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//RandomX ALU + FPU test
//License: GPL v3
#include "Instructions.h"
#include <cfenv>
#include <cmath>
#if defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__)
typedef unsigned __int128 uint128_t;
typedef __int128 int128_t;
static inline uint64_t __umulhi64(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
return ((uint128_t)a * b) >> 64;
static inline uint64_t __imulhi64(int64_t a, int64_t b) {
return ((int128_t)a * b) >> 64;
#define umulhi64 __umulhi64
#define imulhi64 __imulhi64
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define HAS_VALUE(X) X ## 0
#include <intrin.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define ror64 _rotr64
#define rol64 _rotl64
#define umulhi64 __umulh
static inline uint64_t __imulhi64(int64_t a, int64_t b) {
int64_t hi;
_mul128(a, b, &hi);
return hi;
#define imulhi64 __imulhi64
#ifndef ror64
static inline uint64_t __ror64(uint64_t a, int b) {
return (a >> b) | (a << (64 - b));
#define ror64 __ror64
#ifndef rol64
static inline uint64_t __rol64(uint64_t a, int b) {
return (a << b) | (a >> (64 - b));
#define rol64 __rol64
#ifndef sar64
#include <type_traits>
constexpr int64_t builtintShr64(int64_t value, int shift) noexcept {
return value >> shift;
struct UsesArithmeticShift : std::integral_constant<bool, builtintShr64(-1LL, 1) == -1LL> {
static inline int64_t __sar64(int64_t a, int b) {
return UsesArithmeticShift::value ? builtintShr64(a, b) : (a < 0 ? ~(~a >> b) : a >> b);
#define sar64 __sar64
#ifndef umulhi64
#define LO(x) ((x)&0xffffffff)
#define HI(x) ((x)>>32)
static inline uint64_t __umulhi64(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
uint64_t ah = HI(a), al = LO(a);
uint64_t bh = HI(b), bl = LO(b);
uint64_t x00 = al * bl;
uint64_t x01 = al * bh;
uint64_t x10 = ah * bl;
uint64_t x11 = ah * bh;
uint64_t m1 = LO(x10) + LO(x01) + HI(x00);
uint64_t m2 = HI(x10) + HI(x01) + LO(x11) + HI(m1);
uint64_t m3 = HI(x11) + HI(m2);
return (m3 << 32) + LO(m2);
#define umulhi64 __umulhi64
#ifndef imulhi64
static inline int64_t __imulhi64(int64_t a, int64_t b) {
int64_t hi = umulhi64(a, b);
if (a < 0LL) hi -= b;
if (b < 0LL) hi -= a;
return hi;
#define imulhi64 __imulhi64
static double FlushDenormal(double x) {
if (std::fpclassify(x) == FP_SUBNORMAL) {
return 0;
return x;
#define FTZ(x) FlushDenormal(x)
namespace RandomX {
extern "C" {
void ADD_64(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
c.u64 = a.u64 + b.u64;
void ADD_32(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
c.u64 = a.u32 + b.u32;
void SUB_64(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
c.u64 = a.u64 - b.u64;
void SUB_32(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
c.u64 = a.u32 - b.u32;
void MUL_64(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
c.u64 = a.u64 * b.u64;
void MULH_64(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
c.u64 = umulhi64(a.u64, b.u64);
void MUL_32(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
c.u64 = (uint64_t)a.u32 * b.u32;
void IMUL_32(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
c.i64 = (int64_t)a.i32 * b.i32;
void IMULH_64(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
c.i64 = imulhi64(a.i64, b.i64);
void DIV_64(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
c.u64 = a.u64 / (b.u32 != 0 ? b.u32 : 1U);
void IDIV_64(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
if (a.i64 == INT64_MIN && b.i64 == -1)
c.i64 = INT64_MIN;
c.i64 = a.i64 / (b.i32 != 0 ? b.i32 : 1);
void AND_64(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
c.u64 = a.u64 & b.u64;
void AND_32(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
c.u64 = a.u32 & b.u32;
void OR_64(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
c.u64 = a.u64 | b.u64;
void OR_32(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
c.u64 = a.u32 | b.u32;
void XOR_64(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
c.u64 = a.u64 ^ b.u64;
void XOR_32(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
c.u64 = a.u32 ^ b.u32;
void SHL_64(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
c.u64 = a.u64 << (b.u64 & 63);
void SHR_64(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
c.u64 = a.u64 >> (b.u64 & 63);
void SAR_64(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
c.u64 = sar64(a.i64, b.u64 & 63);
void ROL_64(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
c.u64 = rol64(a.u64, (b.u64 & 63));
void ROR_64(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
c.u64 = ror64(a.u64, (b.u64 & 63));
void FPINIT() {
void FADD_64(convertible_t& a, double b, convertible_t& c) {
c.f64 = FTZ((double)a.i64 + b);
void FSUB_64(convertible_t& a, double b, convertible_t& c) {
c.f64 = FTZ((double)a.i64 - b);
void FMUL_64(convertible_t& a, double b, convertible_t& c) {
c.f64 = FTZ((double)a.i64 * b);
void FDIV_64(convertible_t& a, double b, convertible_t& c) {
c.f64 = FTZ((double)a.i64 / b);
void FABSQRT(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
double d = fabs((double)a.i64);
c.f64 = FTZ(sqrt(d));
void FROUND(convertible_t& a, convertible_t& b, convertible_t& c) {
c.f64 = (double)a.i64;
switch (a.u64 & 3) {
case RoundDown:
case RoundUp:
case RoundToZero: