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use futures::future;
use libp2p::core::muxing::StreamMuxerBox;
use libp2p::core::transport::memory::MemoryTransport;
use libp2p::core::upgrade::{SelectUpgrade, Version};
use libp2p::core::{Executor, Multiaddr};
use libp2p::mplex::MplexConfig;
use libp2p::noise::{self, NoiseConfig, X25519Spec};
use libp2p::swarm::{
IntoProtocolsHandler, NetworkBehaviour, ProtocolsHandler, SwarmBuilder, SwarmEvent,
use libp2p::{identity, yamux, PeerId, Swarm, Transport};
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::time;
/// An adaptor struct for libp2p that spawns futures into the current
/// thread-local runtime.
struct GlobalSpawnTokioExecutor;
impl Executor for GlobalSpawnTokioExecutor {
fn exec(&self, future: Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + Send>>) {
let _ = tokio::spawn(future);
pub struct Actor<B: NetworkBehaviour> {
pub swarm: Swarm<B>,
pub addr: Multiaddr,
pub peer_id: PeerId,
pub async fn new_connected_swarm_pair<B, F>(behaviour_fn: F) -> (Actor<B>, Actor<B>)
B: NetworkBehaviour,
F: Fn(PeerId, identity::Keypair) -> B + Clone,
<<<B as NetworkBehaviour>::ProtocolsHandler as IntoProtocolsHandler>::Handler as ProtocolsHandler>::InEvent: Clone,
<B as NetworkBehaviour>::OutEvent: Debug{
let (swarm, addr, peer_id) = new_swarm(behaviour_fn.clone());
let mut alice = Actor {
let (swarm, addr, peer_id) = new_swarm(behaviour_fn);
let mut bob = Actor {
connect(&mut alice.swarm, &mut bob.swarm).await;
(alice, bob)
pub fn new_swarm<B: NetworkBehaviour, F: Fn(PeerId, identity::Keypair) -> B>(
behaviour_fn: F,
) -> (Swarm<B>, Multiaddr, PeerId)
B: NetworkBehaviour,
let id_keys = identity::Keypair::generate_ed25519();
let peer_id = PeerId::from(id_keys.public());
let dh_keys = noise::Keypair::<X25519Spec>::new()
.expect("failed to create dh_keys");
let noise = NoiseConfig::xx(dh_keys).into_authenticated();
let transport = MemoryTransport::default()
.map(|(peer, muxer), _| (peer, StreamMuxerBox::new(muxer)))
let mut swarm: Swarm<B> = SwarmBuilder::new(transport, behaviour_fn(peer_id, id_keys), peer_id)
let address_port = rand::random::<u64>();
let addr = format!("/memory/{}", address_port)
Swarm::listen_on(&mut swarm, addr.clone()).unwrap();
(swarm, addr, peer_id)
pub async fn await_events_or_timeout<A, B>(
alice_event: impl Future<Output = A>,
bob_event: impl Future<Output = B>,
) -> (A, B) {
future::join(alice_event, bob_event),
.expect("network behaviours to emit an event within 10 seconds")
/// Connects two swarms with each other.
/// This assumes the transport that is in use can be used by Bob to connect to
/// the listen address that is emitted by Alice. In other words, they have to be
/// on the same network. The memory transport used by the above `new_swarm`
/// function fulfills this.
/// We also assume that the swarms don't emit any behaviour events during the
/// connection phase. Any event emitted is considered a bug from this functions
/// PoV because they would be lost.
pub async fn connect<BA, BB>(alice: &mut Swarm<BA>, bob: &mut Swarm<BB>)
BA: NetworkBehaviour,
BB: NetworkBehaviour,
<BA as NetworkBehaviour>::OutEvent: Debug,
<BB as NetworkBehaviour>::OutEvent: Debug,
let mut alice_connected = false;
let mut bob_connected = false;
while !alice_connected && !bob_connected {
let (alice_event, bob_event) = future::join(alice.next_event(), bob.next_event()).await;
match alice_event {
SwarmEvent::ConnectionEstablished { .. } => {
alice_connected = true;
SwarmEvent::NewListenAddr(addr) => {
SwarmEvent::Behaviour(event) => {
"alice unexpectedly emitted a behaviour event during connection: {:?}",
_ => {}
match bob_event {
SwarmEvent::ConnectionEstablished { .. } => {
bob_connected = true;
SwarmEvent::Behaviour(event) => {
"bob unexpectedly emitted a behaviour event during connection: {:?}",
_ => {}