/* __ _ _ ___ / _(_) | ___ ___ / __| |_| | |/ _ \/ __| | (__| _| | | __/\__ \ \___|_| |_|_|\___||___/ */ ///////////// // HEADERS // ///////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" ////////////////////// // GLOBAL VARIABLES // ////////////////////// // To store number of files in directory int len=0; // To store number of files in child directory int len_preview=0; // To store number of bookmarks int len_bookmarks=0; // To store number of scripts int len_scripts=0; // Counter variable int i = 0; // Stores allocation size for dynamic arrays int allocSize; // Name of selected file char selected_file[NAME_MAX]; // Direcotry to be opened char* dir = NULL; // Stores files in the selected directory char *next_dir = NULL; // Stores path of parent directory char *prev_dir = NULL; // Name of the editor char *editor = NULL; // char array to work with strtok() and for other one time use char *temp_dir = NULL; // To work with strtok() char *pch = NULL; // Stores Home Directory of User struct passwd *info; /* Base directory to be used for sorting `dir` for current_win `next_dir` for preview_win */ char *sort_dir = NULL; // Stores the path for the cache directory char *cache_path = NULL; // Stores the path for the clipboard file char *clipboard_path = NULL; // Stores bookmarks file path char *bookmarks_path = NULL; // Stores scripts directory path char *scripts_path = NULL; // Stores the path for the temp clipboard file char *temp_clipboard_path = NULL; // Stores the path for trash char *trash_path = NULL; // Index of currently selected item in `char* directories` int selection = 0; // Index to start printing from `directories` array int start = 0; // Flag to clear preview_win int clearFlag = 0; // Flag to clear preview_win for images int clearFlagImg = 0; // Flag is set to 1 when returning from `fzf` int searchFlag = 0; // Flag is set to 1 when user goes up a directory int backFlag = 0; // Flag to display hidden files int hiddenFlag = SHOW_HIDDEN; // Flag to display borders int bordersFlag = SHOW_BORDERS; // Stores the last token in the path. For eg, it will store 'a' is path is /b/a char *last = NULL; // Shows current directory WINDOW *current_win; // Shows child directory preview WINDOW *preview_win; // Shows status bar WINDOW *status_win; // Shows keybindings WINDOW *keys_win; // To store maximum height & width of terminal and store start x and y positions of windows int startx, starty, maxx, maxy; ////////////////////// // HELPER FUNCTIONS // ////////////////////// /* Initializes the program Sets the relevant file paths */ void init(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Set Locale (For wide characters) setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); // Get UID of user uid_t uid = getuid(); // Get home directory of user from UID info = getpwuid(uid); // Set the editor if( getenv("EDITOR") == NULL) { editor = malloc(4); if(editor == NULL) { printf("%s\n", "Couldn't initialize editor"); exit(1); } snprintf(editor, 4, "%s", "vim"); } else { allocSize = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s", getenv("EDITOR")); editor = malloc(allocSize + 1); if(editor == NULL) { printf("%s\n", "Couldn't initialize editor"); exit(1); } snprintf(editor, allocSize+1, "%s", getenv("EDITOR")); } // Get the cache directory path struct stat st = {0}; if( getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME") == NULL) { allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s/.cache/cfiles",info->pw_dir); cache_path = malloc(allocSize+1); if(cache_path == NULL) { printf("%s\n", "Couldn't initialize cache path"); exit(1); } snprintf(cache_path,allocSize+1,"%s/.cache/cfiles",info->pw_dir); } else { allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s/cfiles",getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME")); cache_path = malloc(allocSize+1); if(cache_path == NULL) { printf("%s\n", "Couldn't initialize cache path"); exit(1); } snprintf(cache_path,allocSize+1,"%s/cfiles",getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME")); } // Make the cache directory if (stat(cache_path, &st) == -1) { mkdir(cache_path, 0751); } // Set the path for the clipboard file allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s/clipboard",cache_path); clipboard_path = malloc(allocSize+1); if(clipboard_path == NULL) { printf("%s\n", "Couldn't initialize clipboard path"); exit(1); } snprintf(clipboard_path,allocSize+1,"%s/clipboard",cache_path); // Set the path for the bookmarks file allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s/bookmarks",cache_path); bookmarks_path = malloc(allocSize+1); if(bookmarks_path == NULL) { printf("%s\n", "Couldn't initialize bookmarks path"); exit(1); } snprintf(bookmarks_path,allocSize+1,"%s/bookmarks",cache_path); // Set the path for the scripts directory allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s/scripts",cache_path); scripts_path = malloc(allocSize+1); if(scripts_path == NULL) { printf("%s\n", "Couldn't initialize scripts path"); exit(1); } snprintf(scripts_path,allocSize+1,"%s/scripts",cache_path); // Set the path for the temp clipboard file allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s/clipboard.tmp",cache_path); temp_clipboard_path = malloc(allocSize+1); if(temp_clipboard_path == NULL) { printf("%s\n", "Couldn't initialize temp clipboard path path"); exit(1); } snprintf(temp_clipboard_path,allocSize+1,"%s/clipboard.tmp",cache_path); // Set the path for trash allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s/.local/share/Trash/files",info->pw_dir); trash_path = malloc(allocSize+1); if(trash_path == NULL) { printf("%s\n", "Couldn't initialize trash path"); exit(1); } snprintf(trash_path,allocSize+1,"%s/.local/share/Trash/files",info->pw_dir); if (stat(scripts_path, &st) == -1) { mkdir(scripts_path, 0751); } // Set dir as current directory char cwd[PATH_MAX]; if (getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)) != NULL) { allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s",cwd); dir = malloc(allocSize+1); if(dir == NULL) { printf("%s\n", "Couldn't initialize dir"); endwin(); } snprintf(dir,allocSize+1,"%s",cwd); } else { printf("Couldn't open current directory"); exit(1); } // Path of directory was specified if(argc == 2) { // Absolute path if(argv[1][0] == '/') { free(dir); allocSize = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s", argv[1]); dir = malloc(allocSize+1); if(dir == NULL) { printf("%s\n", "Couldn't initialize dir"); endwin(); } // Remove trailing forward slash, if exists, from path if(strlen(argv[1]) > 1 && argv[1][strlen(argv[1])-1] == '/') argv[1][strlen(argv[1])-1] = '\0'; snprintf(dir,allocSize+1,"%s", argv[1]); } // Relative path else { char *temp; int temp_size; temp_size = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s", argv[1]); allocSize = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s", dir); temp = malloc(temp_size + allocSize + 2); snprintf(temp, temp_size + allocSize + 2, "%s/%s", dir, argv[1]); free(dir); dir = malloc(temp_size + allocSize + 2); if(dir == NULL) { printf("%s\n", "Couldn't initialize dir"); endwin(); } snprintf(dir, temp_size + allocSize + 2, "%s", temp); free(temp); } } // Excess arguments given else if(argc > 2) { printf("Incorrect Usage!\n"); exit(1); } } /* Initializes ncurses */ void curses_init() { initscr(); noecho(); curs_set(0); start_color(); init_pair(1, DIR_COLOR, 0); init_pair(2, STATUS_FILECOUNT_COLOR, 0); init_pair(3, STATUS_SELECTED_COLOR, 0); } /* Checks if `path` is a file or directory */ int is_regular_file(const char *path) { struct stat path_stat; stat(path, &path_stat); return S_ISREG(path_stat.st_mode); } /* Checks if a file exists or not */ int fileExists(char *file) { if( access( file, F_OK ) != -1 ) return 1; else return 0; } /* Gets the last token from temp_dir by using `tokenizer` as a delimeter */ void getLastToken(char *tokenizer) { pch = strtok(temp_dir, tokenizer); while (pch != NULL) { free(last); last = strdup(pch); pch = strtok(NULL,tokenizer); } } /* Get number of bookmarks */ int getNumberOfBookmarks() { FILE *fp = fopen(bookmarks_path, "r"); if( fp == NULL ) { return -1; } char *buf; buf = malloc(PATH_MAX); if(buf == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); endwin(); } int num = 0; while(fgets(buf, PATH_MAX, (FILE*) fp)) { num++; } free(buf); fclose(fp); return num; } /* Displays the bookmarks in `keys_win` */ void displayBookmarks() { FILE *fp = fopen(bookmarks_path, "r"); char *buf; if(fp == NULL) { endwin(); printf("Couldn't Open Bookmarks File!\n"); exit(1); } buf = malloc(PATH_MAX); if(buf == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); endwin(); } wprintw(keys_win,"Key\tPath\n"); while(fgets(buf, PATH_MAX, (FILE*) fp)) { wprintw(keys_win, "%c", buf[0]); // Reallocate `tempdir` free(temp_dir); allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s",buf); temp_dir = malloc(allocSize+1); if(temp_dir == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); endwin(); } strncpy(temp_dir, buf + 2, strlen(buf)-2); strtok(temp_dir,"\n"); wprintw(keys_win, "\t%s\n", temp_dir); } free(buf); fclose(fp); } /* Replaces `a` with `b` in `str` */ char* replace(char* str, char* a, char* b) { int len = strlen(str); int lena = strlen(a); int lenb = strlen(b); for (char* p = str; (p = strstr(p, a)); ++p) { if (lena != lenb) // shift end as needed memmove(p+lenb, p+lena, len - (p - str) + lenb); memcpy(p, b, lenb); } return str; } /* Opens the bookmark denoted by `secondKey` */ void openBookmarkDir(char secondKey) { FILE *fp = fopen(bookmarks_path, "r"); char *buf; if(fp == NULL) { endwin(); printf("Couldn't Open Bookmarks File!\n"); exit(1); } buf = malloc(PATH_MAX); if(buf == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); endwin(); } while(fgets(buf, PATH_MAX, (FILE*) fp)) { if(buf[0] == secondKey) { // Reallocate `temp_dir` free(temp_dir); allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s",buf); temp_dir = malloc(allocSize+1); if(temp_dir == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); endwin(); } strncpy(temp_dir, buf + 2, strlen(buf)-2); strtok(temp_dir,"\n"); replace(temp_dir,"//","\n"); if( fileExists(temp_dir) == 1 ) { // Reallocate `dir` free(dir); allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s",temp_dir); dir = malloc(allocSize+1); if(dir == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); endwin(); } snprintf(dir,allocSize+1,"%s",temp_dir); } start = 0; selection = 0; break; } } free(buf); fclose(fp); } /* Checks if bookmark denoted with `bookmark` exists */ int bookmarkExists(char bookmark) { FILE *fp = fopen(bookmarks_path, "r"); if( fp == NULL ) { return 0; } char *buf; buf = malloc(PATH_MAX); if(buf == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); endwin(); } while(fgets(buf, PATH_MAX, (FILE*) fp)) { if(buf[0] == bookmark) { fclose(fp); free(buf); return 1; } } free(buf); fclose(fp); return 0; } /* Adds new bookmark */ void addBookmark(char bookmark, char *path) { FILE *fp = fopen(bookmarks_path, "a+"); if(fp == NULL) { endwin(); printf("Couldn't Open Bookmarks File!