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# Trezor hardware wallet support
This module adds [Trezor] hardware support to Monero.
## Basic information
Trezor integration is based on the following original proposal:
A custom high-level transaction signing protocol uses Trezor in a similar way a cold wallet is used.
Transaction is build incrementally on the device.
Trezor implements the signing protocol in [trezor-firmware] repository, in the [monero]( application.
Please, refer to [monero readme]( for more information.
## Dependencies
Trezor uses [Protobuf]( library. Monero is now compiled with C++ 17 by default.
Protobuf v21 is tested, older versions are not guaranteed to work. Note that Protobuf v23+ requires C++ 17.
If you are getting Trezor compilation errors, it may be caused by abseil (protobuf dependency) not being compiled with C++17.
To fix this try installing protobuf from sources:
git clone --recursive
cd protobuf
cmake --build .
sudo make install
If Monero is compiled with C++14, Protobuf v21 is the latest compatible protobuf version for C++ 14.
If you want to compile Monero with Trezor support with C++14, please make sure the Protobuf v21 is installed.
More about this limitation: [PR #8752](,
[1](, [2](
### OSX
To build with installed, but not linked Protobuf v21:
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(find /opt/homebrew/Cellar/protobuf@21 -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "21.*" -print -quit) \
make release
or to install and link as a default protobuf version:
# Either install all requirements as
brew update && brew bundle --file=contrib/brew/Brewfile
# or install protobufv21 specifically
brew install protobuf@21 && brew link protobuf@21
### MSYS32
curl -O
curl -O
pacman --noconfirm -U mingw-w64-x86_64-protobuf-c-1.4.1-1-any.pkg.tar.zst mingw-w64-x86_64-protobuf-21.9-1-any.pkg.tar.zst
### Other systems
- install Protobuf v21
- point `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` environment variable to Protobuf v21 installation.
## Troubleshooting
To disable Trezor support, set `USE_DEVICE_TREZOR=OFF`, e.g.:
## Resources:
- First pull request
- Integration proposal
- Integration readme in trezor-firmware