use crate::{ asb::LatestRate, bitcoin, database::Database, execution_params::ExecutionParams, monero, monero::{Amount, BalanceTooLow}, network, network::{transport, TokioExecutor}, protocol::{ alice, alice::{ AliceState, Behaviour, OutEvent, QuoteResponse, State0, State3, Swap, TransferProof, }, bob::{EncryptedSignature, QuoteRequest}, }, seed::Seed, }; use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result}; use futures::future::RemoteHandle; use libp2p::{ core::Multiaddr, futures::FutureExt, request_response::ResponseChannel, PeerId, Swarm, }; use rand::rngs::OsRng; use std::sync::Arc; use tokio::sync::{broadcast, mpsc, mpsc::error::SendError}; use tracing::{debug, error, info, trace}; use uuid::Uuid; #[allow(missing_debug_implementations)] pub struct MpscChannels { sender: mpsc::Sender, receiver: mpsc::Receiver, } impl Default for MpscChannels { fn default() -> Self { let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel(100); MpscChannels { sender, receiver } } } #[allow(missing_debug_implementations)] pub struct BroadcastChannels where T: Clone, { sender: broadcast::Sender, } impl Default for BroadcastChannels where T: Clone, { fn default() -> Self { let (sender, _receiver) = broadcast::channel(100); BroadcastChannels { sender } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct EventLoopHandle { recv_encrypted_signature: broadcast::Receiver, send_transfer_proof: mpsc::Sender<(PeerId, TransferProof)>, } impl EventLoopHandle { pub async fn recv_encrypted_signature(&mut self) -> Result { self.recv_encrypted_signature .recv() .await .context("Failed to receive Bitcoin encrypted signature from Bob") } pub async fn send_transfer_proof(&mut self, bob: PeerId, msg: TransferProof) -> Result<()> { let _ = self.send_transfer_proof.send((bob, msg)).await?; Ok(()) } } #[allow(missing_debug_implementations)] pub struct EventLoop { swarm: libp2p::Swarm, peer_id: PeerId, execution_params: ExecutionParams, bitcoin_wallet: Arc, monero_wallet: Arc, db: Arc, rate_service: RS, max_sell: Amount, recv_encrypted_signature: broadcast::Sender, send_transfer_proof: mpsc::Receiver<(PeerId, TransferProof)>, // Only used to produce new handles send_transfer_proof_sender: mpsc::Sender<(PeerId, TransferProof)>, swap_handle_sender: mpsc::Sender>>, } impl EventLoop where RS: LatestRate, { #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn new( listen_address: Multiaddr, seed: Seed, execution_params: ExecutionParams, bitcoin_wallet: Arc, monero_wallet: Arc, db: Arc, rate_service: RS, max_sell: Amount, ) -> Result<(Self, mpsc::Receiver>>)> { let identity = network::Seed::new(seed).derive_libp2p_identity(); let behaviour = Behaviour::default(); let transport = transport::build(&identity)?; let peer_id = PeerId::from(identity.public()); let mut swarm = libp2p::swarm::SwarmBuilder::new(transport, behaviour, peer_id) .executor(Box::new(TokioExecutor { handle: tokio::runtime::Handle::current(), })) .build(); Swarm::listen_on(&mut swarm, listen_address.clone()) .with_context(|| format!("Address is not supported: {:#}", listen_address))?; let recv_encrypted_signature = BroadcastChannels::default(); let send_transfer_proof = MpscChannels::default(); let swap_handle = MpscChannels::default(); let event_loop = EventLoop { swarm, peer_id, execution_params, bitcoin_wallet, monero_wallet, db, rate_service, recv_encrypted_signature: recv_encrypted_signature.sender, send_transfer_proof: send_transfer_proof.receiver, send_transfer_proof_sender: send_transfer_proof.sender, swap_handle_sender: swap_handle.sender, max_sell, }; Ok((event_loop, swap_handle.receiver)) } pub fn new_handle(&self) -> EventLoopHandle { EventLoopHandle { recv_encrypted_signature: self.recv_encrypted_signature.subscribe(), send_transfer_proof: self.send_transfer_proof_sender.clone(), } } pub fn peer_id(&self) -> PeerId { self.peer_id } pub async fn run(&mut self) { loop { tokio::select! { swarm_event = => { match swarm_event { OutEvent::ConnectionEstablished(alice) => { debug!