\n"); exit(1); } int allocSize = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s", path); path = realloc(path, allocSize+2); char *temp = strdup(path); fprintf(fp,"%c:%s\n", bookmark, replace(temp,"\n","//")); free(temp); fclose(fp); } /* Creates a new window with dimensions `height` and `width` starting at `starty` and `startx` */ WINDOW *create_newwin(int height, int width, int starty, int startx) { WINDOW *local_win; local_win = newwin(height, width, starty, startx); return local_win; } /* For qsort */ int compare (const void * a, const void * b ) { // They store the full paths of the arguments char *temp_filepath1 = NULL; char *temp_filepath2 = NULL; // Allocate Memory and Generate full paths allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s/%s", sort_dir, *(char **)a); temp_filepath1 = malloc(allocSize+1); if(temp_filepath1 == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); endwin(); } snprintf(temp_filepath1,PATH_MAX,"%s/%s", sort_dir, *(char **)a); allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s/%s", sort_dir, *(char **)b); temp_filepath2 = malloc(allocSize+1); if(temp_filepath2 == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); endwin(); } snprintf(temp_filepath2,PATH_MAX,"%s/%s", sort_dir, *(char **)b); if(is_regular_file(temp_filepath1) == 0 && is_regular_file(temp_filepath2) == 1) { free(temp_filepath1); free(temp_filepath2); return -1; } else if(is_regular_file(temp_filepath1) == 1 && is_regular_file(temp_filepath2) == 0) { free(temp_filepath1); free(temp_filepath2); return 1; } else { free(temp_filepath1); free(temp_filepath2); return strcasecmp(*(char **)a, *(char **)b); } } /* Gets file MIME */ void getMIME(char *filepath, char mime[50]) { char buf[50]; FILE *fp; int fd; pid_t pid; // Reallocate `temp_dir` and store path to preview file free(temp_dir); allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s/mime",cache_path); temp_dir = malloc(allocSize+1); if(temp_dir == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); endwin(); } snprintf(temp_dir,allocSize+1,"%s/mime",cache_path); // Remove the preview file remove(temp_dir); // Create a child process to run command and store output in preview file pid = fork(); if( pid == 0 ) { fd = open(temp_dir, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0755); int null_fd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY); dup2(fd, 1); dup2(null_fd, 2); execlp("xdg-mime","xdg-mime","query","filetype",filepath,(char *)0); exit(1); } else { int status; waitpid(pid,&status,0); // Open preview file to read output fp = fopen(temp_dir, "r"); if(fp == NULL) { return; } while(fgets(buf,50,(FILE *)fp) != NULL){} fclose(fp); strtok(buf,"/"); snprintf(mime,50,"%s",buf); } } /* Opens a file using FILE_OPENER */ void openFile(char *filepath) { char mime[50]; getMIME(filepath, mime); if(strcmp(mime,"text") == 0) { endwin(); // Make a child process to edit file pid_t pid; pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { execlp(editor, editor, filepath, (char *)0); exit(1); } else { int status; waitpid(-1, &status, 0); return; } } pid_t pid; pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { int null_fd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY); dup2(null_fd,2); execlp(FILE_OPENER, FILE_OPENER, filepath, (char *)0); exit(1); } } /* Checks if path is in clipboard */ int checkClipboard(char *filepath) { FILE *f = fopen(clipboard_path, "r"); char buf[PATH_MAX]; char *temp = NULL; // Allocate Memory to `temp` allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s", filepath); temp = malloc(allocSize+1); if(temp == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); endwin(); } snprintf(temp, allocSize+1, "%s", filepath); temp[strlen(temp)]='\0'; if(f == NULL) { free(temp); return 0; } replace(temp,"\n","//"); while(fgets(buf, PATH_MAX, (FILE*) f)) { buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; if(strcmp(temp,buf) == 0) { free(temp); fclose(f); return 1; } } fclose(f); free(temp); return 0; } /* Writes to clipboard */ void writeClipboard(char *filepath) { FILE *f = fopen(clipboard_path,"a+"); if (f == NULL) { endwin(); printf("Error accessing clipboard!\n"); exit(1); } fprintf(f, "%s\n", filepath); fclose(f); } /* Removes entry from clipboard */ void removeClipboard(char *filepath) { FILE *f1; FILE *f2; char buf[PATH_MAX]; // Create `temp_clipboard` without `filepath` f1 = fopen(clipboard_path,"r"); f2 = fopen(temp_clipboard_path,"a+"); if(f1 == NULL) { endwin(); printf("Couldn't Open Clipboard File!\n"); exit(1); } if(f2 == NULL) { endwin(); printf("Couldn't Create Temporary Clipboard File!\n"); exit(1); } while(fgets(buf, PATH_MAX, (FILE*)f1)) { buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; if(strcasecmp(buf, filepath) != 0) fprintf(f2, "%s\n", buf); } fclose(f1); fclose(f2); // Create a child process to replace clipboard_path with temp_clipboard_path pid_t pid; pid = fork(); if( pid == 0 ) { execlp("mv", "mv", temp_clipboard_path, clipboard_path, (char *)0); exit(1); } else { int status; waitpid(pid, &status, 0); } } /* Empties Clipboard */ void emptyClipboard() { if( remove(clipboard_path) == -1) { return; } } /* Gets previews of images */ void getImgPreview(char *filepath, int maxy, int maxx) { pid_t pid; pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { // For storing arguments to the DISPLAYIMG script char arg1[5]; char arg2[5]; char arg3[5]; char arg4[5]; // Convert numerical arguments to string snprintf(arg1,5,"%d",maxx); snprintf(arg2,5,"%d",2); snprintf(arg3,5,"%d",maxx-6); snprintf(arg4,5,"%d",maxy); // Run