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use crate::{
current_epoch, wait_for_cancel_timelock_to_expire, CancelTimelock, ExpiredTimelocks,
PunishTimelock, TxCancel, TxRefund,
alice::{Message1, Message3},
bob::{Message0, Message2, Message4},
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Result};
use libp2p::PeerId;
use monero_rpc::wallet::BlockHeight;
use rand::{CryptoRng, RngCore};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use sigma_fun::ext::dl_secp256k1_ed25519_eq::CrossCurveDLEQProof;
use std::fmt;
pub enum AliceState {
Started {
bob_peer_id: PeerId,
state3: Box<State3>,
BtcLocked {
bob_peer_id: PeerId,
state3: Box<State3>,
XmrLocked {
monero_wallet_restore_blockheight: BlockHeight,
state3: Box<State3>,
EncSigLearned {
monero_wallet_restore_blockheight: BlockHeight,
encrypted_signature: Box<bitcoin::EncryptedSignature>,
state3: Box<State3>,
BtcCancelled {
monero_wallet_restore_blockheight: BlockHeight,
tx_cancel: Box<TxCancel>,
state3: Box<State3>,
BtcRefunded {
monero_wallet_restore_blockheight: BlockHeight,
spend_key: monero::PrivateKey,
state3: Box<State3>,
BtcPunishable {
monero_wallet_restore_blockheight: BlockHeight,
tx_refund: Box<TxRefund>,
state3: Box<State3>,
CancelTimelockExpired {
monero_wallet_restore_blockheight: BlockHeight,
state3: Box<State3>,
impl fmt::Display for AliceState {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
AliceState::Started { .. } => write!(f, "started"),
AliceState::BtcLocked { .. } => write!(f, "btc is locked"),
AliceState::XmrLocked { .. } => write!(f, "xmr is locked"),
AliceState::EncSigLearned { .. } => write!(f, "encrypted signature is learned"),
AliceState::BtcRedeemed => write!(f, "btc is redeemed"),
AliceState::BtcCancelled { .. } => write!(f, "btc is cancelled"),
AliceState::BtcRefunded { .. } => write!(f, "btc is refunded"),
AliceState::BtcPunished => write!(f, "btc is punished"),
AliceState::SafelyAborted => write!(f, "safely aborted"),
AliceState::BtcPunishable { .. } => write!(f, "btc is punishable"),
AliceState::XmrRefunded => write!(f, "xmr is refunded"),
AliceState::CancelTimelockExpired { .. } => write!(f, "cancel timelock is expired"),
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq)]
pub struct State0 {
pub a: bitcoin::SecretKey,
pub s_a: monero::Scalar,
pub v_a: monero::PrivateViewKey,
pub(crate) S_a_monero: monero::PublicKey,
pub(crate) S_a_bitcoin: bitcoin::PublicKey,
pub dleq_proof_s_a: CrossCurveDLEQProof,
#[serde(with = "::bitcoin::util::amount::serde::as_sat")]
pub btc: bitcoin::Amount,
pub xmr: monero::Amount,
pub cancel_timelock: CancelTimelock,
pub punish_timelock: PunishTimelock,
pub redeem_address: bitcoin::Address,
pub punish_address: bitcoin::Address,
impl State0 {
pub async fn new<R>(
btc: bitcoin::Amount,
xmr: monero::Amount,
execution_params: ExecutionParams,
bitcoin_wallet: &bitcoin::Wallet,
rng: &mut R,
) -> Result<Self>
R: RngCore + CryptoRng,
let a = bitcoin::SecretKey::new_random(rng);
let v_a = monero::PrivateViewKey::new_random(rng);
let redeem_address = bitcoin_wallet.new_address().await?;
let punish_address = redeem_address.clone();
let s_a = monero::Scalar::random(rng);
let (dleq_proof_s_a, (S_a_bitcoin, S_a_monero)) = CROSS_CURVE_PROOF_SYSTEM.prove(&s_a, rng);
Ok(Self {
S_a_bitcoin: S_a_bitcoin.into(),
S_a_monero: monero::PublicKey {
point: S_a_monero.compress(),
cancel_timelock: execution_params.bitcoin_cancel_timelock,
punish_timelock: execution_params.bitcoin_punish_timelock,
pub fn receive(self, msg: Message0) -> Result<State1> {
let valid = CROSS_CURVE_PROOF_SYSTEM.verify(
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("S_b is not a monero curve point"))?,
if !valid {
bail!("Bob's dleq proof doesn't verify")
let v = self.v_a + msg.v_b;
Ok(State1 {
a: self.a,
B: msg.B,
s_a: self.s_a,
S_a_monero: self.S_a_monero,
S_a_bitcoin: self.S_a_bitcoin,
S_b_monero: msg.S_b_monero,
S_b_bitcoin: msg.S_b_bitcoin,
v_a: self.v_a,
dleq_proof_s_a: self.dleq_proof_s_a,
btc: self.btc,
xmr: self.xmr,
cancel_timelock: self.cancel_timelock,
punish_timelock: self.punish_timelock,
refund_address: msg.refund_address,
redeem_address: self.redeem_address,
punish_address: self.punish_address,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct State1 {
a: bitcoin::SecretKey,
