## # Monero Wallet Address for mining rewards (replace this with your own address) WALLET_ADDRESS="44MnN1f3Eto8DZYUWuE5XZNUtE3vcRzt2j6PzqWpPau34e6Cf4fAxt6X2MBmrm6F9YMEiMNjN6W4Shn4pLcfNAja621jwyg" ## # p2pool settings # # Use p2pool-mini (uncomment to enable) #P2POOL_MINI="--mini" # # Which port to listen for miner connections P2POOL_STRATUM_PORT=3333 # # How much logging - (Less) 0 - 6 (More) P2POOL_LOGLEVEL=2 ## # Monero Node Settings # # Version of Monero to build. Must be v0.17.3.0 or later for p2pool support. "latest" pulls the most recent release tag MONERO_GIT_TAG=latest # # Limit the size of the blockchain on disk (comment to disable) PRUNE_NODE="--prune-blockchain" # # Other monerod commandline options MONERO_EXTRA_OPTIONS="" ## # Xmrig Miner Settings # # Submit shares at a lower fixed difficulty to show mining progress (comment to disable, edit to customize) FIXED_MINING_DIFFICULTY="-u x+500000" # # set process priority (0 idle, 2 normal to 5 highest) MINING_CPU_PRIORITY="--cpu-priority=2" # # Other XMRIG commandline options # See: https://xmrig.com/docs/miner/command-line-options XMRIG_EXTRA_OPTIONS=""