the displayimg script with appropriate arguments execl(DISPLAYIMG,DISPLAYIMG,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,filepath,(char *)NULL); exit(1); } } /* Gets previews of text in files */ void getTextPreview(char *filepath, int maxy, int maxx) { // Don't Generate Preview if file size > 50MB struct stat st; stat(filepath, &st); if(st.st_size > 10000000) return; // Buffer for file reading char buf[250]; // Set path to preview file char *preview_path = NULL; allocSize = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s/preview", cache_path); preview_path = malloc(allocSize+1); if(preview_path == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); endwin(); } snprintf(preview_path, allocSize+1, "%s/preview", cache_path); // Generate Hex Preview if file is a binary char mime[50]; getMIME(filepath, mime); if(strcasecmp(mime,"application") == 0) { remove(preview_path); pid_t pid = fork(); if(pid == 0) { int fd = open(preview_path, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0755); dup2(fd,1); execlp("hexdump","hexdump",filepath,(char*)0); exit(1); } else { int status; waitpid(pid, &status, 0); FILE *fp = fopen(preview_path, "r"); if(fp == NULL) { free(preview_path); return; } int t=0; while(fgets(buf, 250, (FILE*) fp)) { wmove(preview_win,t+1,2); wprintw(preview_win,"%.*s",maxx-4,buf); t++; } wrefresh(preview_win); fclose(fp); } free(preview_path); return; } // Copy file to `preview_path` pid_t pid = fork(); if(pid == 0) { int fd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY); dup2(fd,2); execlp("cp","cp",filepath,preview_path,(char*)0); exit(1); } // Print the preview FILE *fp = fopen(filepath,"r"); if(fp == NULL) { free(preview_path); return; } int t=0; while(fgets(buf, 250, (FILE*) fp)) { wmove(preview_win,t+1,2); wprintw(preview_win,"%.*s",maxx-4,buf); t++; } wrefresh(preview_win); free(preview_path); fclose(fp); } /* Gets previews of archives */ void getArchivePreview(char *filepath, int maxy, int maxx) { pid_t pid; int fd; int null_fd; // Reallocate `temp_dir` and store path to preview file char *preview_path = NULL; allocSize = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s/preview", cache_path); preview_path = malloc(allocSize+1); if(preview_path == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); endwin(); } snprintf(preview_path, allocSize+1, "%s/preview", cache_path); // Create a child process to run "atool -lq filepath > ~/.cache/cfiles/preview" pid = fork(); if( pid == 0 ) { remove(preview_path); fd = open(preview_path, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0755); null_fd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY); // Redirect stdout dup2(fd, 1); // Redirect errors to /dev/null dup2(null_fd, 2); execlp("atool", "atool", "-lq", filepath, (char *)0); exit(1); } else { int status; waitpid(pid, &status, 0); getTextPreview(preview_path, maxy, maxx); free(preview_path); } } /* Gets previews of video files (Dummy) */ void getDummyVidPreview(char *filepath, int maxy, int maxx) { wmove(preview_win,1,2); wprintw(preview_win,"%.*s",maxx-4,"Press i to see info"); wrefresh(preview_win); } /* Sets `temp_dir` to filepath and then stores the extension in `last` */ void getFileType(char *filepath) { free(temp_dir); allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s",filepath); temp_dir = malloc(allocSize+1); if(temp_dir == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); endwin(); } snprintf(temp_dir,allocSize+1,"%s", filepath); getLastToken("."); } /* Checks `last` for extension and then calls the appropriate preview function */ void getPreview(char *filepath, int maxy, int maxx) { getFileType(filepath); if(strcasecmp("jpg",last) == 0 || strcasecmp("png",last) == 0 || strcasecmp("gif",last) == 0 || strcasecmp("jpeg",last) == 0 || strcasecmp("mp3",last) == 0) { getImgPreview(filepath, maxy, maxx); clearFlagImg = 1; } else if(strcasecmp("mp4",last) == 0 || strcasecmp("mkv",last) == 0 || strcasecmp("avi",last) == 0 || strcasecmp("webm",last) == 0) getDummyVidPreview(filepath, maxy, maxx); else if(strcasecmp("zip",last) == 0 || strcasecmp("rar",last) == 0 || strcasecmp("cbr",last) == 0 || strcasecmp("cbz",last) == 0) getArchivePreview(filepath, maxy, maxx); else getTextPreview(filepath, maxy, maxx); } /* Gets previews of video files */ void getVidPreview(char *filepath, int maxy, int maxx) { pid_t pid; int fd; // Reallocate `temp_dir` and store path to preview file free(temp_dir); allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s/preview",cache_path); temp_dir = malloc(allocSize+1); if(temp_dir == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); endwin(); } snprintf(temp_dir,allocSize+1,"%s/preview",cache_path); endwin(); // Create a child process to run "mediainfo filepath > ~/.cache/cfiles/preview" pid = fork(); if( pid == 0 ) { remove(temp_dir); fd = open(temp_dir, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0755); // Redirect stdout dup2(fd, 1); if(is_regular_file(filepath) == 0) execlp("du", "du", "-s", "-h", filepath, (char *)0); else execlp("mediainfo", "mediainfo", filepath, (char *)0); exit(1); } else { int status; waitpid(pid, &status, 0); pid = fork(); if( pid == 0 ) { execlp("less", "less", temp_dir, (char *)0); exit(1); } else { waitpid(pid, &status, 0); } refresh(); } } /* Gets path of parent directory */ void getParentPath(char *path) { char *p; p = strrchr(path,'/'); path[p-path] = '\0'; // Parent directory is root if(path[0] == '\0') { path[0] = '/'; path[1] = '\0'; } } /* Returns