# - Find libusb for portable USB support # This module will find libusb as published by # http://libusb.sf.net and # http://libusb-win32.sf.net # # It will use PkgConfig if present and supported, else search # it on its own. If the LibUSB_ROOT_DIR environment variable # is defined, it will be used as base path. # The following standard variables get defined: # LibUSB_FOUND: true if LibUSB was found # LibUSB_HEADER_FILE: the location of the C header file # LibUSB_INCLUDE_DIRS: the directory that contains the include file # LibUSB_LIBRARIES: the library # source: https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense include ( CheckLibraryExists ) include ( CheckIncludeFile ) find_package ( PkgConfig ) if ( PKG_CONFIG_FOUND ) pkg_check_modules ( PKGCONFIG_LIBUSB libusb-1.0 ) if ( NOT PKGCONFIG_LIBUSB_FOUND ) pkg_check_modules ( PKGCONFIG_LIBUSB libusb ) endif ( NOT PKGCONFIG_LIBUSB_FOUND ) endif ( PKG_CONFIG_FOUND ) if ( PKGCONFIG_LIBUSB_FOUND ) set ( LibUSB_INCLUDE_DIRS ${PKGCONFIG_LIBUSB_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) foreach ( i ${PKGCONFIG_LIBUSB_LIBRARIES} ) string ( REGEX MATCH "[^-]*" ibase "${i}" ) find_library ( ${ibase}_LIBRARY NAMES ${i} PATHS ${PKGCONFIG_LIBUSB_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) if ( ${ibase}_LIBRARY ) list ( APPEND LibUSB_LIBRARIES ${${ibase}_LIBRARY} ) endif ( ${ibase}_LIBRARY ) mark_as_advanced ( ${ibase}_LIBRARY ) endforeach ( i ) else ( PKGCONFIG_LIBUSB_FOUND ) find_file ( LibUSB_HEADER_FILE NAMES libusb.h usb.h PATHS $ENV{ProgramFiles}/LibUSB-Win32 $ENV{LibUSB_ROOT_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES include libusb-1.0 include/libusb-1.0 ) mark_as_advanced ( LibUSB_HEADER_FILE ) get_filename_component ( LibUSB_INCLUDE_DIRS "${LibUSB_HEADER_FILE}" PATH ) if ( ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Windows" ) # LibUSB-Win32 binary distribution contains several libs. # Use the lib that got compiled with the same compiler. if ( MSVC ) if ( WIN32 ) set ( LibUSB_LIBRARY_PATH_SUFFIX lib/msvc ) else ( WIN32 ) set ( LibUSB_LIBRARY_PATH_SUFFIX lib/msvc_x64 ) endif ( WIN32 ) elseif ( BORLAND ) set ( LibUSB_LIBRARY_PATH_SUFFIX lib/bcc ) elseif ( CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC ) set ( LibUSB_LIBRARY_PATH_SUFFIX lib/gcc ) endif ( MSVC ) endif ( ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Windows" ) find_library ( usb_LIBRARY NAMES usb-1.0 libusb usb PATHS $ENV{ProgramFiles}/LibUSB-Win32 $ENV{LibUSB_ROOT_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES ${LibUSB_LIBRARY_PATH_SUFFIX} ) mark_as_advanced ( usb_LIBRARY ) if ( usb_LIBRARY ) set ( LibUSB_LIBRARIES ${usb_LIBRARY} ) endif ( usb_LIBRARY ) endif ( PKGCONFIG_LIBUSB_FOUND ) if ( LibUSB_INCLUDE_DIRS AND LibUSB_LIBRARIES ) set ( LibUSB_FOUND true ) endif ( LibUSB_INCLUDE_DIRS AND LibUSB_LIBRARIES ) if ( LibUSB_FOUND ) set ( CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES "${LibUSB_INCLUDE_DIRS}" ) check_include_file ( "${LibUSB_HEADER_FILE}" LibUSB_FOUND ) endif ( LibUSB_FOUND ) if ( LibUSB_FOUND ) check_library_exists ( "${LibUSB_LIBRARIES}" usb_open "" LibUSB_FOUND ) check_library_exists ( "${LibUSB_LIBRARIES}" libusb_get_device_list "" LibUSB_VERSION_1.0 ) check_library_exists ( "${LibUSB_LIBRARIES}" libusb_get_port_numbers "" LibUSB_VERSION_1.0.16 ) # Library 1.0.16+ compilation test. # The check_library_exists does not work well on Apple with shared libs. if (APPLE OR LibUSB_VERSION_1.0.16) if (APPLE) if(DEPENDS) list(APPEND TEST_COMPILE_EXTRA_LIBRARIES "-framework Foundation -framework IOKit") else() find_library(COREFOUNDATION CoreFoundation) find_library(IOKIT IOKit) list(APPEND TEST_COMPILE_EXTRA_LIBRARIES ${IOKIT}) list(APPEND TEST_COMPILE_EXTRA_LIBRARIES ${COREFOUNDATION}) endif() endif() if (WIN32) list(APPEND TEST_COMPILE_EXTRA_LIBRARIES setupapi) endif() list(APPEND TEST_COMPILE_EXTRA_LIBRARIES ${LibUSB_LIBRARIES}) try_compile(LibUSB_COMPILE_TEST_PASSED ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/test-libusb-version.c" CMAKE_FLAGS "-DINCLUDE_DIRECTORIES=${LibUSB_INCLUDE_DIRS}" "-DLINK_DIRECTORIES=${LibUSB_LIBRARIES}" LINK_LIBRARIES ${TEST_COMPILE_EXTRA_LIBRARIES} OUTPUT_VARIABLE OUTPUT) unset(TEST_COMPILE_EXTRA_LIBRARIES) message(STATUS "LibUSB Compilation test: ${LibUSB_COMPILE_TEST_PASSED}") endif() endif ( LibUSB_FOUND ) if ( NOT LibUSB_FOUND ) if ( NOT LibUSB_FIND_QUIETLY ) message ( STATUS "LibUSB not found, try setting LibUSB_ROOT_DIR environment variable." ) endif ( NOT LibUSB_FIND_QUIETLY ) if ( LibUSB_FIND_REQUIRED ) message ( FATAL_ERROR "" ) endif ( LibUSB_FIND_REQUIRED ) endif ( NOT LibUSB_FOUND )