } void OverlayController::showKeyboard(QString existingText, unsigned long userValue) { if(m_desktopMode) return; vr::VROverlay()->ShowKeyboardForOverlay( m_ulOverlayHandle, vr::k_EGamepadTextInputModeNormal, vr::k_EGamepadTextInputLineModeSingleLine, 0, "Wowlet VR", 1024, existingText.toStdString().c_str(), userValue); setKeyboardPos(); } void OverlayController::setKeyboardPos() { vr::HmdVector2_t emptyvec; emptyvec.v[0] = 0; emptyvec.v[1] = 0; vr::HmdRect2_t empty; empty.vTopLeft = emptyvec; empty.vBottomRight = emptyvec; vr::VROverlay()->SetKeyboardPositionForOverlay( m_ulOverlayHandle, empty ); } QUrl OverlayController::getVRRuntimePathUrl() { return m_runtimePathUrl; } bool OverlayController::soundDisabled() { return true; } const vr::VROverlayHandle_t& OverlayController::overlayHandle() { return m_ulOverlayHandle; } const vr::VROverlayHandle_t& OverlayController::overlayThumbnailHandle() { return m_ulOverlayThumbnailHandle; } } // namespace wowletvr