number of files in `char* directory` */ int getNumberofFiles(char* directory) { int len=0; DIR *pDir; struct dirent *pDirent; pDir = opendir (directory); if (pDir == NULL) { return -1; } while ((pDirent = readdir(pDir)) != NULL) { // Skip . and .. if( strcmp(pDirent->d_name,".") != 0 && strcmp(pDirent->d_name,"..") != 0 ) { if( pDirent->d_name[0] == '.' ) if( hiddenFlag == 0 ) continue; len++; } } closedir (pDir); return len; } /* Stores all the file names in `char* directory` to `char *target[]` */ int getFiles(char* directory, char* target[]) { int i = 0; DIR *pDir; struct dirent *pDirent; pDir = opendir (directory); if (pDir == NULL) { return -1; } while ((pDirent = readdir(pDir)) != NULL) { // Skip . and .. if( strcmp(pDirent->d_name,".") != 0 && strcmp(pDirent->d_name,"..") != 0 ) { if( pDirent->d_name[0] == '.' ) if( hiddenFlag == 0 ) continue; target[i++] = strdup(pDirent->d_name); } } closedir (pDir); return 1; } /* Gets write permissions Returns 1 is `path` is writable */ int getWritePermissions(char *path) { if( access(path, W_OK) == 0 ) return 1; else return 0; } /* Copy files in clipboard to `present_dir` */ void copyFiles(char *present_dir) { FILE *f = fopen(clipboard_path, "r"); char buf[PATH_MAX]; int flag; if(f == NULL) { return; } // Check if `dir` is writable if(getWritePermissions(dir) == 1) flag = 0; else flag = 1; endwin(); while(fgets(buf, PATH_MAX, (FILE*) f)) { buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; replace(buf,"//","\n"); // Create a child process to copy file pid_t pid = fork(); if(pid == 0) { if(flag == 0) execlp("cp", "cp", "-r", "-v", buf, present_dir, (char *)0); else execlp("sudo", "sudo", "cp", "-r", "-v", buf, present_dir, (char *)0); exit(1); } else { int status; waitpid(pid, &status, 0); } } refresh(); fclose(f); } /* Removes files in clipboard */ void removeFiles() { FILE *f = fopen(clipboard_path, "r"); char buf[PATH_MAX]; int flag; if(f == NULL) { return; } endwin(); while(fgets(buf, PATH_MAX, (FILE*) f)) { buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; replace(buf,"//","\n"); if( getWritePermissions(buf) == 1 ) flag = 0; else flag = 1; // Create a child process to remove file pid_t pid = fork(); if(pid == 0) { if( flag == 0 ) execlp("rm", "rm", "-r", "-f", "-v", buf, (char *)0); else execlp("sudo", "sudo", "rm", "-r", "-f", "-v", buf, (char *)0); exit(1); } else { int status; waitpid(pid, &status, 0); } } refresh(); fclose(f); remove(clipboard_path); } /* Rename files in clipboard */ void renameFiles() { // For storing pid of children pid_t pid; // For opening clipboard and temp_clipboard FILE *f = fopen(clipboard_path, "r"); FILE *f2; // For storing shell commands char *cmd = NULL; // Buffers for reading clipboard and temp_clipboard char buf[PATH_MAX]; char buf2[PATH_MAX]; // Counters used when reading clipboard and copylock_path int count = 0; int count2 = 0; // Make a child process to create `temp_clipboard` pid = fork(); if( pid == 0 ) { execlp("cp", "cp", clipboard_path, temp_clipboard_path, (char *)0); exit(1); } else { int status; waitpid(pid, &status, 0); } // Exit curses mode to open temp_clipboard_path in EDITOR endwin(); // Allocate `cmd` to store full path of editor allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s", editor); cmd = malloc(allocSize + 1); if(cmd == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); endwin(); } snprintf(cmd,allocSize+1,"%s", editor); // Create a child process to edit temp_clipboard pid = fork(); if( pid == 0 ) { execlp(cmd, cmd, temp_clipboard_path, (char *)0); exit(1); } else { int status; waitpid(pid, &status, 0); free(cmd); } // Open clipboard and temp_clipboard and mv path from clipboard to adjacent entry in temp_clipboard while(fgets(buf, PATH_MAX, (FILE*) f)) { count2=-1; f2 = fopen(temp_clipboard_path,"r"); while(fgets(buf2, PATH_MAX, (FILE*) f2)) { count2++; if(buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '\n') buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; if(count2 == count) { if(buf2[strlen(buf2)-1] == '\n') buf2[strlen(buf2)-1] = '\0'; replace(buf2,"//","\n"); replace(buf,"//","\n"); // Create a child process to rename pid = fork(); if( pid == 0 ) { execlp("mv", "mv", buf, buf2, (char *)0); exit(1); } else { int status; waitpid(pid, &status, 0); } } } count++; fclose(f2); } fclose(f); // Remove clipboard and temp_clipboard remove(clipboard_path); remove(temp_clipboard_path); // Start curses mode refresh(); } /* Move files in clipboard to `present_dir` */ void moveFiles(char *present_dir) { FILE *f = fopen(clipboard_path, "r"); char buf[PATH_MAX]; int flag; if(f == NULL) { return; } if( getWritePermissions(dir) == 1 ) flag = 0; else flag = 1; endwin(); while(fgets(buf, PATH_MAX, (FILE*) f)) { buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; replace(buf,"//","\n"); // Create a child process to move file pid_t pid = fork(); if(pid == 0) { if(flag == 0) execlp("mv", "mv", "-v", buf, present_dir, (char *)0); else execlp("sudo", "sudo", "mv", "-v", buf, present_dir, (char *)0); exit(1); } else { int status; waitpid(pid, &status, 0); } } fclose(f); refresh(); remove(clipboard_path); } /* Creates current_win, preview_win and status_win */ void init_windows() { current_win = create_newwin(maxy, maxx/2+2, 0, 0); preview_win = create_newwin(maxy, maxx/2 -1, 0, maxx/2 + 1); status_win = create_newwin(2, maxx, maxy, 0); keypad(current_win, TRUE); } /* Displays current status in the status bar */ void