// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause // Copyright (c) 2020-2021, The Monero Project. #include #include #include #include #include "utils/utils.h" #include "utils/tor.h" #include "appcontext.h" #include "config-feather.h" QString Tor::torHost = ""; quint16 Tor::torPort = 9050; Tor::Tor(AppContext *ctx, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_ctx(ctx) , m_checkConnectionTimer(new QTimer(this)) { connect(m_checkConnectionTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Tor::checkConnection); this->torDir = QDir(m_ctx->configDirectory).filePath("tor"); this->torDataPath = QDir(this->torDir).filePath("data"); if (m_ctx->cmdargs->isSet("tor-port")) { Tor::torPort = m_ctx->cmdargs->value("tor-port").toUShort(); this->localTor = true; if (!Utils::portOpen(Tor::torHost, Tor::torPort)) { this->errorMsg = QString("--tor-port was specified but no running Tor instance was found on port %1.").arg(QString::number(Tor::torPort)); } return; } // Assume Tor is already running this->localTor = m_ctx->cmdargs->isSet("use-local-tor"); if (this->localTor && !Utils::portOpen(Tor::torHost, Tor::torPort)) { this->errorMsg = "--use-local-tor was specified but no running Tor instance found."; } if (m_ctx->isTorSocks || m_ctx->isTails || m_ctx->isWhonix || Utils::portOpen(Tor::torHost, Tor::torPort)) this->localTor = true; if (this->localTor) { return; } #ifndef HAS_TOR_BIN qCritical() << "Feather built without embedded Tor. Assuming --use-local-tor"; this->localTor = true; return; #endif bool unpacked = this->unpackBins(); if (!unpacked) { qCritical() << "Error unpacking embedded Tor. Assuming --use-local-tor"; this->localTor = true; return; } // Don't spawn Tor on default port to avoid conflicts Tor::torPort = 19450; if (Utils::portOpen(Tor::torHost, Tor::torPort)) { this->localTor = true; return; } qDebug() << "Using embedded tor instance"; m_process.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); connect(&m_process, &QProcess::readyReadStandardOutput, this, &Tor::handleProcessOutput); connect(&m_process, &QProcess::errorOccurred, this, &Tor::handleProcessError); connect(&m_process, &QProcess::stateChanged, this, &Tor::stateChanged); } void Tor::stop() { m_process.kill(); } void Tor::start() { if (this->localTor) { this->checkConnection(); m_checkConnectionTimer->start(5000); return; } auto state = m_process.state(); if (state == QProcess::ProcessState::Running || state == QProcess::ProcessState::Starting) { this->errorMsg = "Can't start Tor, already running or starting"; return; } if (Utils::portOpen(Tor::torHost, Tor::torPort)) { this->errorMsg = QString("Unable to start Tor on %1:%2. Port already in use.").arg(Tor::torHost, Tor::torPort); return; } qDebug() << QString("Start process: %1").arg(this->torPath); m_restarts += 1; if (m_restarts > 4) { this->errorMsg = "Tor failed to start: maximum retries exceeded"; return; } QStringList arguments; arguments << "--ignore-missing-torrc"; arguments << "--SocksPort" << QString("%1:%2").arg(Tor::torHost, QString::number(Tor::torPort)); arguments << "--TruncateLogFile" << "1"; arguments << "--DataDirectory" << this->torDataPath; arguments << "--Log" << "notice"; arguments << "--pidfile" << QDir(this->torDataPath).filePath("tor.pid"); qDebug() << QString("%1 %2").arg(this->torPath, arguments.join(" ")); m_process.start(this->torPath, arguments); } void Tor::checkConnection() { // We might not be able to connect to localhost if torsocks is used to start feather if (m_ctx->isTorSocks) this->setConnectionState(true); else if (m_ctx->isWhonix) this->setConnectionState(true); else if (m_ctx->isTails) { QStringList args = QStringList() << "--quiet" << "is-active" << "tails-tor-has-bootstrapped.target"; int code = QProcess::execute("/bin/systemctl", args); this->setConnectionState(code == 0); } else if (Utils::portOpen(Tor::torHost, Tor::torPort)) this->setConnectionState(true); else this->setConnectionState(false); } void Tor::setConnectionState(bool connected) { this->torConnected = connected; emit connectionStateChanged(connected); } void Tor::stateChanged(QProcess::ProcessState state) { if(state == QProcess::ProcessState::Running) qWarning() << "Tor started, awaiting bootstrap"; else if (state == QProcess::ProcessState::NotRunning) { this->setConnectionState(false); if (m_stopRetries) return; QTimer::singleShot(1000, [=] { this->start(); }); } } void Tor::handleProcessOutput() { QByteArray output = m_process.readAllStandardOutput(); this->torLogs.append(Utils::barrayToString(output)); emit logsUpdated(); if(output.contains(QByteArray("Bootstrapped 100%"))) { qDebug() << "Tor OK"; this->setConnectionState(true); } qDebug() << output; } void Tor::handleProcessError(QProcess::ProcessError error) { if (error == QProcess::ProcessError::Crashed) qWarning() << "Tor crashed or killed"; else if (error == QProcess::ProcessError::FailedToStart) { this->errorMsg = "Tor binary failed to start: " + this->torPath; this->m_stopRetries = true; } } bool Tor::unpackBins() { QString torFile; // On MacOS write libevent to disk #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) QString libEvent = ":/assets/exec/libevent-2.1.7.dylib"; if (Utils::fileExists(libEvent)) { QFile e(libEvent); QFileInfo eventInfo(e); auto libEventPath = QDir(this->torDir).filePath(eventInfo.fileName()); qDebug() << libEventPath; e.copy(libEventPath); e.close(); } #endif torFile = ":/assets/exec/tor"; if (!Utils::fileExists(torFile)) return false; // write to disk QFile f(torFile); QFileInfo fileInfo(f); this->torPath = QDir(this->torDir).filePath(fileInfo.fileName()); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) if(!this->torPath.endsWith(".exe")) this->torPath += ".exe"; #endif TorVersion embeddedVersion = this->stringToVersion(QString(TOR_VERSION)); TorVersion filesystemVersion = this->getVersion(torPath); qDebug() << QString("Tor versions: embedded %1, filesystem %2").arg(embeddedVersion.toString(), filesystemVersion.toString()); if (TorVersion::isValid(filesystemVersion) && (embeddedVersion > filesystemVersion)) { qInfo() << "Embedded version is newer, overwriting."; QFile::setPermissions(torPath, QFile::ReadOther | QFile::WriteOther); if (!QFile::remove(torPath)) { qWarning() << "Unable to remove old Tor binary"; }; } qDebug() << "Writing Tor executable to " << this->torPath; f.copy(torPath); f.close(); #if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) QFile torBin(this->torPath); torBin.setPermissions(QFile::ExeGroup | QFile::ExeOther | QFile::ExeOther | QFile::ExeUser); #endif return true; } TorVersion Tor::getVersion(const QString &fileName) { QProcess process; process.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); process.start(this->torPath, QStringList() << "--version"); process.waitForFinished(-1); QString output = process.readAllStandardOutput(); if(output.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "Could not grab Tor version"; return TorVersion(); } return this->stringToVersion(output); } TorVersion Tor::stringToVersion(const QString &version) { QRegularExpression re("(?\\d)\\.(?\\d)\\.(?\\d)\\.(?\\d)"); QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(version); if (!match.hasMatch()) { qWarning() << "Could not parse Tor version"; return TorVersion(); } return TorVersion(match.captured("major").toInt(), match.captured("minor").toInt(), match.captured("patch").toInt(), match.captured("release").toInt()); }