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* This file is part of the Monero P2Pool <>
* Copyright (c) 2021-2023 SChernykh <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
#include "uv_util.h"
#include "wallet.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
namespace p2pool {
static FORCEINLINE constexpr int pool_block_debug() { return POOL_BLOCK_DEBUG; }
class RandomX_Hasher_Base;
class SideChain;
* --------------------------------------------------
* |------------------------------------------------|
* | Monero block template | Side-chain data |
* |------------------------------|-----------------|
* |xxxNONCExxxEXTRA_NONCExHASHxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|
* --------------------------------------------------
* HASH is calculated from all pool block's bytes and consensus ID (NONCE, EXTRA_NONCE and HASH itself are replaced with 0's when calculating HASH)
* Pool block's PoW hash is calculated from the Monero block template part using Monero's consensus rules
struct DifficultyData
FORCEINLINE DifficultyData(uint64_t t, const difficulty_type& d) : m_timestamp(t), m_cumulativeDifficulty(d) {}
uint64_t m_timestamp;
difficulty_type m_cumulativeDifficulty;
struct PoolBlock
PoolBlock(const PoolBlock& b);
PoolBlock& operator=(const PoolBlock& b);
mutable uv_mutex_t m_lock;
std::vector<uint8_t> m_mainChainDataDebug;
std::vector<uint8_t> m_sideChainDataDebug;
// Monero block template
uint8_t m_majorVersion;
uint8_t m_minorVersion;
uint64_t m_timestamp;
hash m_prevId;
uint32_t m_nonce;
// Miner transaction
uint64_t m_txinGenHeight;
struct TxOutput
FORCEINLINE TxOutput() : m_ephPublicKey(), m_reward(0), m_viewTag(0) {}
FORCEINLINE TxOutput(uint64_t r, const hash& k, uint8_t view_tag) : m_ephPublicKey(k), m_reward(r), m_viewTag(view_tag) {}
hash m_ephPublicKey;
uint64_t m_reward : 56;
uint64_t m_viewTag : 8;
static_assert(sizeof(TxOutput) == sizeof(hash) + sizeof(uint64_t), "TxOutput bit packing didn't work with this compiler, fix the code!");
std::vector<TxOutput> m_outputs;
hash m_txkeyPub;
uint64_t m_extraNonceSize;
uint32_t m_extraNonce;
// All block transaction hashes including the miner transaction hash at index 0
std::vector<hash> m_transactions;
// Miner's wallet
Wallet m_minerWallet{ nullptr };
// Transaction secret key
// Required to check that pub keys in the miner transaction pay out to correct miner wallet addresses
hash m_txkeySecSeed;
hash m_txkeySec;
// Side-chain parent and uncle blocks
hash m_parent;
std::vector<hash> m_uncles;
// Blockchain data
uint64_t m_sidechainHeight;
difficulty_type m_difficulty;
difficulty_type m_cumulativeDifficulty;
// Arbitrary extra data
uint32_t m_sidechainExtraBuf[4];
// HASH (see diagram in the comment above)
hash m_sidechainId;
// Just temporary stuff, not a part of the block
uint64_t m_depth;
bool m_verified;
bool m_invalid;
mutable bool m_broadcasted;
mutable bool m_wantBroadcast;
bool m_precalculated;
uint64_t m_localTimestamp;
std::vector<uint8_t> serialize_mainchain_data(size_t* header_size = nullptr, size_t* miner_tx_size = nullptr, int* outputs_offset = nullptr, int* outputs_blob_size = nullptr, const uint32_t* nonce = nullptr, const uint32_t* extra_nonce = nullptr) const;
std::vector<uint8_t> serialize_mainchain_data_nolock(size_t* header_size, size_t* miner_tx_size, int* outputs_offset, int* outputs_blob_size, const uint32_t* nonce, const uint32_t* extra_nonce) const;
std::vector<uint8_t> serialize_sidechain_data() const;
int deserialize(const uint8_t* data, size_t size, const SideChain& sidechain, uv_loop_t* loop, bool compact);
void reset_offchain_data();
bool get_pow_hash(RandomX_Hasher_Base* hasher, uint64_t height, const hash& seed_hash, hash& pow_hash);
uint64_t get_payout(const Wallet& w) const;
// Both tx types are allowed by Monero consensus during v15 because it needs to process pre-fork mempool transactions,
// but P2Pool can switch to using only TXOUT_TO_TAGGED_KEY for miner payouts starting from v15
FORCEINLINE uint8_t get_tx_type() const { return (m_majorVersion < HARDFORK_VIEW_TAGS_VERSION) ? TXOUT_TO_KEY : TXOUT_TO_TAGGED_KEY; }
static constexpr int VERSION2_TIMESTAMP = 1679173200;
// Signal hardfork readiness (only before the v2 hardfork)
// TODO: remove this code after hardfork
FORCEINLINE static uint32_t signal_v2_readiness(uint32_t extra_nonce)
if (time(nullptr) < PoolBlock::VERSION2_TIMESTAMP) {
extra_nonce |= 0xFF000000UL;
extra_nonce &= ~0x00100000UL;
return extra_nonce;
return extra_nonce;
FORCEINLINE int get_sidechain_version() const
// P2Pool forks to v2 at 2023-03-18 21:00 UTC
// Different miners can have different timestamps,
// so a temporary mix of v1 and v2 blocks is allowed
return (m_timestamp >= VERSION2_TIMESTAMP) ? 2 : 1;
typedef std::array<uint8_t, HASH_SIZE + NONCE_SIZE + EXTRA_NONCE_SIZE> full_id;
FORCEINLINE full_id get_full_id() const
full_id key;
uint8_t* p =;
memcpy(p, m_sidechainId.h, HASH_SIZE);
memcpy(p + HASH_SIZE, &m_nonce, NONCE_SIZE);
memcpy(p + HASH_SIZE + NONCE_SIZE, &m_extraNonce, EXTRA_NONCE_SIZE);
return key;
hash calculate_tx_key_seed() const;
} // namespace p2pool