displayStatus() { wmove(status_win,1,0); wattron(status_win, COLOR_PAIR(2)); wprintw(status_win, "(%d/%d)", selection+1, len); wprintw(status_win, " %s", dir); wattroff(status_win, COLOR_PAIR(2)); wattron(status_win, COLOR_PAIR(3)); if(strcasecmp(dir,"/") == 0) wprintw(status_win, "%s", selected_file); else wprintw(status_win, "/%s", selected_file); wattroff(status_win, COLOR_PAIR(3)); wrefresh(status_win); } /* Displays message on status bar */ void displayAlert(char *message) { wclear(status_win); wattron(status_win, A_BOLD); wprintw(status_win, "\n%s", message); wattroff(status_win, A_BOLD); wrefresh(status_win); } /* Refresh ncurses windows */ void refreshWindows() { if(bordersFlag == 1) { box(current_win,0,0); box(preview_win,0,0); } wrefresh(current_win); wrefresh(preview_win); } /* Clears Image */ void clearImg() { // Store arguments for CLEARIMG script char arg1[5]; char arg2[5]; char arg3[5]; char arg4[5]; // Convert numerical arguments to strings snprintf(arg1,5,"%d",maxx/2+2); snprintf(arg2,5,"%d",2); snprintf(arg3,5,"%d",maxx/2-3); snprintf(arg4,5,"%d",maxy+5); pid_t pid; pid = fork(); if(pid == 0) { execl(CLEARIMG,CLEARIMG,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,(char *)NULL); exit(1); } } /* Opens `preview` file in pager */ void viewPreview() { pid_t pid; char *preview_path = NULL; // Store path of preview file in `preview_path` allocSize = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s/preview", cache_path); preview_path = malloc(allocSize + 1); if(preview_path == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); endwin(); } snprintf(preview_path, allocSize+1, "%s/preview", cache_path); // Exit curses mode endwin(); // Start a child process to display preview pid = fork(); if(pid == 0) { execlp("less", "less", preview_path, (char *)0); exit(1); } else { int status; waitpid(pid, &status, 0); } // Restart curses mode refresh(); free(preview_path); } /* Checks if some flags are enabled and handles them accordingly */ void handleFlags(char** directories) { // Clear the preview_win if(clearFlag == 1) { wclear(preview_win); wrefresh(preview_win); clearFlag = 0; } // Clear the preview_win for images if(clearFlagImg == 1) { clearImg(); clearFlagImg = 0; } // Select the file in `last` and set `start` accordingly if(searchFlag == 1) { searchFlag = 0; last[strlen(last)-1] = '\0'; for(i=0; i maxy) { if(selection > maxy-3) start = selection - maxy + 3; } // Resets everything (Prevents unexpected behaviour after quitting fzf) endwin(); refresh(); } // Select the folder in `last` and set start accordingly if(backFlag == 1) { backFlag = 0; for(i=0; i maxy) { if(selection > maxy-3) start = selection - maxy + 3; } } } /* Scrolls Up */ void scrollUp() { selection--; selection = ( selection < 0 ) ? 0 : selection; // Scrolling if(len >= maxy-1) if(selection <= start + maxy/2) { if(start == 0) wclear(current_win); else { start--; wclear(current_win); } } } /* Scrolls Down */ void scrollDown() { selection++; selection = ( selection > len-1 ) ? len-1 : selection; // Scrolling if(len >= maxy-1) if(selection - 1 > maxy/2) { if(start + maxy - 2 != len) { start++; wclear(current_win); } } } /* Goes to child directory or opens a file */ void goForward() { if(len_preview != -1) { free(dir); allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s",next_dir); dir = malloc(allocSize+1); if(dir == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); endwin(); } snprintf(dir,allocSize+1,"%s",next_dir); selection = 0; start = 0; } else { // Open file openFile(next_dir); clearFlag = 1; } } /* Goes to parent directory */ void goBack() { // Reallocate `temp_dir` and Copy present directory to temp_dir to work with strtok() free(temp_dir); allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s",dir); temp_dir = malloc(allocSize+1); if(temp_dir == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); endwin(); } snprintf(temp_dir,allocSize+1,"%s",dir); // Reallocate `dir` and copy `prev_dir` to `dir` free(dir); allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s",prev_dir); dir = malloc(allocSize+1); if(dir == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); endwin(); } snprintf(dir,allocSize+1,"%s",prev_dir); // Set appropriate flags selection = 0; start = 0; backFlag = 1; // Get the last token in `temp_dir` and store it in `last` getLastToken("/"); } /////////////////// // MAIN FUNCTION // /////////////////// int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Initialization init(argc, argv); curses_init(); // For Storing user keypress int ch; // Main Loop do { signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); // Stores length of VLA `directories` int temp_len; // Get number of files in the home directory len = getNumberofFiles(dir); // Set temp_len to 1 if `len` is less than 0 if(len <= 0) temp_len = 1; else temp_len = len; // Array of all the files in the current directory char* directories[temp_len]; // Store files in `dir` in the `directories` array int status; status = getFiles(dir, directories); if( status == -1 ) { endwin(); printf("Couldn't open \'%s\'", dir); exit(1); } // Sort files by name allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s",dir); sort_dir = malloc(allocSize+1); if(sort_dir == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); endwin(); } strncpy(sort_dir,dir,allocSize+1); if( len > 0 ) qsort(directories, len, sizeof (char*), compare); // In case the last file is selected and it get's removed or moved if(selection > len-1) { selection = len-1; } // Check if some flag are set to true and handle them accordingly handleFlags(directories); // Get