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<nav {% if site.reverse == true %}id="nav-left"{% else %}id="nav"{% endif %}>
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2 years ago
<a class="icon" href="" target="_blank"><img src="/img/donate.png" alt="Donate" title="Donate" /></a>
<a class="icon" href="/atom.xml" target="_blank"><img src="/img/rss_1.png" alt="ATOM Feed" title="ATOM Feed" /></a>
5 years ago
<a href="{{ site.baseurl }}">Revuo Weekly</a>
<!-- Nav pages -->
{% for page in site.pages %}
{% if page.layout == "page" %}
<a href="{% if site.baseurl == "/" %}{{ page.url }}{% else %}{{ page.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}{% endif %}" title="{{ page.title }}">{{ page.title }}</a>
{% endif %}
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{% if site.custom_nav_footer == true %}
{% include nav-footer-custom.html %}
{% else %}
{% include nav-footer.html %}
{% endif %}