B: bitcoin::PublicKey,
s_a: monero::Scalar,
S_a_monero: monero::PublicKey,
S_a_bitcoin: bitcoin::PublicKey,
S_b_monero: monero::PublicKey,
S_b_bitcoin: bitcoin::PublicKey,
v: monero::PrivateViewKey,
v_a: monero::PrivateViewKey,
dleq_proof_s_a: CrossCurveDLEQProof,
#[serde(with = "::bitcoin::util::amount::serde::as_sat")]
btc: bitcoin::Amount,
xmr: monero::Amount,
cancel_timelock: CancelTimelock,
punish_timelock: PunishTimelock,
refund_address: bitcoin::Address,
redeem_address: bitcoin::Address,
punish_address: bitcoin::Address,
impl State1 {
pub fn next_message(&self) -> Message1 {
Message1 {
A: self.a.public(),
S_a_monero: self.S_a_monero,
S_a_bitcoin: self.S_a_bitcoin,
dleq_proof_s_a: self.dleq_proof_s_a.clone(),
v_a: self.v_a,
redeem_address: self.redeem_address.clone(),
punish_address: self.punish_address.clone(),
pub fn receive(self, msg: Message2) -> State2 {
State2 {
a: self.a,
B: self.B,
s_a: self.s_a,
S_b_monero: self.S_b_monero,
S_b_bitcoin: self.S_b_bitcoin,
v: self.v,
btc: self.btc,
xmr: self.xmr,
cancel_timelock: self.cancel_timelock,
punish_timelock: self.punish_timelock,
refund_address: self.refund_address,
redeem_address: self.redeem_address,
punish_address: self.punish_address,
tx_lock: msg.tx_lock,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct State2 {
a: bitcoin::SecretKey,
B: bitcoin::PublicKey,
s_a: monero::Scalar,
S_b_monero: monero::PublicKey,
S_b_bitcoin: bitcoin::PublicKey,
v: monero::PrivateViewKey,
#[serde(with = "::bitcoin::util::amount::serde::as_sat")]
btc: bitcoin::Amount,
xmr: monero::Amount,
cancel_timelock: CancelTimelock,
punish_timelock: PunishTimelock,
refund_address: bitcoin::Address,
redeem_address: bitcoin::Address,
punish_address: bitcoin::Address,
tx_lock: bitcoin::TxLock,
impl State2 {
pub fn next_message(&self) -> Message3 {
let tx_cancel =
bitcoin::TxCancel::new(&self.tx_lock, self.cancel_timelock, self.a.public(), self.B);
let tx_refund = bitcoin::TxRefund::new(&tx_cancel, &self.refund_address);
// Alice encsigns the refund transaction(bitcoin) digest with Bob's monero
// pubkey(S_b). The refund transaction spends the output of
// tx_lock_bitcoin to Bob's refund address.
// recover(encsign(a, S_b, d), sign(a, d), S_b) = s_b where d is a digest, (a,
// A) is alice's keypair and (s_b, S_b) is bob's keypair.
let tx_refund_encsig = self.a.encsign(self.S_b_bitcoin, tx_refund.digest());
let tx_cancel_sig = self.a.sign(tx_cancel.digest());
Message3 {
pub fn receive(self, msg: Message4) -> Result<State3> {
let tx_cancel =
bitcoin::TxCancel::new(&self.tx_lock, self.cancel_timelock, self.a.public(), self.B);
bitcoin::verify_sig(&self.B, &tx_cancel.digest(), &msg.tx_cancel_sig)
.context("Failed to verify cancel transaction")?;
let tx_punish =
bitcoin::TxPunish::new(&tx_cancel, &self.punish_address, self.punish_timelock);
bitcoin::verify_sig(&self.B, &tx_punish.digest(), &msg.tx_punish_sig)
.context("Failed to verify punish transaction")?;
Ok(State3 {
a: self.a,
B: self.B,
s_a: self.s_a,
S_b_monero: self.S_b_monero,
S_b_bitcoin: self.S_b_bitcoin,
v: self.v,
btc: self.btc,
xmr: self.xmr,
cancel_timelock: self.cancel_timelock,
punish_timelock: self.punish_timelock,
refund_address: self.refund_address,
redeem_address: self.redeem_address,
punish_address: self.punish_address,
tx_lock: self.tx_lock,
tx_punish_sig_bob: msg.tx_punish_sig,
tx_cancel_sig_bob: msg.tx_cancel_sig,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq)]
pub struct State3 {
pub a: bitcoin::SecretKey,
pub B: bitcoin::PublicKey,
pub s_a: monero::Scalar,
pub S_b_monero: monero::PublicKey,
pub S_b_bitcoin: bitcoin::PublicKey,
pub v: monero::PrivateViewKey,
#[serde(with = "::bitcoin::util::amount::serde::as_sat")]
pub btc: bitcoin::Amount,
pub xmr: monero::Amount,
pub cancel_timelock: CancelTimelock,
pub punish_timelock: PunishTimelock,
pub refund_address: bitcoin::Address,
pub redeem_address: bitcoin::Address,
pub punish_address: bitcoin::Address,
pub tx_lock: bitcoin::TxLock,
pub tx_punish_sig_bob: bitcoin::Signature,
pub tx_cancel_sig_bob: bitcoin::Signature,
impl State3 {
pub async fn wait_for_cancel_timelock_to_expire(
bitcoin_wallet: &bitcoin::Wallet,
) -> Result<()> {
pub async fn expired_timelocks(
bitcoin_wallet: &bitcoin::Wallet,
) -> Result<ExpiredTimelocks> {