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packages:=boost openssl zeromq expat unbound sodium miniupnpc
hardware_packages := hidapi protobuf libusb
hardware_native_packages := native_protobuf
android_native_packages = android_ndk $(hardware_native_packages)
android_packages = ncurses readline protobuf
darwin_native_packages = $(hardware_native_packages)
darwin_packages = ncurses readline $(hardware_packages)
# not really native...
freebsd_native_packages = freebsd_base $(hardware_native_packages)
freebsd_packages = ncurses readline protobuf libusb
linux_packages = eudev ncurses readline $(hardware_packages)
linux_native_packages = $(hardware_native_packages)
ifeq ($(build_tests),ON)
packages += gtest
mingw32_packages = $(hardware_packages)
mingw32_native_packages = $(hardware_native_packages)
ifneq ($(build_os),darwin)
darwin_native_packages += darwin_sdk native_clang native_cctools native_libtapi