# WOWlet WS Client Sample Python asyncio websocket client for communicating with wowlet running in "background mode" via websockets. This library was made in a few hours, so it's not complete, and should serve as an example and PoC. ## Example First, start [wowlet](https://git.wownero.com/wowlet/wowlet/): ./wowlet --background Then run the following script, it will: 1. Open a wallet 2. Request a receiving address listing 3. Run forever ```python import asyncio from wowlet_ws_client.client import WowletWSClient wowlet = WowletWSClient(host="", port=42069, debug=True) @wowlet.event("walletList") async def on_wallet_list(data): print("wallet listing received") print(data) @wowlet.event("addressList") async def on_address_list(data): print("address listing received") print(data) @wowlet.event("transactionHistory") async def on_transaction_history(data): print(data) @wowlet.event("addressBook") async def on_address_book(data): print(data) @wowlet.event("synchronized") async def on_synchronized(data): # called when the wallet is synchronized with the network print(data) @wowlet.event("transactionCommitted") async def on_transaction_commited(data): # when a transaction was sent print(data) async def main(): await wowlet.connect() await asyncio.sleep(2) await wowlet.open_wallet("/home/user/Wownero/wallets/wstest.keys", "test") await asyncio.sleep(3) await wowlet.address_list(0, 0) # hack to keep the script running while True: await asyncio.sleep(1) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(main()) ``` ## Creating a wallet Default directory = wowlet's default wallet directory ```python @wowlet.event("walletCreated") async def on_wallet_created(data): print(data) @wowlet.event("walletCreatedError") async def on_wallet_created_error(data): print("error") print(data) await wowlet.create_wallet("cool_wallet", password="sekrit") ``` ## Creating a transaction ```python address = "WW2cyFaAu4NSpZdpEP3egWcK99QqU8afJEpfZW1HNxofB9sH86Nir5pes7ofwAE3ZWVNdgxFrWeSiSiSLumSeZ7538zCXb6gp" await wowlet.send_transaction( address=address, amount=2, description="test transaction from Python") ``` ## QR This library can also generate QR codes because why not. ```python import aiofiles from wowlet_ws_client.qr import qr_png addr = "some_address_here" qr_image = qr_png(addr) async with aiofiles.open('output.png', mode="wb") as f: await f.write(qr_image.getbuffer()) ``` ## License BSD