{% include 'head.html' %} {% include 'navbar.html' %}

Manage your Wownero funds securely and anonymously.

{% if current_user.is_authenticated %} {% if current_user.wallet_created %}Wallet Dashboard{% else %}Setup Wallet{% endif %} {% else %} Register Login {% endif %}
Wownero Treasure Chest


This is an open source, web based, custodial wallet for the Wownero cryptocurrency. It's development and hosting service was funded by the community using the Wownero Funding System.

For more information about this system please read the FAQ. For contact information, please see the contact section.

Network Statistics

Prices and network information

{% if info %}

Current Price:
$ {{ info.current_price }}

Genesis Date:
{{ info.genesis_date }}

Market Cap Rank:
{{ info.market_cap_rank }}

Market Cap:
$ {{ info.market_cap }}

Total Volume:
$ {{ info.total_volume }}

Last Updated:
{{ info.last_updated }}

{% else %}

Coin information unavailable at this time.

{% endif %}
{% if node %}

{{ node.nettype }}

{{ node.tx_count }}

Block Height:
{{ node.height }}

{{ node.difficulty }}

Database Size:
{{ node.database_size / 1073741824 }} GB

Daemon Address:
{{ config.DAEMON_HOST }}

{% else %}

Network information unavailable at this time.

{% endif %}


Support is provided at a best-effort level; you can expect to hear back within 72 hours.

    {% for social in config.SOCIAL %}
  • {% endfor %}
{% include 'footer.html' %} {% include 'scripts.html' %}