# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # Copyright (c) 2020, The Monero Project. # Copyright (c) 2020, dsc@xmr.pm import json import asyncio import random from typing import Union class WowletTask: """ The base class of many recurring tasks for this project. This abstracts away some functionality: 1. Tasks are automatically cached in Redis if the `_cache_key` is set. 2. The task result is propagated to connected websocket clients if `_websocket_cmd` is set. 3. Inheritors should implement the `task()` method. 4. Inheritors can optionally implement the `done()` method. """ def __init__(self, interval: int): """ :param interval: secs """ self.interval = interval # propogate to websocket clients? self._websocket_cmd: str = None # redis self._cache_key: str = None self._cache_expiry: int = None # logging self._qualname: str = f"{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__}" self._active = True self._running = False async def start(self, *args, **kwargs): from wowlet_backend.factory import app, connected_websockets if not self._active: # invalid task return app.logger.info(f"Starting task {self._qualname}") sleep = lambda: asyncio.sleep(random.randrange(self.interval - 5, self.interval + 5)) while True: if not self._active: # invalid task return if self._running: # task already running, wait for completion await asyncio.sleep(5) continue try: self._running = True result: dict = await self.task(*args, **kwargs) if not result: raise Exception("No result") except Exception as ex: app.logger.error(f"{self._qualname} - {ex}") # if the task failed we can attempt to use an old value from the cache. if not self._cache_key: app.logger.warning(f"{self._qualname} - No cache key for task, skipping") await sleep() self._running = False continue app.logger.info(f"{self._qualname} - trying cache") result = await self.cache_get(self._cache_key) if result: app.logger.warning(f"serving cached result for {self._qualname}") else: app.logger.error(f"{self._qualname} - cache lookup failed, fix me") await sleep() self._running = False continue # optional: propogate result to websocket peers if self._websocket_cmd and result: # but only when there is a change normalize = lambda k: json.dumps(k, sort_keys=True, indent=4) propagate = True cached = await self.cache_get(self._cache_key) if cached: if normalize(cached) == normalize(result): propagate = False if propagate: for queue in connected_websockets: await queue.put({ "cmd": self._websocket_cmd, "data": result }) # optional: cache the result if self._cache_key and result: await self.cache_set(self._cache_key, result, self._cache_expiry) # optional: call completion function if 'done' in self.__class__.__dict__: await self.done(result) await sleep() self._running = False async def task(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError() async def done(self, *args, **kwargs): """overload this method to execute this function after completion of `task`. Results from `task` are parameters for `done`.""" raise NotImplementedError() async def end(self, result: dict): raise NotImplementedError() async def cache_json_get(self, key: str, path="."): from wowlet_backend.factory import app, cache try: data = await cache.get(key) if data: return json.loads(data) except Exception as ex: app.logger.error(f"Redis error: {ex}") async def cache_get(self, key: str) -> dict: from wowlet_backend.factory import app, cache try: data = await cache.get(key) if not data: return {} return json.loads(data) except Exception as ex: app.logger.error(f"Redis GET error with key '{key}': {ex}") async def cache_set(self, key, val: Union[dict, int], expiry: int = 0) -> bool: from wowlet_backend.factory import app, cache try: data = json.dumps(val) if isinstance(expiry, int) and expiry > 0: await cache.setex(key, expiry, data) else: await cache.set(key, data) return True except Exception as ex: app.logger.error(f"Redis SET error with key '{key}': {ex}") from wowlet_backend.tasks.proposals import FundingProposalsTask from wowlet_backend.tasks.historical_prices import HistoricalPriceTask from wowlet_backend.tasks.blockheight import BlockheightTask from wowlet_backend.tasks.rates_fiat import FiatRatesTask from wowlet_backend.tasks.rates_crypto import CryptoRatesTask from wowlet_backend.tasks.reddit import RedditTask from wowlet_backend.tasks.rpc_nodes import RPCNodeCheckTask from wowlet_backend.tasks.xmrig import XmrigTask from wowlet_backend.tasks.suchwow import SuchWowTask