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use crate::bitcoin::{CancelTimelock, PunishTimelock, TxCancel, TxLock, TxRefund};
use crate::protocol::alice;
use crate::protocol::alice::event_loop::EventLoopHandle;
use crate::{bitcoin, monero};
use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result};
pub async fn lock_xmr(
state3: alice::State3,
event_loop_handle: &mut EventLoopHandle,
monero_wallet: &monero::Wallet,
) -> Result<()> {
let S_a = monero::PublicKey::from_private_key(&monero::PrivateKey { scalar: state3.s_a });
let public_spend_key = S_a + state3.S_b_monero;
let public_view_key = state3.v.public();
let transfer_proof = monero_wallet
.transfer(public_spend_key, public_view_key, state3.xmr)
// TODO(Franck): Wait for Monero to be confirmed once
// Waiting for XMR confirmations should not be done in here, but in a separate
// state! We have to record that Alice has already sent the transaction.
// Otherwise Alice might publish the lock tx twice!
pub async fn publish_cancel_transaction(
tx_lock: TxLock,
a: bitcoin::SecretKey,
B: bitcoin::PublicKey,
cancel_timelock: CancelTimelock,
tx_cancel_sig_bob: bitcoin::Signature,
bitcoin_wallet: &bitcoin::Wallet,
) -> Result<()> {
.watch_until_status(&tx_lock, |status| status.is_confirmed_with(cancel_timelock))
let tx_cancel = bitcoin::TxCancel::new(&tx_lock, cancel_timelock, a.public(), B);
// If Bob hasn't yet broadcasted the tx cancel, we do it
if bitcoin_wallet
// TODO(Franck): Maybe the cancel transaction is already mined, in this case,
// the broadcast will error out.
let sig_a = a.sign(tx_cancel.digest());
let sig_b = tx_cancel_sig_bob.clone();
let tx_cancel = tx_cancel
.add_signatures((a.public(), sig_a), (B, sig_b))
.expect("sig_{a,b} to be valid signatures for tx_cancel");
// TODO(Franck): Error handling is delicate, why can't we broadcast?
let (..) = bitcoin_wallet.broadcast(tx_cancel, "cancel").await?;
// TODO(Franck): Wait until transaction is mined and returned mined
// block height
pub async fn wait_for_bitcoin_refund(
tx_cancel: &TxCancel,
tx_refund: &TxRefund,
punish_timelock: PunishTimelock,
bitcoin_wallet: &bitcoin::Wallet,
) -> Result<Option<bitcoin::Transaction>> {
let refund_tx_id = tx_refund.txid();
let seen_refund_tx =
bitcoin_wallet.watch_until_status(tx_refund, |status| status.has_been_seen());
let punish_timelock_expired = bitcoin_wallet.watch_until_status(tx_cancel, |status| {
tokio::select! {
seen_refund = seen_refund_tx => {
match seen_refund {
Ok(()) => {
let published_refund_tx = bitcoin_wallet.get_raw_transaction(refund_tx_id).await?;
Err(e) => {
bail!(e.context("Failed to monitor refund transaction"))
_ = punish_timelock_expired => {
pub fn extract_monero_private_key(
published_refund_tx: bitcoin::Transaction,
tx_refund: &TxRefund,
s_a: monero::Scalar,
a: bitcoin::SecretKey,
S_b_bitcoin: bitcoin::PublicKey,
) -> Result<monero::PrivateKey> {
let s_a = monero::PrivateKey { scalar: s_a };
let tx_refund_sig = tx_refund
.extract_signature_by_key(published_refund_tx, a.public())
.context("Failed to extract signature from Bitcoin refund tx")?;
let tx_refund_encsig = a.encsign(S_b_bitcoin, tx_refund.digest());
let s_b = bitcoin::recover(S_b_bitcoin, tx_refund_sig, tx_refund_encsig)
.context("Failed to recover Monero secret key from Bitcoin signature")?;
let s_b = monero::private_key_from_secp256k1_scalar(s_b.into());
let spend_key = s_a + s_b;