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Copyright (c) 2018 tevador
This file is part of RandomX.
RandomX is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
RandomX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with RandomX. If not, see<>.
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include "blake2/endian.h"
constexpr int32_t unsigned32ToSigned2sCompl(uint32_t x) {
return (-1 == ~0) ? (int32_t)x : (x > INT32_MAX ? (-(int32_t)(UINT32_MAX - x) - 1) : (int32_t)x);
constexpr int64_t unsigned64ToSigned2sCompl(uint64_t x) {
return (-1 == ~0) ? (int64_t)x : (x > INT64_MAX ? (-(int64_t)(UINT64_MAX - x) - 1) : (int64_t)x);
constexpr uint64_t signExtend2sCompl(uint32_t x) {
return (-1 == ~0) ? (int64_t)(int32_t)(x) : (x > INT32_MAX ? (x | 0xffffffff00000000ULL) : (uint64_t)x);
constexpr int RoundToNearest = 0;
constexpr int RoundDown = 1;
constexpr int RoundUp = 2;
constexpr int RoundToZero = 3;
//MSVC doesn't define __SSE2__, so we have to define it manually if SSE2 is available
#if !defined(__SSE2__) && (defined(_M_X64) || (defined(_M_IX86_FP) && _M_IX86_FP == 2))
#define __SSE2__ 1
//the library "sqrt" function provided by MSVC for x86 targets doesn't give
//the correct results, so we have to use inline assembly to call x87 fsqrt directly
#if !defined(__SSE2__)
#if defined(_M_IX86)
inline double __cdecl rx_sqrt(double x) {
__asm {
fld x
#define rx_sqrt rx_sqrt
void rx_set_double_precision();
#define RANDOMX_USE_X87
#elif defined(__i386)
void rx_set_double_precision();
#define RANDOMX_USE_X87
#endif //__SSE2__
#if !defined(rx_sqrt)
#define rx_sqrt sqrt
#if !defined(RANDOMX_USE_X87)
#define rx_set_double_precision
#ifdef __SSE2__
#ifdef __GNUC__
#include <x86intrin.h>
#include <intrin.h>
typedef __m128i rx_vec_i128;
typedef __m128d rx_vec_f128;
#define rx_aligned_alloc(a, b) _mm_malloc(a,b)
#define rx_aligned_free(a) _mm_free(a)
#define rx_prefetch_nta(x) _mm_prefetch((const char *)(x), _MM_HINT_NTA)
#define rx_load_vec_f128 _mm_load_pd
#define rx_store_vec_f128 _mm_store_pd
#define rx_add_vec_f128 _mm_add_pd
#define rx_sub_vec_f128 _mm_sub_pd
#define rx_mul_vec_f128 _mm_mul_pd
#define rx_div_vec_f128 _mm_div_pd
#define rx_sqrt_vec_f128 _mm_sqrt_pd
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_f128 rx_swap_vec_f128(rx_vec_f128 a) {
return _mm_shuffle_pd(a, a, 1);
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_f128 rx_set_vec_f128(uint64_t x1, uint64_t x0) {
return _mm_castsi128_pd(_mm_set_epi64x(x1, x0));
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_f128 rx_set1_vec_f128(uint64_t x) {
return _mm_castsi128_pd(_mm_set1_epi64x(x));
#define rx_xor_vec_f128 _mm_xor_pd
#define rx_and_vec_f128 _mm_and_pd
#define rx_or_vec_f128 _mm_or_pd
#define rx_aesenc_vec_i128 _mm_aesenc_si128
#define rx_aesdec_vec_i128 _mm_aesdec_si128
FORCE_INLINE int rx_vec_i128_x(rx_vec_i128 a) {
return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(a);
FORCE_INLINE int rx_vec_i128_y(rx_vec_i128 a) {
return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(a, 0x55));
FORCE_INLINE int rx_vec_i128_z(rx_vec_i128 a) {
return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(a, 0xaa));
FORCE_INLINE int rx_vec_i128_w(rx_vec_i128 a) {
return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(a, 0xff));
#define rx_set_int_vec_i128 _mm_set_epi32
#define rx_xor_vec_i128 _mm_xor_si128
#define rx_load_vec_i128 _mm_load_si128
#define rx_store_vec_i128 _mm_store_si128
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_f128 rx_cvt_packed_int_vec_f128(const void* addr) {
__m128i ix = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*)addr);
return _mm_cvtepi32_pd(ix);
constexpr uint32_t rx_mxcsr_default = 0x9FC0; //Flush to zero, denormals are zero, default rounding mode, all exceptions disabled
FORCE_INLINE void rx_reset_float_state() {
FORCE_INLINE void rx_set_rounding_mode(uint32_t mode) {
_mm_setcsr(rx_mxcsr_default | (mode << 13));
#include <cstdint>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
typedef union {
uint64_t u64[2];
uint32_t u32[4];
uint16_t u16[8];
uint8_t u8[16];
} rx_vec_i128;
typedef union {
struct {
double lo;
double hi;
rx_vec_i128 i;
} rx_vec_f128;
#define rx_aligned_alloc(a, b) malloc(a)
#define rx_aligned_free(a) free(a)
#define rx_prefetch_nta(x)
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_f128 rx_load_vec_f128(const double* pd) {
rx_vec_f128 x;
x.i.u64[0] = load64(pd + 0);
x.i.u64[1] = load64(pd + 1);
return x;
FORCE_INLINE void rx_store_vec_f128(double* mem_addr, rx_vec_f128 a) {
store64(mem_addr + 0, a.i.u64[0]);
store64(mem_addr + 1, a.i.u64[1]);
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_f128 rx_swap_vec_f128(rx_vec_f128 a) {
double temp = a.hi;
a.hi = a.lo;
a.lo = temp;
return a;
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_f128 rx_add_vec_f128(rx_vec_f128 a, rx_vec_f128 b) {
rx_vec_f128 x;
x.lo = a.lo + b.lo;
x.hi = a.hi + b.hi;
return x;
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_f128 rx_sub_vec_f128(rx_vec_f128 a, rx_vec_f128 b) {
rx_vec_f128 x;
x.lo = a.lo - b.lo;
x.hi = a.hi - b.hi;
return x;
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_f128 rx_mul_vec_f128(rx_vec_f128 a, rx_vec_f128 b) {
rx_vec_f128 x;
x.lo = a.lo * b.lo;
x.hi = a.hi * b.hi;
return x;
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_f128 rx_div_vec_f128(rx_vec_f128 a, rx_vec_f128 b) {
rx_vec_f128 x;
x.lo = a.lo / b.lo;
x.hi = a.hi / b.hi;
return x;
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_f128 rx_sqrt_vec_f128(rx_vec_f128 a) {
rx_vec_f128 x;
x.lo = rx_sqrt(a.lo);
x.hi = rx_sqrt(a.hi);
return x;
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_i128 rx_set1_long_vec_i128(uint64_t a) {
rx_vec_i128 x;
x.u64[0] = a;
x.u64[1] = a;
return x;
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_f128 rx_vec_i128_vec_f128(rx_vec_i128 a) {
rx_vec_f128 x;
x.i = a;
return x;
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_f128 rx_set_vec_f128(uint64_t x1, uint64_t x0) {
rx_vec_f128 v;
v.i.u64[0] = x0;
v.i.u64[1] = x1;
return v;
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_f128 rx_set1_vec_f128(uint64_t x) {
rx_vec_f128 v;
v.i.u64[0] = x;
v.i.u64[1] = x;
return v;
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_f128 rx_xor_vec_f128(rx_vec_f128 a, rx_vec_f128 b) {
rx_vec_f128 x;
x.i.u64[0] = a.i.u64[0] ^ b.i.u64[0];
x.i.u64[1] = a.i.u64[1] ^ b.i.u64[1];
return x;
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_f128 rx_and_vec_f128(rx_vec_f128 a, rx_vec_f128 b) {
rx_vec_f128 x;
x.i.u64[0] = a.i.u64[0] & b.i.u64[0];
x.i.u64[1] = a.i.u64[1] & b.i.u64[1];
return x;
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_f128 rx_or_vec_f128(rx_vec_f128 a, rx_vec_f128 b) {
rx_vec_f128 x;
x.i.u64[0] = a.i.u64[0] | b.i.u64[0];
x.i.u64[1] = a.i.u64[1] | b.i.u64[1];
return x;
static const char* platformError = "Platform doesn't support hardware AES";
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_i128 rx_aesenc_vec_i128(rx_vec_i128 v, rx_vec_i128 rkey) {
throw std::runtime_error(platformError);
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_i128 rx_aesdec_vec_i128(rx_vec_i128 v, rx_vec_i128 rkey) {
throw std::runtime_error(platformError);
FORCE_INLINE int rx_vec_i128_x(rx_vec_i128 a) {
return a.u32[0];
FORCE_INLINE int rx_vec_i128_y(rx_vec_i128 a) {
return a.u32[1];
FORCE_INLINE int rx_vec_i128_z(rx_vec_i128 a) {
return a.u32[2];
FORCE_INLINE int rx_vec_i128_w(rx_vec_i128 a) {
return a.u32[3];
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_i128 rx_set_int_vec_i128(int _I3, int _I2, int _I1, int _I0) {
rx_vec_i128 v;
v.u32[0] = _I0;
v.u32[1] = _I1;
v.u32[2] = _I2;
v.u32[3] = _I3;
return v;
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_i128 rx_xor_vec_i128(rx_vec_i128 _A, rx_vec_i128 _B) {
rx_vec_i128 c;
c.u32[0] = _A.u32[0] ^ _B.u32[0];
c.u32[1] = _A.u32[1] ^ _B.u32[1];
c.u32[2] = _A.u32[2] ^ _B.u32[2];
c.u32[3] = _A.u32[3] ^ _B.u32[3];
return c;
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_i128 rx_load_vec_i128(rx_vec_i128 const*_P) {
return *_P;
uint32_t* ptr = (uint32_t*)_P;
rx_vec_i128 c;
c.u32[0] = load32(ptr + 0);
c.u32[1] = load32(ptr + 1);
c.u32[2] = load32(ptr + 2);
c.u32[3] = load32(ptr + 3);
return c;
FORCE_INLINE void rx_store_vec_i128(rx_vec_i128 *_P, rx_vec_i128 _B) {
*_P = _B;
uint32_t* ptr = (uint32_t*)_P;
store32(ptr + 0, _B.u32[0]);
store32(ptr + 1, _B.u32[1]);
store32(ptr + 2, _B.u32[2]);
store32(ptr + 3, _B.u32[3]);
FORCE_INLINE rx_vec_f128 rx_cvt_packed_int_vec_f128(const void* addr) {
rx_vec_f128 x;
x.lo = (double)unsigned32ToSigned2sCompl(load32((uint8_t*)addr + 0));
x.hi = (double)unsigned32ToSigned2sCompl(load32((uint8_t*)addr + 4));
return x;
void rx_reset_float_state();
void rx_set_rounding_mode(uint32_t mode);
double loadDoublePortable(const void* addr);
uint64_t mulh(uint64_t, uint64_t);
int64_t smulh(int64_t, int64_t);
uint64_t rotl(uint64_t, int);
uint64_t rotr(uint64_t, int);