import requests from os import environ import json from datetime import datetime from time import sleep TOKEN = environ.get("TOKEN") CHANNEL_ID = "@wowneromemes" def get_memes(): return json.loads(requests.get("").text) while True: for meme in get_memes()[::-1]: with open("db.json", "r") as f: db = json.loads( if meme["id"] in db: continue else: date = datetime.strptime(meme["timestamp"], "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z").strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M:%S GMT") title = meme["title"] media = meme["image"] submitter = meme["submitter"] address = meme["address"] meme_url = meme["href"] params = { "chat_id": CHANNEL_ID, "photo": media, "parse_mode": "HTML", "caption": f'{title}\n\nSubmitted by {submitter} at {date}.\n\nDonate author:\n{address}', "reply_markup": { "inline_keyboard": [[{"text": "Original post", "url": meme_url}]] } } url = f"{TOKEN}/sendPhoto" r =, json=params) print(r.text) db.append(meme["id"]) with open("db.json", "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(db)) sleep(3)