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use crate::bitcoin::{EncryptedSignature, Signature};
use crate::network::request_response::BUF_SIZE;
use crate::protocol::alice::{State0, State3};
use crate::protocol::bob::{Message0, Message2, Message4};
use crate::{bitcoin, monero};
use anyhow::{Context, Error};
use libp2p::PeerId;
use libp2p_async_await::BehaviourOutEvent;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use sigma_fun::ext::dl_secp256k1_ed25519_eq::CrossCurveDLEQProof;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Message1 {
pub(crate) A: bitcoin::PublicKey,
pub(crate) S_a_monero: monero::PublicKey,
pub(crate) S_a_bitcoin: bitcoin::PublicKey,
pub(crate) dleq_proof_s_a: CrossCurveDLEQProof,
pub(crate) v_a: monero::PrivateViewKey,
pub(crate) redeem_address: bitcoin::Address,
pub(crate) punish_address: bitcoin::Address,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Message3 {
pub(crate) tx_cancel_sig: Signature,
pub(crate) tx_refund_encsig: EncryptedSignature,
pub enum OutEvent {
Done { bob_peer_id: PeerId, state3: State3 },
Failure { peer: PeerId, error: Error },
impl From<BehaviourOutEvent<(PeerId, State3), (), Error>> for OutEvent {
fn from(event: BehaviourOutEvent<(PeerId, State3), (), Error>) -> Self {
match event {
BehaviourOutEvent::Inbound(_, Ok((bob_peer_id, state3))) => OutEvent::Done {
BehaviourOutEvent::Inbound(peer, Err(e)) => OutEvent::Failure { peer, error: e },
BehaviourOutEvent::Outbound(..) => unreachable!("Alice only supports inbound"),
#[behaviour(out_event = "OutEvent", event_process = false)]
pub struct Behaviour {
inner: libp2p_async_await::Behaviour<(PeerId, State3), (), anyhow::Error>,
impl Default for Behaviour {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
inner: libp2p_async_await::Behaviour::new(b"/comit/xmr/btc/execution_setup/1.0.0"),
impl Behaviour {
pub fn run(&mut self, bob: PeerId, state0: State0) {
.do_protocol_listener(bob, move |mut substream| async move {
let message0 =
.context("Failed to deserialize message0")?;
let state1 = state0.receive(message0)?;
.context("Failed to serialize message1")?,
let message2 =
.context("Failed to deserialize message2")?;
let state2 = state1.receive(message2);
.context("Failed to serialize message3")?,
let message4 =
.context("Failed to deserialize message4")?;
let state3 = state2.receive(message4)?;
Ok((bob, state3))