Bob can verify the Monero txs by tx-hash

Print tx-hashes for monero transactions to allow Bob to look the transaction up in block explorer.

The story of Bab:
Our famous actor Bob has a brother named Bab.
In school they were often mixed up, because their names were so similar.
Eventually Bab renamed himself into Barbara, but that was even more confusing for now he
carried a female name even though he was not female. Bob wanted to help his brother and told him he
could just go for Bub. But that did not solve anything. Fun fact: Bub is actually married to Alice.
Daniel Karzel 3 years ago
parent cba9f119b6
commit 47a31760c0

@ -194,10 +194,9 @@ impl Wallet {
if proof.confirmations > confirmations.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {, Ordering::SeqCst);
"Monero lock tx received {} out of {} confirmations",
proof.confirmations, expected_confirmations
let txid = &transfer_proof.tx_hash.0;
info!(%txid, "Monero lock tx has {} out of {} confirmations", proof.confirmations, expected_confirmations);
if proof.confirmations < expected_confirmations {

@ -308,7 +308,11 @@ async fn run_until_internal(
// Ensure that the generated wallet is synced so we have a proper balance
// Sweep (transfer all funds) to the given address
let tx_hashes = monero_wallet.sweep_all(receive_monero_address).await?;
for tx_hash in tx_hashes {
tracing::info!("Sent XMR to {} in tx {}", receive_monero_address, tx_hash.0);
let state = BobState::XmrRedeemed {
tx_lock_id: state.tx_lock_id(),