("Connection Established with {}", alice); } OutEvent::QuoteRequest { msg, channel, bob_peer_id } => { if let Err(error) = self.handle_quote_request(msg, channel, bob_peer_id, self.monero_wallet.clone()).await { error!("Failed to handle quote request: {:#}", error); } } OutEvent::ExecutionSetupDone{bob_peer_id, state3} => { let _ = self.handle_execution_setup_done(bob_peer_id, *state3).await; } OutEvent::TransferProofAcknowledged => { trace!("Bob acknowledged transfer proof"); } OutEvent::EncryptedSignature{ msg, channel } => { let _ = self.recv_encrypted_signature.send(*msg); // Send back empty response so that the request/response protocol completes. if let Err(error) = self.swarm.send_encrypted_signature_ack(channel) { error!("Failed to send Encrypted Signature ack: {:?}", error); } } OutEvent::ResponseSent => {} OutEvent::Failure(err) => { error!("Communication error: {:#}", err); } } }, transfer_proof = self.send_transfer_proof.recv().fuse() => { if let Some((bob_peer_id, msg)) = transfer_proof { self.swarm.send_transfer_proof(bob_peer_id, msg); } }, } } } async fn handle_quote_request( &mut self, quote_request: QuoteRequest, channel: ResponseChannel, bob_peer_id: PeerId, monero_wallet: Arc, ) -> Result<()> { // 1. Check if acceptable request // 2. Send response let rate = self .rate_service .latest_rate() .context("Failed to get latest rate")?; let btc_amount = quote_request.btc_amount; let xmr_amount = rate.sell_quote(btc_amount)?; if xmr_amount > self.max_sell { bail!(MaximumSellAmountExceeded { actual: xmr_amount, max_sell: self.max_sell }) } let xmr_balance = monero_wallet.get_balance().await?; let xmr_lock_fees = monero_wallet.static_tx_fee_estimate(); if xmr_balance < xmr_amount + xmr_lock_fees { bail!(BalanceTooLow { balance: xmr_balance }) } let quote_response = QuoteResponse { xmr_amount }; self.swarm .send_quote_response(channel, quote_response) .context("Failed to send quote response")?; // 3. Start setup execution let state0 = State0::new( btc_amount, xmr_amount, self.execution_params, self.bitcoin_wallet.as_ref(), &mut OsRng, ) .await?; info!( "Starting execution setup to sell {} for {} (rate of {}) with {}", xmr_amount, btc_amount, rate, bob_peer_id ); self.swarm.start_execution_setup(bob_peer_id, state0); // Continues once the execution setup protocol is done Ok(()) } async fn handle_execution_setup_done( &mut self, bob_peer_id: PeerId, state3: State3, ) -> Result<()> { let swap_id = Uuid::new_v4(); let handle = self.new_handle(); let initial_state = AliceState::Started { state3: Box::new(state3), bob_peer_id, }; let swap = Swap { event_loop_handle: handle, bitcoin_wallet: self.bitcoin_wallet.clone(), monero_wallet: self.monero_wallet.clone(), execution_params: self.execution_params, db: self.db.clone(), state: initial_state, swap_id, }; let (swap, swap_handle) = alice::run(swap).remote_handle(); tokio::spawn(swap); // For testing purposes the handle is currently sent via a channel so we can // await it. If a remote handle is dropped, the future of the swap is // also stopped. If we error upon sending the handle through the channel // we have to call forget to detach the handle from the swap future. if let Err(SendError(handle)) = self.swap_handle_sender.send(swap_handle).await { handle.forget(); } Ok(()) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, thiserror::Error)] #[error("The amount {actual} exceeds the configured maximum sell amount of {max_sell} XMR")] pub struct MaximumSellAmountExceeded { pub max_sell: Amount, pub actual: Amount, }