Size of terminal getmaxyx(stdscr, maxy, maxx); // Save last two rows for status_win maxy = maxy - 2; // Make the two windows side-by-side and make the status window init_windows(); // Print all the elements and highlight the selection int t = 0; for( i=start; i 0) { allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s",next_dir); sort_dir = malloc(allocSize+1); if(sort_dir == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); exit(1); } snprintf(sort_dir,allocSize+1,"%s",next_dir); qsort(next_directories, len_preview, sizeof (char*), compare); free(sort_dir); } // Selection is not a directory if(len != 0) { if(len_preview != -1) { for( i=0; i maxy - 2) start = len - maxy + 2; else start = 0; break; // Go to top of current view case KEY_TOP: selection = start; break; // Go to the bottom of current view case KEY_BOTTOM: if(len >= maxy) selection = start + maxy - 3; else selection = len - 1; break; // Go to the middle of current view case KEY_MID: if( len >= maxy ) selection = start + maxy/2; else selection = (len / 2) - 1; break; // Search using fzf case KEY_SEARCHALL: // Clear Image Preview (If Present) clearImg(); // Reallocate `temp_dir` and store path to preview file free(temp_dir); allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s/preview",cache_path); temp_dir = malloc(allocSize+1); if(temp_dir == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); exit(1); } snprintf(temp_dir,allocSize+1,"%s/preview",cache_path); // Remove the preview file remove(temp_dir); // Create a child process to run command and store output in preview file endwin(); pid = fork(); if( pid == 0 ) { fd = open(temp_dir, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0755); dup2(fd, 1); chdir(dir); execlp("fzf","fzf",(char *)0); exit(1); } else { int status; waitpid(pid,&status,0); } // Execute fzf command and store output in buf buf = malloc(PATH_MAX); if(buf == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); exit(1); } memset(buf, '\0', PATH_MAX); fp = fopen(temp_dir, "r"); while(fgets(buf,PATH_MAX,fp) != NULL){} fclose(fp); // Allocate Memory to `path` allocSize = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s/%s",dir,buf); path = malloc(allocSize+1); if(path == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); exit(1); } snprintf(path, allocSize+1, "%s/%s",dir,buf); // Copy `path` into `temp_dir` to work with strtok. //Then fetch the last token from `temp_dir` and store it in `last`. free(temp_dir); allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s", path); temp_dir = malloc(allocSize+1); if(temp_dir == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); exit(1); } snprintf(temp_dir,allocSize+1,"%s",path); getLastToken("/"); getParentPath(path); free(dir); allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s", path); dir = malloc(allocSize+1); if(dir == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); exit(1); } snprintf(dir,allocSize+1,"%s", path); // Set appropriate flags selection = 0; start = 0; clearFlag = 1; searchFlag = 1; // Free Memory free(buf); free(path); break; // Search in the same directory case KEY_SEARCHDIR: // Clear Image Preview (If Present) clearImg(); // Reallocate `temp_dir` and store path to preview file free(temp_dir); allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s/preview",cache_path); temp_dir = malloc(allocSize+1); if(temp_dir == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); exit(1); } snprintf(temp_dir,allocSize+1,"%s/preview",cache_path); // Remove the preview file remove(temp_dir); // Create a child process to run command and store output in preview file endwin(); pipe(pfd); pid = fork(); if( pid == 0 ) { dup2(pfd[1], 1); close(pfd[1]); chdir(dir); if( hiddenFlag == 1 ) execlp("ls","ls","-a",(char *)0); else execlp("ls","ls",(char *)0); exit(1); } else { int status; waitpid(pid,&status,0); close(pfd[1]); pid = fork(); if(pid == 0) { fd = open(temp_dir, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0755); dup2(pfd[0],0); dup2(fd, 1); close(pfd[0]); execlp("fzf","fzf",(char *)0); exit(1); } else { waitpid(pid, &status, 0); close(pfd[0]); } } // Allocate Memory to `buf` to store output of command buf = malloc(PATH_MAX); if(buf == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); exit(1); } memset(buf, '\0', PATH_MAX); fp = fopen(temp_dir, "r"); while(fgets(buf,PATH_MAX,fp) != NULL){} fclose(fp); // Allocate Memory to `path` to store path selected file allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s/%s",dir,buf); path = malloc(allocSize+1); if(path == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); exit(1); } snprintf(path,allocSize+1,"%s/%s",dir,buf); // Reallocate `temp_dir` free(temp_dir); allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s",path); temp_dir = malloc(allocSize+1); if(temp_dir == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); exit(1); } snprintf(temp_dir,allocSize+1,"%s",path); getLastToken("/"); getParentPath(path); // Reallocate `dir` to store directory where the selected file is free(dir); allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s",path); dir = malloc(allocSize+1); if(dir == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); exit(1); } snprintf(dir,allocSize+1,"%s",path); // Free Memory free(buf); free(path); // Set appropriate flags selection = 0; start = 0; clearFlag = 1; searchFlag = 1; break; // Opens bash shell in present directory case KEY_SHELL: // Clear Image Preview (If Present) clearImg(); // End ncurses mode endwin(); // Create a child process to run bash pid = fork(); if( pid == 0 ) { chdir(dir); execlp("bash", "bash", "-i", (char *)0); exit(1); } else { int status; waitpid(pid, &status, 0); } // Restart ncurses mode and set appropriate flags start = 0; selection = 0; refresh(); break; // Bulk Rename case KEY_RENAME: // Clear Image if Exists clearImg(); if( access( clipboard_path, F_OK ) == -1 ) { // Reallocate `temp_dir` to store full path of selected file free(temp_dir); allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s/%s",dir,directories[selection]); temp_dir = malloc(allocSize+1); if(temp_dir == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); exit(1); } snprintf(temp_dir,allocSize+1,"%s/%s",dir,directories[selection]); char *temp = strdup(temp_dir); writeClipboard(replace(temp,"\n","//")); free(temp); } renameFiles(); break; // Write to clipboard case KEY_SEL: // Reallocate `temp_dir` to store full path of selection free(temp_dir); allocSize = snprintf(NULL,0,"%s/%s",dir,directories[selection]); temp_dir = malloc(allocSize+2); if(temp_dir == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); exit(1); } snprintf(temp_dir, allocSize+2, "%s/%s", dir, directories[selection]); char *temp = strdup(temp_dir); if (checkClipboard(temp_dir) == 1) removeClipboard(replace(temp,"\n","//")); else writeClipboard(replace(temp,"\n","//")); free(temp); scrollDown(); break; // Empty Clipboard case KEY_EMPTYSEL: emptyClipboard(); break; // Copy clipboard contents to present directory case KEY_YANK: copyFiles(dir); break; // Moves clipboard contents to present directory case KEY_MV: moveFiles(dir); break; // Moves clipboard contents to trash case KEY_REMOVEMENU: clearImg(); if( fileExists(clipboard_path) == 1 ) { keys_win = create_newwin(3, maxx, maxy-3, 0); wprintw(keys_win,"Key\tCommand"); wprintw(keys_win,"\n%c\tMove to Trash", KEY_TRASH); wprintw(keys_win,"\n%c\tDelete", KEY_DELETE); wrefresh(keys_win); secondKey = wgetch(current_win); delwin(keys_win); if( secondKey == KEY_TRASH ) moveFiles(trash_path); else if( secondKey == KEY_DELETE ) { displayAlert("Confirm (y/n): "); confirm = wgetch(status_win); if(confirm == 'y') removeFiles(); else { displayAlert("ABORTED"); sleep(1); } } } else { displayAlert("Select some files first!"); sleep(1); } break; // Go to bookmark case KEY_BOOKMARK: // Clear Image Preview (If Present) clearImg(); len_bookmarks = getNumberOfBookmarks(); if( len_bookmarks == -1 ) { displayAlert("No Bookmarks Found!"); sleep(1); } else { keys_win = create_newwin(len_bookmarks+1, maxx, maxy-len_bookmarks, 0); displayBookmarks(); secondKey = wgetch(keys_win); openBookmarkDir(secondKey); delwin(keys_win); } break; // Add Bookmark case KEY_ADDBOOKMARK: // Clear Image Preview (If Present) clearImg(); displayAlert("Enter Bookmark Key"); secondKey = wgetch(status_win); if( bookmarkExists(secondKey) == 1 ) { displayAlert("Bookmark Key Exists!"); sleep(1); } else { addBookmark(secondKey, dir); } break; // See selection list case KEY_VIEWSEL: // Exit curses mode to show clipboard endwin(); if( access( clipboard_path, F_OK ) != -1 ) { // Create a child process to show clipboard pid = fork(); if( pid == 0 ) { execlp("less", "less", clipboard_path, (char *)0); exit(1); } else { int status; waitpid(pid, &status, 0); } refresh(); } else { displayAlert("Selection List is Empty!"); sleep(1); } break; // Edit selection list case KEY_EDITSEL: // Exit curses mode to edit clipboard endwin(); if( access( clipboard_path, F_OK ) != -1 ) { // Create a child process to show clipboard pid = fork(); if( pid == 0 ) { execlp(editor, editor, clipboard_path, (char *)0); exit(1); } else { int status; waitpid(pid, &status, 0); } refresh(); } else { displayAlert("Selection List is Empty!"); sleep(1); } break; // View Preview case KEY_INFO: getVidPreview(next_dir,maxy,maxx/2+2); clearFlagImg = 1; break; // Enable/Disable hidden files case KEY_TOGGLEHIDE: if( hiddenFlag == 1 ) hiddenFlag = 0; else hiddenFlag = 1; start = 0; selection = 0; break; // View Preview case KEY_PREVIEW: viewPreview(); break; // Run External Script case KEY_SCRIPT: len_scripts = getNumberofFiles(scripts_path); if(len_scripts <= 0) { displayAlert("No scripts found!"); sleep(1); } else { // Clear Image Preview (If Present) clearImg(); int status; char* scripts[len_scripts]; status = getFiles(scripts_path, scripts); if(status == -1) { displayAlert("Cannot fetch scripts!"); sleep(1); break; } keys_win = create_newwin(len_scripts+1, maxx, maxy-len_scripts, 0); wprintw(keys_win,"%s\t%s\n", "S.No.", "Name"); for(i=0; i= 0) { // Reallocate `temp_dir` to store path of script free(temp_dir); allocSize = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s/%s", scripts_path, scripts[option]); temp_dir = malloc(allocSize+1); if(temp_dir == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); exit(1); } snprintf(temp_dir, allocSize+1, "%s/%s", scripts_path, scripts[option]); // Allocate Memory to `buf` to store path of selection allocSize = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s/%s", dir, directories[selection]); buf = malloc(allocSize+1); if(buf == NULL) { endwin(); printf("%s\n", "Couldn't allocate memory!"); exit(1); } snprintf(buf, allocSize+1, "%s/%s", dir, directories[selection]); // Exit ncurses mode to execute the script endwin(); // Create a child process to execute the script pid = fork(); if( pid == 0 ) { chdir(dir); execl(temp_dir, scripts[option], buf, (char *)0); exit(1); } else { int status; waitpid(pid, &status, 0); } // Free Memory and restart curses mode free(buf); refresh(); } for(i=0; i